Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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fiogf49gjkf0d This is an interesting metal exercise – what would be the most beneficial for audio public and what would be “signaturial” for a manufacturer. Since the company do not turn the horn as most of the people do but use CNC machine then it would be very interesting if they design a product that would be not individual horns but a horn assembly. I would like to see the Macondo-like assembly of elliptical Tractrix 3-4 horns, organized by very intelligent frame. No drivers, no high price, juts very flexible and intelligent horn origination. The removable back plates that would accommodate any drivers: from 1” to 2” let say. The subject of upperbass horn is very interesting. The 110 cm maximal diameter is fine but it would be interesting if it possible to get more by “smart” design. Let pretend that we has a stock of 4 horns in Macondo configuration (nothing else works). So the topmost horn is elliptical and almost circular. The next horn is eliptical but in slightly squarish shape. The next horn is still eliptical but even with more squarish edges. The last uppers horn is almost rectangular, let say 80Hz but it still has some curvature and elipticness. If all of it gradually organized in a very elegant assembly and supplemented with a frame that can care everything in time-align fission then it might be very interesting.
I would say that a set of 3-4 unfinished horns might be sold for $5K-$7K, juts to keep the price intentionally low. The reality is that with CNC programmed to make such of assembly is very easy and would cost very low. If such of kit would be properly designed I would very much endorse it, but it must be properly designed and made.
Rgs, The caT
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche