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» A Frankenstein Macondo -»
» Don't evaluate audio by »
» Ah Mravinsky !
» Brilliant audio Quotes.
» A new strange but predic»
» Electricity... power str»
» Transparent horns
» Philadelphia Orchestra c»
» An ultimate transformer »
» A big subwoofer vs. an a»
» Audio clubs in London, T»
» Things to look out for w»
» Antenna attenuator – you»
» The stunning “The Magic »
» Correcting Filters and t»
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» Danley's Hyperion
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» A great OPT resource page
» The WHRB’s Orgies period.
» Micro Seiki Armboards: I»
» Building On "Accide»
» What lives in Symmetric »
» A cutoff horn loudspeake»
» Klipsch Jubilee
» The “Melquíades” d&»
» Parts As Facilitators or»
» Alternative driver for W»
» Interested in reading mo»
» A strange urge.
» Mozart Concertos; Clarin»
» BAAS posting of two raw »
» It is about timbres, stu»
» A primer on high-end mar»
» Fire and Music
» The global live televisi»
» Try something unusual an»
» Van den Hul 's Grail
Bookmarked are red
Lockwood Audio
The Leonard Cohen Files
Nubes Partem
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Elliott Sound Products
Former Sirkorski Site
Electronics encyclopedia
Audio Anthology
Sibelius Academy music l»
Classic Artc Showcase
The AHRC Research Centre
More Links »»
Romy the Cat's personal site dedicated to advanced audio and evolved music reproduction techniques
  Music Links: Musical Communities
 Archives of Canada  -  Library and Archives of Canada's Virtual Gramophone...
 BachTrack  -  a find-a-concert tool...
 Boston Philharmonic Orchestra  -  The home site of our local, semi-armature orchestra - Boston Philharmonic...
 BostonSymphony's Channel  -  The Boston Symphony Orchestra YouTube Channel...
 Classical Music Forum  -  a classic music Forum. Not particularly overwhelmed with an interesting context but sometimes ...
 Classical Music Network  -  The Classical Music Network...
 Classical Recordings Newsgroup  -  the Googles's view on the classical recordings newsgroup ...
 Composers Forum  -  selected composers bulletin boards...
 Find-a-Concert  -  find a consert in you location by coposer....
 Good-Music-Guide  -  a weekly listening guide to classical music of all types on compact disc...
 Hub Arts  -  Boston comments on art and culture...
 IMSLP Music Library  -  Petrucci Music Library...
 Instant Encore  -  classical music anywhere and anytime...
 MetManiac Opera Archive  -  a phenomenal site annotateing over seventy years of Metropolitan Opera broadcasts...
 MusicWeb  -  a huge UK-based site about Classical Music that frequently publish very interesting articles...
 Opera America  -  OPERA America’s Learning Center...
 OperaGlass  -  operas libretti synopses, performance histories, discographies, characters and much more...
 Random Classics  -  random classics blog...
 Russian Music in 20th Century  -  a spectacular site describing Russian musical highlights of 20th century year after a year...
 Seen and Heard  -  International's Site for Concerts, Operas & Ballets...
 Sibelius Academy music links  -  a wonderful collection of musical links from around the world...
 The Air This Week  -  High culture &c. via streaming radio -- listings and links...
 The Opera Critic  -  a site about opera with reviews, covering staged and concert performances, recitals, CDs and DVDs...
 WGBH's “Keeping Score”  -  PBS’ WGBH “Keeping Score” cycle as a part of the “Great Performances” ...
 WHRB Radio Station  -  my local favorite musical Radio Station. They do their superb WHRB Orgies™ that are available online...
 Wolds Opera Broadcasts  -  Wolds Opera Broadcasts on the Internet...
  Music Links: Personal Music Sites
 Aria Database  -  Robert Glaubitz’s Database of the Librettos...
 Art Songs and Librettos  -  Emily Ezust's spectacular collection of Art Songs and Librettos in any imaginable language. ...
 Boom's Dungeon  -  much of this blog is about serious music...
 ClassicalNet  -  a large Dave Lampson's site about Classical Music...
 Dolmetsch Online  -  Dolmetsch's family exelent site about musuc...
 Greg Sando’s Site  -  a site with many very interesting articles...
 Heart's Ease  -  a quite divert and tasteful, humanity oriented site that has a lot of to do with Classical Music ...
 Jim Moskowitz's Unknown Composers  -  classical music that for whatever reason isn't often heard, but deserves to be......
