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11-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 76
Post ID: 12270
Reply to: 12257
Put some principles into the mix…

 manisandher wrote:
At some point I'd like to start a thread asking for ideas on how to go about setting up a DSET / multi-horn system. Are there any threads here that I should read before doing that?

It would be in a direct contradiction with my main audio doctrine. If you are willing to pursue the DSET/multi-horn system then I think it shall be no external knowledge that shall drive you. You need to categorize those very well-defined shortcomings in your current setup that might make your audio-practice uncomfortable and to ask yourself if the DSET/multi-horn idea will address those very specific shortcomings.  Otherwise the whole idea of “better audio” in my view has no sensible meaning and become just eternal chasing of own tail.


Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 77
Post ID: 12386
Reply to: 12270
My reasons for considering DSET/horns

Firstly, thank you to Montepilot, Paul S, KLegind, zanon and Romy for all your thoughts on the Zu Druids.
I recently tried high-passing the Druids at various frequencies and using a pair of Wilson-Benesch Chimeras and various amps for LF and upper-LF duties. The results were certainly not to my satisfaction. Although the Druids seemed happy being high-passed >150Hz (or at least happier than normal), I just couldn’t get any decent integration below this. It was a bit of a mess really, with the other equipment I was using.
So, I currently have the Berning Siegfried driving the Druids FR for now. At low-to-moderate volumes, the sound is very listenable – not particularly engaging, but listenable nevertheless. I’ve tried a number of different 300Bs (EAT, KR and WE) with the Siegfried and have settled for the WEs, as I feel they have the best tone and depth in the mid-range.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
You need to categorize those very well-defined shortcomings in your current setup that might make your audio-practice uncomfortable and to ask yourself if the DSET/multi-horn idea will address those very specific shortcomings.  Otherwise the whole idea of “better audio” in my view has no sensible meaning and become just eternal chasing of own tail.
Yes, I agree. There are two main shortcomings I have with my current setup (Siegfried and Druids): 

1. There’s a lack of low-end weight to the sound. The LF is not extended or particularly tuneful. My reference here is my old, bottom-of-the-range Stax headphones. If I could get the bass to sound more like this, I would be very happy. Indeed, although not particularly extended, my SL600s driven by my Rotel RHB-10 are incredibly tuneful in the LF.
2. The sound is a bit flat across the whole spectrum, but especially low down. I’ve bought ‘Eversest & Pohlmann’ with the hope of improving the acoustics of my room, but I suspect the culprit is really the Siegfried not being able to drive the Druids adequately.
They’re the shortcomings I have right now. Does this necessarily mean that DSET/horns are the only way forward? Well, maybe not. Certainly, I’d like to try the Druids with my Aleph4, which I should be able to do later this week. I’d also like to play around with the room acoustics to see if I could liven that bottom-end up a bit.
But ultimately, I suppose my objective is to emulate my headphones... in their tone, LF extension, tunefullness, dynamics and overall coherence.

Possible without considering a DSET/horn setup?

12-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 78
Post ID: 12388
Reply to: 12386
The Zurrealism of the Zu Druids’ bass the SMDS


I would leave the subject of DSET/horn setup for another thread and would drop a few words about Zu Druids. They are not the speakers that I would ordinary comment but since I have a local guy with Zu Druids and I had a chance to hear them a few times I think it would be worth to drop a few words. I will comment only about one area – the Zu Druids’ bass.

The Zu Druids’ bass is a freaky animal. If course Zu Druids has no bass in normal since but if whatever bass the Zu Druids is able to do would considered as bass then I was wondering why Zu Druids behave so strange. The guy who use the Zu Druids live in center city and use power right from the wall – so it is difficult to talks about absolute terms as sound changes each hour but some feeling about the Zu Druids I would pass. I did not measure Zu Druids properly, did not have them in my own and my view about Zu Druids might be a pure conjecture. But I heard the a few times and some of my sensations about Zu Druids do make sense to me. So, here it comes….

