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06-22-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 21021
Reply to: 21021
The Estonian idiocy: Estelon

I was informed that there is a new Estelon Extreme loudspeaker out there that costs ¼ million dollars. Not with interest I read about it


…and concluded that this is as idiotic as it get. Nope, I did not listen it and I have no even interest to hear, still I declare it as barbaric idiocy- I think the spreading of the stupid EU to East make even  intelligent Estonian to become a part of international mothingness.

IT is 4 ways acoustic system with all Accuton drivers: aluminum-cone, ceramic-cone , marble-code, grave-yard cone… you name it. If the crap from Kharma and many other speaker who patronize the “Absolute Sound approved sound” did not bleed your years year then try the new Estonian crap. Still, the 4 way of granite-cone drivers with condom-like suspension is not the most thrilling thing in Estelon design. The most thrilling is that it has a remote control that allow the upper part of speaker to move a few feet up and down.


I do not even mention that the Morons allow Tweeter adjustments!!!


Good, how stupid and cynic a person needs to be in order with all seriousness to offer it as a product? I wonder if that speaker has also a deployable drone that can scratch the listener back? This Estelon top of the line speaker is so retarget that I think they need to ask Jonathan Valin to review it – that will  be match made in haven.
 The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-23-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Purite Audio
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 21022
Reply to: 21021
They had a pair in Munich, there was nothing surprising in their sound,they sounded as you would expect pretty much like every other conventional box loudspeaker, didn't realise they were quite that expensive though.Keith.
06-23-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 21023
Reply to: 21022
Demo in Munich

Was in their Munich Demo without knowing that they are so expensive. For me it was a Demo like 20-30 others from sound reproduction. I am not sure, but I think, the Electronics was VITUS. Just one more demo with expensive units which did not move me at all. But that was - or is - a good example what I wrote about my - former - impressions about modern High end in general: Top Finish

Kind Regards
06-23-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 21027
Reply to: 21023
Not the worst looking hi end speakers
As high end speakers go these aren't that atrocious looking. Let's face it: speaker design is frozen from WW2. We have horns, panels and box speakers as we have had for a couple of generations. Even the driver elements are variations on a theme. I thought the ion tweeter was the only real innovation until I found out the initial designs were done at the start of the 20th century. Pick your poison and play some music in perfect confidence that nothing new is on the horizon.
06-24-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 21028
Reply to: 21027
I hate this company.
I can't express how much I hate this speaker, not necessary the speaker but rather the company or the people who are behind the company. I do not pretend that I am a Sherlock Homes or  Dr. House and that I can read behind the immoderate diagnoses but in what I see something is very clear for me.

Tell me, what would be in a head of a person who take 4 Accuton grave-yard cone drivers and to listen the result. Obviously it would not be any musical or audio sentiments but it would be purely mercantile sentiments and the person would be filing: the same crap other sell for a lot of money why I can't not do it? Redding the comment of the idiots at then Estelon  video I very clear vision that Estelon made very circulated choose: to bring the hypnotizing smell female underwear to the garbage speakers sales ceremony.

I need to say that in West there is practically no prominent women in contemporary audio, and those very few who do exists they are universally know and quite stupid. In Eastern Europe it is not the case and there are more females in establishment audio and quote a few of them are not damn. Here is the Estonia company (Eastern Europe for all intended purposes) bring up a female character to their sales with clear objective to introduce sexier presentation of the basically very shitty acoustic system. It is not that the girl does not try hard enough to memorize the script  and she is an attractive commodity but  the problem that her script   is incredibly stupid. She does combine words in sentences but the  sentences are no more than meaningless and phony audio-industry  soliloquisms that have no relation to sound.  For sure the appalling Estelon company might developed some traction among the some sexually frustrated audio-simpletons but unfortunately even if that girl would strip all around that speaker it would not make it to sound better.

I need to note that I am not in the business to objectify or demean that woman from Estelon company. She is fine but the company put her in super disadvantageous position insisting her to express stupidity and  play dumb bimbo - I find it very unpleasant and I find that the objectives of the company that makes crap products and then use a pretty female to bury the crap sound is very questionable.

For sure I am not against of use sexuality to sell anything. Make  good products that makes sense and then you have a license to do anything in sales. To bring sexuality as  hostage of sonic democracy is crappy things to do and I am sorry for that girl.