 Lied and Art Songs  -  a huge lied and art song texts collection, the biggest know to me by Emily Ezust. Has some very rare...
 Musical Instrument Jokes  -  Jeff Bigler's collection of musical instrument jokes...
 Musical Musings  -  a Musical Musings blocg...
 Norman Lebrecht's blog  -  Slipped Disc - aa blog by Norman Lebrecht...
 Nornan Lebrecht's blog  -  Nornan Lebrecht's blog...
 Opera Collector Guide  -  a good opera guide by Geoffrey Riggs with questionable but still useful suggestion of performances...
 Overgrown Path  -  a good music blog...
 Perer Gulmann's Classical Notes  -  Classical music reviews, articles and commentary by a deeply devoted fan...
 Piano Wizard  -  quite interesting site about piano music by a guy form Cambridge, MA...
 Ron Penndor's Recollections  -  a wonderful site dedicated to Fine Vintage LPs and a Journal of Recorded Music...
 The Handelmania Podcast  -  Great operas and great singers, hosted by Charles Handelman...
 Tonal tests  -  Wonderful tonal tests by Jake Mandell...
 Wiener Philharmoniker Discography  -  a complete discography including some very rare Japanese releases ...
  Music Links: Sites About People in Music
 Austria's Musical Exiles  -  information on the composers and musicians form Austria who were persecuted by Nazis ...
 Carlos Kleiber List  -  Carlos Kleiber - opera & concert listing...
 Classical Composers  -  classical Composers Database...
 Clemens Krauss Archive  -  a Japanese site dedicated to the great Austrian conductor Clemens Krauss...
 Club Abbadiani Itineranti  -  a club of admirers of Claudio Abbado...
 Conductor’s Corner  -  ancillary musical information about the XX century composers....
 Eugene Ormandy Pages  -  The Eugene Ormandy Web Pages are dedicated to celebrating the life and music of one of the greatest ...
 Female Composers Site  -  Are women different? Celebrating two hundred and fifty years of music by women...
 Former Sirkorski Site  -  a quite good Shostakovitsch-dediatate site...
 Furtwängler's conserts  -  a listing of some 3,200 concerts conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler, between 1906 and 1954....
 George Szell discography  -  Recordings & discography - George Szell...
 Glenn Gould Audio Archives  -  a wonderful collection of Gould’s broadcasts from the archives of Canadian CBC...
 Hermann Scherchen discography  -  a complete discography of a great German conductor Hermann Scherchen...
 Joachim Raff Society  -  The essential reference for the life and music of Joachim Raff...
 Koussevitzky & BSO  -  dedicated Serge Koussevitzky, Charles Munch, the Boston Symphony Orchestra...
 Martha Argerich Site  -  a site dedicated to the performances of great Argentina pianist Martha Argerich...
 Michelangeli Discography  -  Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli discography ...
 Michelangeli Site  -  a good site about the greatest pianist Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli...
 Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment  -  my one of the most respected contemporary orchestra...
 Pianist Yakov Kasman  -  a good pianist, my new discovery, thanks David....
 Rachmaninoff Photos  -  a photogallery of rare Rachmaninoff' photos...
 Rachmaninoff Society  -  oficcial site of Rachmaninoff Society with good forums...
 Rachmanionoff's links  -  a collection of the links about Sergey Rachmanionoff...
 Scriabin's Sonatas  -  a small but smart site dedicated to Alexander Scriabin...
 Soviet Composers  -  a great Onno van Rijen's site about Soviet Composers...
 Takashi Asahina Group  -  Yahho group dedidcated to Maestro Asahina...
 Tchaikovsky's Compositions  -  awonderful Brett Langston’s compilation of the Tchaikovsky’s compositions and performances....
 Tchaikovsky-Research.  -  Tchaikovsky research ptoject...
 The Bruckner Discography  -  online discography of Anton Bruckner's symphonies and orchestral compositions...
 The Gustav Mahler Board  -  a board is devoted to a light hearted discussion centered about Gustav Mahler...
 The Leonard Cohen Files  -  a tribute to the music and poetry of the Canadian singer-songwriter-poet Leonard Cohen. ...
 Virtuosos Discographies  -  Virtuosos Discographies in NET...
 Willem Mengelberg discography  -  Willem Mengelberg discography by Brendan Wehrung...
  Music Links: Sources to buy/download music
 33+45=78  -  blog on Classical Records with downloads...