Forget all that you know, read, and heard about loudspeaker design for the sake of understanding and feeling the understood we need to embrace a totally different view. If you visualize a relationship between driver and enclosure (including port) then there are mass, there are velocity and there is volume (including port). The velocity and volume are fine let it be but let to look only at mass. The question would be the mass of what? Let to do even more idiotic and apply an abstract of General relativity to the example. What is mass in loudspeaker? If a cone has 200g for instance and the suspension has compliance X then we can presume that the dynamic mass would be 200X, right? Well, I would reply: it would depend from what frequency you are. If you are 100Hz then you have no problem to push 200X but if you 100Hz then to develop the force 200X at 100Hz is not much harder but you cave harder contra-forces of the moment. So, let introduce mass not as absolute kg or pound but as relativity to the “pushed” frequency, let measure it in mass per wave length – m/wl, or juts MWL. Ok, we have for 1000Hz a speaker cabinet has 150MWL but for 50Hz it has 10MWL. This is what happen with light speakers that starting from some frequency begin to drift upon own mass deficiency. The Zu Druids are one of the examples – the are light, the are resonant like hell (play with gasket bet the driver and box – you will see) and then as soon the reach some upper midrange then flip over and stop act as mass-scenic system.

Let even forget about port – it is a part of the big picture of mass killing. You are 50Hz, you come to the driver, the speaker has velocity but has no mass – what you do – you tell to the peoples that send you – “fuck it; there is nothing to do here”. It is exactly what bass does in the Druids – it destroys itself and modulation of this distraction poison the sound of Druids lower end. I know, the people with engendering background would read it as feel that it all full of crap but there is a detail: the know nothing about Sound but I do. They design the Druids but I am trying to explain why Druids sound very bad in bass.

So, what can we do? We need to add virtual mass to Druids but only at LF. I have a solution how it needed to be done but first I would like to say why I feel my solution shall work. I was observing how Druids’ bass reacted to different amps. Particularly interesting would be topology and deriving output impedance. The Melquiades lorded to 12K (!!!) for instance with no feedback sounded like “chewing carton” when it drove Druids. The SS Yamaha B2 pushed probably 25 db more, forces me to plug the port and it still was hugely bloomy. It shell not be this way unless the speaker experience the SMDS – or the Severs Mass Deficiency Syndrome. So, how to deal with it?

High-passing the speaker will work but it like trashing a half of the speaker away. If you have a speaker that does >150Hz then you do not need Druids but you need ¼ cub feet box. So, how to make the Druids to work its full range (whatever it is has) but prevent the MWL to lose steam and present the LF from self-distraction?  Well, let add mass to LF with dropping output impedance of the amplifiers that drive Druids at LF. Let up to have an amp with current feedback and let to have an attenuator that would moderate output impedance let say from 5R to minis 1R. I stipulate that listening the Druids in a given room and fine-adjusting the output impedance it would be possible to catch the moment when the LF go into suicide and is not to buffer them but at list to prevent their suicide screams to point the sound of the speakers. I personally fell that it will be a very narrow margin (for instance between 1.25R and 1.3R of output impedance) that would allow very fine tuning and would make the Druids bass to be not deep but not annoying. 

So, I think the problem of the Druids bass (and other similar speakers that are made to float on mass deficiency in bass) is not the bass but the randomness of amps (output impedance) that drive them and disability of audio people to dial the output impedance very precisely (for this time of SMDS speakers).

I do not advocate to do it and to run negative feedback. Will it affect many other things – you bet, it will. However, I think that it might be a good journey to confirm that concept that adding virtual mass to LF via feedback and the fact that it will be VERY important for the speakers that suffers from SMDS.  Warn you that all written above sounds like a complete idiocy --- but I have a very high confidence that the proposed solution will work very affectively.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 79
Post ID: 12390
Reply to: 12388
Have druids, know what you mean

I have Druid MkIV and know exactly what you mean in LF. LF overall is quiet, but the ragged frequency response sounds weird. (Weirder than their ragged response in MF and HF). In measurements there is a massive suck out at 150 and at 30.


Those measurements were not taken quite right as they did not load the port, but I don't think things would be too too different even with correct port loading.

My room imposes additional problems with LF which cannot be dealt with until I move house. My amp is also inadequate from a pure Watts level, but I do not know of any other amp that has the characteristics that Romy suggests. If anyone has ideas, and I can afford it (not likely) then I will be happy to conduct a test. I am guessing that no such amp exists and will have to be constructed, something which is beyond my abilities most likely. I have never heard the explanation Romy gives for the problem though, and will think upon it further.

Right now, I am planning to see what I can do by adding stereo subs. Zu Subs (when they are in production) are also of an unusual design. It has 2 15 inch drivers, and a very weird port design with a audio lens almost. No idea how it sounds, never heard one. I think that Bag End are the only other people making subs with similar designs, and they are not a household name either, so no chance to hear them.
12-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 80
Post ID: 12391
Reply to: 12390
Arc de Triomphe
Resusitate an old Crown DC 300.  You could arc weld with one of those.  I think a couple of the old Thresholds were similar.  Jump start your car with one...

Of course I'm not talking about sound, here; just craploads of current.

Plenty to blow up your Druids, too, BTW...

Paul S
12-02-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 81
Post ID: 12393
Reply to: 12391
Spare the Druids!
LOL!Flawed as they are, my Druids deserve a better fate than being reduced to a crisp by a Crown DC 300.The best they can hope for is a Harman Kardan "high current" 120W receiver ; )
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Post #: 82
Post ID: 12400
Reply to: 12393
Soundstage measurements
if anyone cares, here are old measurements from soundstage for the zu druids

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Post #: 83
Post ID: 12401
Reply to: 12393
I tried to attach measurements, but 80KB is too big for the site.

I will describe -- impedence at 50 at 20Hz and 200Hz. Impedence at 8 at 50 Hz (big saddle between two very high spikes). after that it varies between 18 and 8 with a dip at 500 and a swell at 4K.
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Post #: 84
Post ID: 12402
Reply to: 12388
Preventing MWL

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts - I really appreciate this.

I'm trying to understand your idea of Severe Mass Deficiency Syndrome. How tightly correlated is this to a speaker's impedance curve? The Druids don't seem to dip below 8R anywhere...
 Romy the Cat wrote:
... let to have an attenuator that would moderate output impedance let say from 5R to minis 1R.
A couple of questions:

1. According to its manual, the Siegfried is a zero-feedback design and has a typical output impedance of 1.5R (measured at 1 amp, 60 Hz). Is this then close enough to your estimated 1.25-1.3R for this attenuator to be unnecessary?

2. If you still feel that it might be a worthwhile endeavour, what do you think is the best way of fine-tuning the output impedance precisely? Apologies in advance if there is an obvious answer to this. (BTW, I share your aversion to soldering irons - is there any way that this could be avoided?)


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Post #: 85
Post ID: 12403
Reply to: 12401
SMDS and impedance

zanon, our posts 'crossed'...


12-02-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 86
Post ID: 12404
Reply to: 12402
The last drops from those poor Druids?

 manisandher wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts - I really appreciate this.

I'm trying to understand your idea of Severe Mass Deficiency Syndrome. How tightly correlated is this to a speaker's impedance curve? The Druids don't seem to dip below 8R anywhere...

When I said that Volume included a port it was what I meant – the speaker's impedance is included into the Volume Reactance.

 manisandher wrote:

1. According to its manual, the Siegfried is a zero-feedback design and has a typical output impedance of 1.5R (measured at 1 amp, 60 Hz). Is this then close enough to your estimated 1.25-1.3R for this attenuator to be unnecessary?

You think about absolute number but I think about relevant number. The point is that your amp might have 1.5R but what if you need 1.42R? What option you have: to change transformer ratio? to change plate current? It all will change the impedance right along with TTH characteristic. How about if you need 6.1R or .04 R You will not be able to get those numbers with change of loading without a severs change of sound.

 manisandher wrote:
If you still feel that it might be a worthwhile endeavour, what do you think is the best way of fine-tuning the output impedance precisely? Apologies in advance if there is an obvious answer to this. (BTW, I share your aversion to soldering irons - is there any way that this could be avoided?)

I do not know, I am not an amplifier designer. Running global voltage negative feedback would drive impedance down to a degree and it is possible to design an amp that would be operating more or less stable and identical with different depth of feedback. If you ask me: If is worth it then I would say “no”. In the best case you still will have the best Druids bass. Does the Druids best bass worth build/modify an amp to drive it? I do not think so. It is much more cost per action beneficial would be to get a separate LF section and do not push the last drops from those poor Druids.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #: 87
Post ID: 12405
Reply to: 12403
Headphone reference
No worries Mani.

