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Pages: 1, Posts: 11
Post #23:
The loading quandary
Romy the Cat
Bias help
Melquiades Amplifier
96 Replies
The LL1627 is fine but it has core size limit. Lundhal is a fast and you might have some “extra” inductance with it as it will have “enough” HF for your transformer. If you have Lundhal then stay with 220mA and the inductance whatever will be left o...
Post #6:
More biasing notes
Bias help
Melquiades Amplifier
96 Replies
Hi RomyI have one gas tube which regulates at 136v and i put it in both sockets to see the effect. Looks like my tubes running at higher voltages gives me the readings I got. Anyway I bought a bunch of gas tubes and will play with them when I get the...
Post #7:
Building the Melquiades: #2
Romy the Cat
Building Melquiades: Chronicle of full-range
Melquiades Amplifier
44 Replies
OK, the next step is kind of done. All transformers and chokes are done form “outside” of the amp (under the bulge). I have attached the capacitors and the output transformer to the “inside”. This silicone attachment that for the computer grade...
Post #24:
Reply from promitheus
Bias help
Melquiades Amplifier
96 Replies
I got email from promitheus: "The transformer for this would be a double c-corenanocrystalline core which is better than the amorphous core. Thenanocrystalline core is where the grain material is smaller in the nanoregion' Still waiting for...
Post #22:
Super Milq 6 channels diaries: #9 – HF response.
Romy the Cat
6 Channel Version of Super Melquiades
Melquiades Amplifier
131 Replies
I was kind of frustrated with some strange high frequency roll off at my HF and Injection channels. It should not happen. The 9H OPT LL1627 in Injection channels should be good up to 23kHz according to my former tests with a full range Milq and the T...
Post #17:
Melquiades: to be or not to be.
Romy the Cat
Milq: Starting the project
Melquiades Amplifier
23 Replies
[quote user="AnonymousUser"]I am thinking of launching into building or rather having buitl by a techie friend a pair of melquiades. Could you tell me more about the cost of building a pair of these amps? then how do they compare to other amps? I mea...
Post #1:
Tannoy Red 1960s: some sober reality
Romy the Cat
Tannoy Red 1960s: some sober reality
Audio Discussions
10 Replies
As some of you know I’m playing last couple days with Red 10” Tannoys from 60s. My selection of 10” was not accidental -I would like to get as less as possible of that “Tannoy bass” but I did run very far the “Reds” turned out to have 27Hz open...
Post #5:
Output transformer for full-range Melquiades.
Romy the Cat
I do not know what else are you looking.
Audio Discussions
12 Replies
First of all: I have moved this thread into the Milq Forum….. [quote user="RonyWeissman"] I'm going to try and build a Melquiades type amplifier (with some help from friends) following the advice given above to make it as simple as possible.&n...
Post #22:
I decided...
Bias help
Melquiades Amplifier
96 Replies
I decided to try build amp by myself but I will need some help... First, the parts... 1. OPT transformers- I posted mails to: Tribute, lundhal, intactaudio, ae-europe, and today to promitheusaudio I ask them for transformators that Ro...
Post #83:
Bias help
Melquiades Amplifier
96 Replies
Hi Romy I have built a Melq prototype and need some help with the bias. This is my first tube amp build so my understanding is not great. All parts values were used as per the 4.4 schematics. Rectifier bridges were built with Infineon SD...
Post #1:
To Milq builders: corrections, simplification, modifications.
Romy the Cat
To Milq builders: corrections, simplification, modifications...
Melquiades Amplifier
16 Replies
Since I know about a few ongoing attempts out there by different people to build Melquiades I would like to share with some of my observations regarding corrections, simplification and possible modifications of Melquiades amplifier. Obviously you ha...
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