 Appian Publications & Recordings  -  a British label devoted mostly to piano historical reissues...
 Arbiter Records  -  a recording company specializing in historical performers...
 Avie Records  -  a good recording company...
 Berkshire Record Outlet  -  a very large store with very diverted selection and buying options...
 BuyWell Australia's Classical  -  Australia's Classical Music CD Store...
 BuyWell CDss  -  especially in CD manufactured or produced in Australia and New Zealand...
 Cedille Chicago  -  - classical recordings featuring outstanding musicians from Chicago...
 Classic Records UK  -  Superb classical vinyl records from the 1950s-70s...
 Classical Collections  -  uploaded selected classical performances with comments...
 Classical Music Streams  -  Classical Live Online Radio ...
 Decca Classical discography  -  Decca Classical discography...
 Delta Entertainment  -  a wonderful Japanese label pressing classical recordings...
 Doremi CD label  -  this label release some very interesting recordings form past...
 Duke Classical  -  great classical uploads....
 GEMM catalog  -  a HUGE searchable catalog of any imaginable recordings mapped to many re-sellers around the World...
 Haenssler Classic  -  a good German classical label...
 Irvington Music  -  Buying and selling LPs, Open Reel Tapes...
 Japanese Translator  -  an essential tool for buying recordings in Japan...
 JPC CD Store  -  a good German re-seller. He has in stock recordings that you might not necessary find anywhere else...
 Louis Speichler's Records  -  a ridiculously expensive but very fruitful store to buy LPs. Prices 4-6 times higher then they shoul...
 Marston Records  -  another recording company specializing in historical performers...
 Music & Arts  -  an independent Classical Label that sometimes release VERY interesting material....
 MusicStack  -  another good source (beside your local resellers) to Out-of-Print Recordings...
 Neal's Recordings  -  Neal's Historical Recordings ...
 NPR's SymphonyCast  -  the Program Schedule SymphonyCast by National Public Radio...
 Nubes Partem  -  great uploads of classical recordings...
 Orchestra on Demand  -  mostly free streaming of orchestra concert broadcast...
 Parnassus Records  -  an American record reseller of classical recordings on LPs with electronically accessible stock...
 Pristine Audio Direct  -  greatest historic recordings, online....
 Qualiton  -  importer of Supraphon and many unknown labels ...
 Russian Records  -  catalog of Russian Records...
 Spinning Dog Records  -  a good store to by recordings...
 StateWork Broadcast Recordings  -  free Great Classical Broadcast Recordings...
 Subito-Cantabile  -  a germany-based online shop for Historical Vocal Recordings on CD...
 Tahra Records  -  a small label issuing well-received historical recordings of classical music. ...
 The Music Parlour  -  historical clssic downloads...
 The Music Parlour.  -  LP transfers...
 The Tape Project  -  The Tape Project, some reels tapes......
 Toccata Classics  -  a lable created expressly to explore unjustly neglected repertoire...
 Truesound Transfers  -  Documenting the Acoustical Era (1888 - 1930) Discography Project...
 Value of Records Tool  -  carculate the price of 1.5 mil records...
 VIP Records  -  Rediscovering Classic Musical Performances From The Past...
 Ward Marston's "Marston" label  -  a phenomenal reissue label with beautiful classical and opera repertoire...
 Wing Records  -  a searchable database of a classical LP's and 78's re-seller...
  Audio Links: Acoustic Systems
 Altec divers/horns  -  a friendly brief overview on some of the Altec products...
 Audio Anthology  -  a site dedicated to Western Electric loudspeakers by Aldo D'Urso ...
 Dr. Bruce Edgar Interview  -  Bruce is quite interesting person. Unfortunately most of his customers that I know are complete Moro...
 Dr. Olson Tribute Site  -  a site dedication to Dr. HarryOlson – a great author and loudspeakers thinker....
 ElecroVoice’s Vintage Products  -  a wonderful site with a number of original EV documents and specifications...
 Graeme's Speaker DIY Pages  -  an Australian guy with some interesting articles about phase plugs as some others....
 Hi-Fi Speakers Design  -  a wonderful sites with a large number of loudspeaker's handling methods...
 High-Tech Hi-Fi  -  a quite interesting site with some rare technical data on some uncommon drivers...
 Jammin' Jersey  -  a good popular source for "ordinary" completion drivers and the parts...
 JBL Products  -  data about the vintage JBL Products...
 John Lenard Burnett's site  -  a site of an Australian guy with friendly information...
 Loudspeaker Designer's Guide  -  quite friendly and education resource about the loudspeaker technologies...
 OboinaThor  -  slightly shallow but VERY accurate and very pleasant site about loudspeakers...
 Phil Mundi Audio Pro Medias  -  a French guy with a lot of horn context...
 Pjay's Speaker building site  -  a DIY oriented site. If you drill down it's navigation you might fin some quite interesting data...
 Plasma Tweeters Site  -  Probably the most complete site about plasma speakers...
 The Thiele-Small Loudspeaker Database  -  a Sweden compilation of T&S parameters, very friendly...
 Thomas Dunker's Site  -  a great site of a Horn enthusiast, unfortunately not well maintained...
 Unofficial Vitavox Site  -  Unofficial Vitavox Site with some documentation and a few gear-driven people...
 Vincent Brient's Sit  -  “should be interesting” bass-horn project, unfortunately delays and crossovering at digital domain a...
 Vintage EV speakers  -  information for EV's vintage "more than their speakers"...
 Volvotreter Homepage  -  Erick’s has some very good articles and calculations in his Download Sections...
  Audio Links: Audio Commerce Sites
 All Tube Testers  -  Roger Kennedy's repairs and calibration on all makes and models of tube testers...
 Audio Spot Kamani  -  Japan domestic store sometimes having quite interesting items for sale (in Japanise)...
 Great Plains Audio  -  the guys who took over today the Altec legacy, formerly the Altec engineers...
 GS Tube  -  another good sources for vacuum, mostly Russian, tubes...  -  Internet audio re-saler...
 Japanese's HiFiDo  -  Japanese second-hand reseller...
 Linkwitz's "Laboratory"  -  an information about crossovers and acoustics, mostly fatly but sometimes useful...
 Museatex  -  John Wright will keep your Bidat alive...
 Radios for Sale  -  a collection of antique German radios mostly from 30s-40s available for sale...
 Rottenburger Museen  -  another store with antique German radios from 30s-40s...
 Tempo-Electric - Arthur Loesch's audio  -  a commercial site of some guys who bult Arthur Loesch’s electronics and speakers...
 THL Audio  -  a parts reseller form Taiwan...
 Tube World  -  good and knowledgeable sources for vacuum tubes...
 Tuners Stereo Surgeons  -  Stereo Surgeons tuners service center ...
 Vintage Audio Trader  -  Kerry Brown’s site where he makes a strip-show of some vintage acoustic systems...
 Wood Horn Speakers  -  a semi-horn related site. Mostly small rectangular horns and very unfortunate BMS drivers...
  Audio Links: Audio Publications
 Classic Artc Showcase  -  a fenominal Arts streaming programm......
 Olson Acoustical Book  -  Elements of acoustical engineering by Olson...
 Tubecad publication  -  a publication with occasionally interesting, or I would say “useful”, articles...
  Audio Links: Interesting Audio Manufacturers
 Audio Database  -  published the data of the audio...
 Bruce Edgar's Edgarhorn Site  -  a web site of US manufacturer and a horn propagandist Dr. Edgar...
 Dan Lavry's Forum  -  Dan Lavry's Audio Electronics and digital recording Forum...
 Daniels Audio  -  an "interesting" phase-compensated RIAA corrector with the curve written by local negative impedanc...
 DaVinciAudio Labs  -  an interesting Switzerland manufacture who use to do interesting phonostages...
 Duntech Audio loudspeakers  -  pre-Dunlavy "accurat" loudspeakers...
 GedLee loudspeakers  -  Earl Geddes’ site presenting his view and his loudspeakers ideas...
 Lenard's Opals monitor  -  an interesting four-way active monitor system from AU. Follow the construction link...
 Lockwood Audio  -  Tannoy Reconing Red and Gold Series......
 RAAL ribbons  -  Aleksandar Radisavljevic's ribbons company....
 Silent Running Audio  -  Keven Tellekamp designs and manufactures quite effective vibration absorbing platforms...
 Solid State Electronics  -  very useful RF products...
 Tin Lee Electronics  -  FM bandpass, filters, notches, traps, splitter etc... ...
 Turner Audio  -  Patrick Turner manufacturs, repairs and re-engineers amplifiers and loudspeakers. ...
 Vladimir Lamm Site  -  a manufacturer of some interesting audio electronics...