Interestingly enough, my "reference" is also headphones. They take you in a very different direction than speakers, which is maybe why we both have druids.
12-03-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 88
Post ID: 12406
Reply to: 12405
Headphones shall not take to different direction
Headphones shall not take to different direction. In fact it shall not be a lot of changes in sound when your take your headphones off and begin to listen your speakers. Speakers shall be MUCH more advised in imaging and spaceial department but good speakers and good headphones usually deliver the very same type of sound. 

THe Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #: 89
Post ID: 12408
Reply to: 12406
Headphone vs Speakers
You may be even more right than you know. Going up the Grado line in $$$ you get more and More and MORE HF.: P
12-09-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 90
Post ID: 12451
Reply to: 2501
Merlin TSM
I'm rather curious to listen to these:


Experience anybody ?


12-27-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 91
Post ID: 12568
Reply to: 12231
Zu Credenza with sub?
God, I hate to bring this up as it seems you have given up on your quest for better monitors.

Maybe I missed a thread somewhere, but reading over earlier posts you were looking for
- high efficiency
- tone
- dynamics
- sealed design

Zu Credenzas have same MF and tweeter as Zu Druids, but are in a sealed box. Claim high efficiency, the treat their drivers for tone etc. etc. May be worth seeing if they can pair with stereo subs to get your system.

But, if you have heard druids and high-pass them, I think you have Credenzas without subs. You solve the problem with LF, but still have that HF gap between super tweeter and top of MF driver.
01-01-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 92
Post ID: 12598
Reply to: 12568
Tyler Acoustics, monitor with separate LF

Never heard it, but it has a separate LF section.
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Post #: 93
Post ID: 12682
Reply to: 12264
Different Strokes...
 Paul S wrote:
Don't worry about selling stuff you "don't like".  To another Moron® it might be the Legendary Stuff of Dreams.  Be honest about what it is; simply hold your current opinion.
I've just sold my Druids (took a £500 hit on what I paid for them a year ago, but hey?) to a nice guy who was very sure of the sound he was after. It's funny, but he already has a pair... and loves them! Apparently, he has them placed right in the corners of his room and says they work best there.

In any event, I was almost embarassed demonstating them to him. To me, they sounded awful - no real bass at all (using my 5W SET) and a horrid edginess in the mids. 'Grey' as hell - no colour whatsoever. But he didn't seem at all phased.

Conversely, he didn't care for my SL600s driven by my Rotel. I agreed with him to a point that the sound was(is) too bright, but hell, in my opinion still a damn sight better than what we'd just heard coming out of the Druids.

So, the search goes on... To replicate the sound I get from AKG K-1000 headphones driven a Berning Siegfried.

Tomorrow, I will be auditioning a pair of BD Design 'Swing' speakers (http://www.bd-design.nl) - I just happen to be working in Holland on Thursday and thought I'd take a listen whilst I was there. Hardly 'monitors', I know, but I thought I'd just mention it...

01-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 94
Post ID: 12683
Reply to: 12682
The beter monitors?

I am not so impressed bout BD Design speakers. I truly hated the BMS drivers that they use and I truly hate the network of the blabbering cretins that BD Design built around itself. Any single critical mentioning of BD Design lead to a sudden showing up an army of “BD Design enthusiasts” who begin to run all over you with their idiotic drooling about BD Design. Of course I do not state that BD Design owner is idiot but I have seen quite many very specific idiots and the all have a common denominator – the PRIDE of ownership of BD Design. Ironically I do not think that the guy who own BD Design is a fool and I think that he knows the true values of this idiotic followers. However, he is in the business and those Audio- Morons are his commodities - so, he shepherd those stupid sheep….

Post how do you find the sound “Swing”.  I do not know what those industry whores do nowadays with auditions. Here in US I know distributors of very popular loudspeakers who permit an addition only under defined condition that no negative comments will be expressed publicly. Furthermore I know distributors/dealers who extend additional 10% discount if after the buy the new owner post glorious feedback about the product at the specific sites. I know the distributors/dealers who give extras 10% -15% if you agree to keep the bought model until the nest model get introduced. I mean: this is how the dirt build the “public opinion” noondays…

