fiogf49gjkf0d Paul S wrote: | Murat, this latest information from you has gotten you farther along than you might suppose at this time. From what you now say, it sounds like 6 months would be a minimum amount of time for you to spend getting a sense of the Sound you are after, along with learning how to shape it, in the context of Music you relate to. Perhaps you might get it in 6 months, or you might take 6 years, but I think Romy nailed the most practical progression, based on money you've (apparently) already spent, and he also gave you his very valuable experience of audibly "locating" the drivers/horns, which is not something one wants to wind up with. An alternate route: If you have more money than time or patience for so much DIY at this time, you might get a pair of old ML2s and a pair of Duo Mezzos and "get up to speed" that way, then you might begin to "cross reference" your own ideas/designs. This way you might actually enjoy some Music as you learn about shaping the Sound of it. Despite so many here seem to be "doing their own thing", I think most of us started out with "store bought" gear and slowly "transformed" it into our present, "personalized" systems. Speaking for myself, I spent over 40 years messing with hi-fi before getting my ML2s and finding this site, and sometimes it feels like I've learned more in the past 9 years than I did in the previous 40+ years. Of course, I am still trying to learn more. At the same time, I insist on immersing in Music, for its own sake, and without this I know I would soon lose interest in hi-fi. |
I had different speakers from highend brands and was never happy. My last search was close to end up with Focal Utopia (good highs, terrible lows but at least something) but once I heard this 2m horn I got it and not looking around any more. I heard Cessaro Alpha (my friend has and now he is upgrading to Gamma), Vox Olympian (during Munich expo), but I'm not going to buy speakers anymore. After some experiments with crossover, I decided to build my own, because I feel that I know exactly what sound I want. Like Romy told about Karayan's second orchestra in his head I'm software engineer, not hardware, so this is really a challange for me, but I believe that with help of very well experienced community I can make it.I understand that I need my own experience, but I hope that because of others experience I can have some boost.BTW, updated design with removed front buffle and without tapped horn is ready...quite nice and simple 