Rgs, Romy

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-24-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 21030
Reply to: 21028
East and west
That is interesting that East European women are more likely to be audiophiles. Do any of them post here because I haven't seen  that in the threads I frequented. In the absence of their direct opinions I can only go by what I have heard women say or their actions  when hearing a relatively decent system. They hear the difference and like it but would not make the effort to assemble the same system themselves. The only woman who I know who got a decent system (more the speakers than the rest) is a cousin who is a physics professor.

What I have been told and have seen is that they want to buy a complete system that can be easily set up and doesn't dominate the decor. If they have a choice between a better sounding ugly speaker and a worse sounding more elegant one, then you know what happens. They don't want to fool around with impedance mismatches or equipment that is constantly acting up. So from what you say about East European women, then this company seems to be making a rational marketing approach. As large speakers go it is not the usual box or something even weirder. So even if the guy wants to buy it, the wife or girl friend will shrug and say it doesn't look too bad. I guess we will see if it becomes all the rage over there.
06-25-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 21032
Reply to: 21030
Actually it was not what I meant.
Actually it was not what I meant. I did not say anything about audiophiles I was taking about females in establishment audio, the audio industry and audio science professionals. I do not think that there is any difference among the audiophiles across the cultures but I do see the difference among the professional audio establishment. In Russia for instance, not today but years back, you would see more females who did professional audio and acoustic studies. Ironically in West we have only mostly fucked up males who dedicated themselves to audio studies...

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-25-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 21034
Reply to: 21032
Audio as a science
OK I misunderstood. I do wonder if it is a bit of an artifact of the old Soviet policy in education of "inducing" students to go into certain fields. In other words, I wonder if the current generation of acoustic scientists in Russia and East Europe has the same gender breakdown. From what you indicate the gender proportion has changed now that people are freer to go do what they want. I had a friend who married a Russian woman nearly 20 years ago who was trained as a chemist. She couldn't stand chemistry but the perks for going into that field made her do it. This has nothing to do with women's intellectual ability to study these fields BTW. I am speaking solely of their interest or motivation.
06-26-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 9
Post ID: 21035
Reply to: 21034
Women ....

The Naked Truth.jpg

Kind Regards
06-26-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 21036
Reply to: 21035
It is about incompetence.
I think the subject shift that took place is wrong. The initial sentient was not about women in audio but about  incompetence  and how the incompetence  could not become more attractive if it dress in skirt.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-26-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 11
Post ID: 21037
Reply to: 21036
Beg to differ
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I think the subject shift that took place is wrong. The initial sentient was not about women in audio but about  incompetence  and how the incompetence  could not become more attractive if it dress in skirt.

Oh I think incompetence dressed in a skirt is more attractive; it's just not more competent. But we knew what your point was and were just having tangential fun. I mean how many times can we belabor the fact that much hi-end gear is overpriced and ineptly designed and deceitfully marketed?
06-27-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 21038
Reply to: 21021
Estelon flagship
 Romy the Cat wrote:

I was informed that there is a new Estelon Extreme loudspeaker out there that costs ¼ million dollars. Not with interest I read about it


…and concluded that this is as idiotic as it get. Nope, I did not listen it and I have no even interest to hear, still I declare it as barbaric idiocy- I think the spreading of the stupid EU to East make even  intelligent Estonian to become a part of international mothingness.

IT is 4 ways acoustic system with all Accuton drivers: aluminum-cone, ceramic-cone , marble-code, grave-yard cone… you name it. If the crap from Kharma and many other speaker who patronize the “Absolute Sound approved sound” did not bleed your years year then try the new Estonian crap. Still, the 4 way of granite-cone drivers with condom-like suspension is not the most thrilling thing in Estelon design. The most thrilling is that it has a remote control that allow the upper part of speaker to move a few feet up and down.


I do not even mention that the Morons allow Tweeter adjustments!!!