  Audio Links: Other Audio Related Links
 About FM Antennas  -  Jeremy Lansman's website about FM Antennas....
 American Broadcasting  -  a History of American Broadcasting...
 Audiofederation's Blog  -  a blog of a Colorado’s audio reseller...
 AudioTools  -  a collection of abridged information about the various turntables, arms, recording method and so on…...
 Broadcast History  -  pages dedicated to preserving a historical record of broadcast history....
 Dazy Web Labaratory  -  a collection of flimsy by perfectly operational Freeware audio software...
 Direct Drive TT  -  a site is devoted to Analog Record Players with Direct Drive....
 ECC99 - 6C33C SET  -  well documented Dmitry Nizhegorodov's 6C33C Projects...
 Electron Tube Data sheets  -  a VERY large and very good vacuum tube data database...
 Electronics encyclopedia  -  a popular but fun educational encyclopedia about electronics...
 Exponential/Hyperbolic Calculator  -  Exponential / Hyperbolic Contour Calculator ...
 FM Radio Query  -  FCC FMQ FM Radio Database Query ...
 Hickok Maintenance  -  a former Hickok guy does repair, service, calibration and technical assistance for Hickok’ tube tes...
 Hughs Ominous Tubes  -  a Hughs Ominous valve site...
 Input Choke & Resonant Choke  -  a good compilation about circulation of the input chokes...
 Input Choke Calculator  -  a very simple minimum inductance input choke circulator at the Jim Hagerman site ...
 Paul's Antenna Attic  -  listing of antenna specs as published by the manufacturers...
 Phono EQ  -  EQ of old records....
 Professional Audio Calculators  -  some useful audio calculators...
 Radio-Locator  -  10,000 radio stations in the U.S. and around the world....
 Radiotron Designers Handbook  -  one of the best books about tubes design ever was written and it is ON-LINE!!!...
 Recording Technology History  -  a chronological history of recording methods by Steve Schoenherr, supplemented with great links...
 Retro hi-fi blog  -  Retro vintage modern hi-fi ...
 Rradiomuseum  -  a virtual radio museum with a lot of information, diagram and schematics from 1930s...
 Sound Tourism  -  a guide book to our Sound World...
 Stereopal  -  Toronto based audio community ...
 Technical books online  -  the pre-1964 books relating to vacuum tube technology, radio, or electronics for free......
 The AHRC Research Centre  -  History and Analysis of Recorded Music...
 The Cartridge Database  -  The cartridge database is populated with information from a variety of sources...
 The National Valve Museum  -  a museum dedicated to the vacuum tubes...
 The Victor Victrola Page  -  a site dedicated to Victrola gramophones, the response plots look very interesting....  -  a portal dedicated to tube testers of all kinds....
 Tuner Information Center  -  a wonderful recourse about the FM tuners...
 Valves Collection  -  informationen about the diferent older tubes...
 Western Electric manuals  -  Western Electric service manual pages, inluding horns...
 WGBH alumni  -  The alumni of WGBH FM...
  Audio Links: Personal Audio Sites
 Adnan Arduman's site.  -  a nice site form Istanbul, Turkey with sometimes very interesting interviews of the system owners...
 Alexander Karpov’s “Next-Tube”  -  Alexander Karpov’s site dedicated to the science and passion around the tubes...
 Audio Perfectionist  -  Richard Hardesty's personal site along with his "Audio Perfectionist Journal"...
 Audiomisc  -  Jim Lesurf's dedicated to audio subjects...
 Direct Heated Rob  -  a wonderful audio site of Dutch’s Rob...
 DIY SET  -  a large DIY site with all-typical limitations of all those DIY people but with a lot of useful infor...
 Elliott Sound Products  -  Elliottl’s popular articles, many of the quite controversial but still are useful...
 Exotic Audio  -  A porno-like collection of hi-fi pictures pulled from all over the Web. ...
 Great Hong Kong Blog  -  a Great Blog from Hong Kong...
 High-End Audio  -  Arthur Salvatore's positively-opinionated site. His attitude is a healthy island in the ocean of In...
 Holger Klein's Soundpage Site  -  a German guy with a collection of “pleasant” articles...
 JE Labs  -  a pleasant audio site from Japan...
 Jogis Röhrenbude's Site  -  Jogis Röhrenbude's site about European vintage audio. Site is in German...
 Jong Woo's Site  -  a collection of some interesting links...