Anyhow, it is good that you let the Druids to go – they were dead loudspeakers. I have a local audio guy who is straggling with Druids, even though the loudspeakers is not the problem of his but he intend do not change loudspeakers for years to come.  I was looking at his frustrations with Druids and I suggested him to let them go until the hype is up.  I pitched to him Dunlavy CS-III or Altec 19 as the compromised for the same price. Neither Dunlavy nor Altec are awfully good themselves but in compact package and for $1.5K they are fine monitors – much better then the contemporary crap with the price tag of 20x-50x time more. In fact if I were not as stupid as I was then instead of stating my MiniMe project I better got the Dunlavy III, perhaps put in there so other drivers and it would be it… The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 95
Post ID: 12685
Reply to: 12682
Buyers, Sellers and Predictable Outcomes
Mani, sorry, but I forget if you mentioned very specific size limitations.  I have enjoyed in spates but am generally wary of "big sound from small boxes", as this invariably wears thin, eventually requiring not only a tiring stretch of the imagination but also, often, more power than anticipated, which gets expensive in acceptable amps.  Looking at longer term, amp matching is much easier and cheaper if one plans everything around mid-ish power.  From memory, there are some fairly efficient "mid-field" monitors that might be advantageously adapted for a closer listening seat, if space remains a concern.  I have mentioned before the old (and hard-to-find...) Tannoy 10" MFMs, not to suggest a particular marque, rather to suggest a generic gambit you might find less difficult than swapping drivers (and networks...) in "otherwise-OK" speakers.

I think of shopping as a necessary evil, and I suppose we all have our ways of going about this most unsavory aspect of the hi-fi.  While I might buy something I've somehow targeted without listening, I would never recommend this practice, for too many reasons to list.  Nothing is more of a time-and-money-eating crap-shoot than buying speakers, but it might be possible to narrow the field with generic catagories.  For instance, I happen to think of the non-paper cone speakers as one-trick ponies, except maybe a very few of the British hydro-carbon-ish/paper-ish cones are actually not bad, given SPL restraints and enough of the right kind of power.  I will also say that the horn-loaded "FR" drivers I have heard were quite colored and also tone-challenged and rather "fuzzy" compared to direct-radiator versions of the same drivers, albeit I have not, myself, worked to exhaust the loaded implementations in that vein.  Whatever; it's got to be a good idea to get and retain some focus to avoid early or ultimate exhaustion via the suicidal "shotgun approach".

One of the real pissers with retail shopping is that it is usually impossible to properly contextualize anything in the proffered setting.  Because of this, I have long preferred hearing a "targeted" component in "mid-fi" systems rather than "high-end" systems.  And while it might defy "common sense", this is especially true for cartridges and speakers.  After all, when shopping, one actually wants to hear and evaluate the targeted component, itself.

Sure, any good salesperson knows how best to sell his product.  But it's up to the buyer to do his own evaluations.

Good luck,
Paul S
01-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 96
Post ID: 12689
Reply to: 12682
Live and learn

I'm sorry you did not found the Druids livable, and even more sorry at the #500 hit. Chalk it up to experience. I bought my Druids for only a little more.

Your 5W SET is absolutely the wrong amp for the speaker, although as others have mentioned, other amps will only take you so far.

I'm also not surprised that your new buyer thought your SL600s were too bright. Druids have very rolled off HF.
01-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 97
Post ID: 12690
Reply to: 12689
The SL600 “brightness”
 zanon wrote:
I'm also not surprised that your new buyer thought your SL600s were too bright. Druids have very rolled off HF.
Yes, the comment that SL600 is too bright is not very accurate. The SL600, at least with copper tweeter are magnificently roll-off speakers. What is VERY interesting with SL600 is that the “brightness” of the bright might be to a degree regulated by the proximity of the speaker to floor. It is not about being on or off from axis but the actual proximity to floor. I have no explanation for the phenomena….

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 98
Post ID: 12692
Reply to: 12690
Dome tweeters and brightness in SL600
It is a dome tweeter, so I can see how proximity to the floor might have some impact in that at least you have HF hitting the floor. How ti regulates brightness is mysterious to me as well.

My personal hamster speakers (for NPR vocals) simple mono Tivoli table radio. Dramatic change of bass as you move it to a stand (for laughs), to edge of table, or to middle of table. Middle of table is best, so maybe somebody engaged their brain when they were designed. I also like playing it for folks because it is sonorous, and makes voices syrupy. We have oldies station it does well with as well, and expectations are set so low classical is not bad. Rock/Pop actually sounds the worst.

btw. What problem does your Boston Druid friend have with his? Amps? (if you want to elaborate).
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