Good, how stupid and cynic a person needs to be in order with all seriousness to offer it as a product? I wonder if that speaker has also a deployable drone that can scratch the listener back? This Estelon top of the line speaker is so retarget that I think they need to ask Jonathan Valin to review it – that will  be match made in haven.
 The Cat

Thank you very much! I laughed for half an hour and stayed delighted for 3 days whenever I remembered what you wrote. Perfect. Armen
06-27-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 13
Post ID: 21039
Reply to: 21038
Well, there is more to it to say....
Well, since the identification of audio idiocy is my specialty I need to explain it.

For sure the speaking is kind of "typical" and the use of that woman to shamefully -brainless promote the bad speaker is disgusting. However, there is , from my sycophantic perspective, a bigger fish to fry in that slightly  overdramatized narrative.

This guy with name "AVShowrooms" who did the YouTube interview linked above is a spectacular depicting of who truly idiots are in audio.  Listening his full of exaltation  feedback in response to absolute foolishness the Estonianns express is  a purely diagnostic experience. I have no idea who was the interviewer but the guy was  quintessential Moron!!! I do not know if that AVShowrooms person is an industry commodity or he is an armature wanna be a "journalist" . If he is an armature and it is his hobby to walk around  the showrooms and perform virtual blowjob  to each audio maker then it is fine good luck to him in his audio pervert proclivity. There are plenty of people out there, ironically mostly males, who iconize merchandises and chose to play to them.  It is make them happy then why not. However, if you are an industry "reviewer" and your job description is to review (means examination and evaluation) of  audio product then you must not to react to audio product  a hypnotized mouse who is looking at kind cobra. To hear how the this pathetic "AVShowrooms" guy is flooding the room floor with his saliva in response to banality and dullness of the interviewee is truly pitiable experience.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-27-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
Posts 235
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Post #: 14
Post ID: 21040
Reply to: 21039
No way out
 Romy the Cat wrote:
 I do not know if that AVShowrooms person is an industry commodity or he is an armature wanna be a "journalist" . If he is an armature and it is his hobby to walk around  the showrooms and perform virtual blowjob  to each audio maker then it is fine good luck to him in his audio pervert proclivity. There are plenty of people out there, ironically mostly males, who iconize merchandises and chose to play to them....  

After all these years I am wondering that not more audiophiles write in forums what they really think about these corrupt full time idiots. Their existence is a total waste and unfortunately the proof that any idiot who is unable to do a serious job finds his place in this moron industry. Some time ago I asked Peter Breuninger (AVwhatever) how he can survive that business when he is so experienced, listened to / reviewed so many units and knows the differences...then he must realize after a while that some designs are better than others. And when they are better, what are the other ones good for?
He answered that he never met a unit he didn't like.
Anyway, when you really want to update your mind what is really possible in endless stupidity, read Toneaudio. When a manufacturer gives them enough money or free samples to sell they would rate even a stone to the audiophile product of the year. Super-ultra boring but always self overestimated. And it works. They became quite successful. Or did you ever read WBF Forum? There are exactly those guys who masturbate for that. Of course they try everything to get something for better price (that is the main reason for WBF existence) and when they "got" it they clap each others shoulders and give each other top "recommendations". ..or audio aficionado? It is depressing wherever you look....
To read that BS hype is like shooting the last surviving brain cell with a machine gun..... When Internet showed up after Y2K I thought, great, consumers can exchange own information and we can go away from these idiotic reviewers. 10 years later I think, it became much worse. Any idiot is sitting in front of the screen and tells the world how great everything is. Who pays for these lines? No way out.

Kind Regards
06-29-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 15
Post ID: 21052
Reply to: 21040
I saw those speakers in Munich High End from behind the window,and didn't even entered the room to hear. But if I knew they were erectable I would have certainly go into the room! I feel very sorry for this. Presence of that lady in the room is because if the batteries in the remote runs flat, by rubbing her ass to speakers erect them.(For lowering again the speakers just need to talk to the designer.)I suggest a competition among site users, that is to predict what would be next upgrade to Estelon. The winner will get a pair of Estelon for free.Anyhow to begin the competition, I suggest  the next upgrade would be:increasing  erection height to 37.5 cm. Armen
07-03-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 16
Post ID: 21075
Reply to: 21021
In defence
Well in defence for the exhibitors who travelled from Estonia I'll say that the designer himself speaks no English or German so he delegated the talk to his daughter (also working for the company but not a technical person). So some things really got 'Lost  in Translation'.

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