 Max Robinson’s “Fun With Tubes”  -  This is a noncommercial site preserving knowledge of vacuum tube circuits and techniques...
 Polish GM70 Poject  -  a none-problematic but interesting attempt of a Polish guy to built a GM70 amp...
 Robert Greene’s "Reg on Audio"  -  a site of a TAS's writer with all typical “reviewer limitations”. Still sometimes it has useful cont...
 The Soul of Sound  -  Lynn Olsen's site dedicated to sound reproduction...
 The Well Tempered Computer  -  an introduction to computer audio ...
 Thunderstone Audio Website  -  a collection of writings about audio from UK and Germany by Thorsten Loesch...
 Twogoodears' Blog  -  Stefano Bertoncello's Blog from Italy I belive...
  Visitors Links: Links submitted by visitors (no notefications)
 Anthony Gallo Acoustic  -  Hi-Fi surround sound speakers for your stereo, computer and home theater....
 Audio Tube Renaissance  -  Site is intended for audiofans for which the audiotube equipment is dear ......
 Audio4Saleu - Market Place  -  Audio4Sale is a online market place for Audio / Video entertainment...
 Audiogurus  -  Authorized retailer of home theater systems, speaker kits, high end stereo receivers, and av cables....
 Audiophile equipment + LP + CD  -  Distributor of audio equipment, accessories, and new audiophile LP's + SACD....
 Baroque Music CDs  -  Specializes in baroque music cds through the mail...
 Canzonare  -  "teases" the musical palate with little-known offerings from the historical performance repertoire...
 classical Music Navigator  -  classical music info and database...
 Daily Audiophile  -  A filtered and simplified view of the chaos that is the high-end audio press....
 DIY HiFi Audio Amplifier & Loudspeaker  -  Publish DIY HiFi projects....
 FRD Consortium  -  loudspeaker/acoustic modeling and design tools with ree downloads......
 German Headphone Forum  -  Leidenschaft für Audio Kopfhörer...
 Handel Audio Vacuum Tube Amplifiers  -  Handcrafted high-quality tube audio amplifiers...
 hi-fi chile (horns page)  -  Hi-fi forum ...  -  Audio design ANC record reviews...
 Iwata horn producer  -  Belgian Horn maker, specialy massive wood .Iwata replca Fostex, TAD, Westlake...
 Japanese CDs store  -  CDJapan - japanese CDs export online store...
 Lenco Lovers  -  a forum dedicated to Lenco turntables but not only: other idler driven TTs are welcome. ...
 MODVO Loudspeakers  -  Manufacture of high performance loudspeakers and custom designs....
 Music Instruments Center  -  The world of music device. Best Place for review product and tips...
 Musicians Byte  -  At Musicians Byte, we will update you with the how to guides related to all musical instruments....
 Octane Seating  -  High performance seating for home theater & audio aficionados....
 PlateTronics  -  Audio Valve testing, sales, accessories....
 Professional sound home  -  bringing professional sound home. Cinema speakers, surrounds and more....
 Revox & Studer specialist  -  Help & repair for Revox & Studer ...
 SHACKMAN Loudspeaker  -  Listing of almost 2000 most relevant papers, reports and articles on loudspeaker technique....
 Shaded Dog  -  Discography and forum for RCA Living Stereo classical records...
 Stoutridge Vineyard  -  Unprocessed and wholly natural wine, nothing added nothing removed, made near New York City...
 techtrading hifi classics...  -  HiFi Classic's and more......
 Tempo Electric  -  Home of the Arthur Loesch Phono Preamp....
 The Advanced Audiophile  -  Free tweak ideas, and articles for open minded audiophiles. Plus discussions forum for serious discu...
 The Best Turntable  -  Best Record Player And Turntable: Buyers Guide...
 The Stereo Museum  -  A collection of over 600 vintage Hi-Fi units...
 The Valve Store  -  Sales and service of valves and amplifiers - AMPLITREX AT1000 ...
 Utopia Audio  -  From the land of Melquiades & Macondo .... are Set amps 2A3, 300B, 45, VT-25...
 Winsor Music  -  Chamber Music, Peggy Pearson, Artistic Director...
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Vitavox 330Hz Horn for »
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Vitavox AK-15/40 15" ba»
Vitavox S2/S3 diaphragms
Hillock TV-2 tube tester
Purist Audio Design Pro»
Altec 515B bass drivers
Lamm L2 Reference pream»
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