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03-12-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 15752
Reply to: 15751
Why foolishness?
Stitch, way do you think it was foolishness? I see it as a reasonable thread and the question EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 8000 is sensible to ask.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-12-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 27
Post ID: 15753
Reply to: 15752
Laws of Stich
But Stich firmly believes that EMT is a rubbish and he grounds his believes on some "laws of physics"
or something like that Wink The remark of the guy in the original thread
that EMT must be CORRECTLY setup is crucial here. From my experience it seems that people
who get EMT's "as is", i.e. not restored, tend to believe that their machines are in a perfect order
and do not need any service as it was all German build and booletproof . Nothing more
illsionary!!! A 40+ years deck needs a serious chekout and some service!!! Even changing the idler
is not so simple as it seems...and this is the cruicial part here. WIthout a good W&F meter
and some skills this is "shooting ina dark" or rather farting in the wind...

05-31-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 16371
Reply to: 2002
RE:foolishness of anlouge people
Sorry maybe it's not related very much to topic, but I couldn't resist not to send this $650,000 TT link:http://www.avdesignhaus.de/Analog-Laufwerk-Studie-Node_15714.html
11-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 29
Post ID: 18714
Reply to: 2002
Letting Micro Seiki RX-5000 to go.

I have one of my newest Micro Seiki RX-5000 sitting in basement for years and doing nothing and I decided to let it go. I was keeping it for year as some kind of back up TT, in case my 8000 got broken or as TT that I would be able to use at my second setup in Opera Room. Looking how I use my Opera Room, what kind musoc I have been listening there I finally concluded that it will be never a turntable in there. So, the 5000 will be going away….

It is interning to think about the price I have to ask. The market value of RX-5000 nowadays is about 10K. I look what the turntables cost out there. It looks like for the last 5-7 year the price of turntables (and loudspeaker) climbed up significantly and nowadays any chip plastic TT that use to cost under 1K people trade for 5-7K, similar to it you will hardly fine any 3-4 way loudspeaker for under 25K. So, I wonder if I position RX-5000 at the very top echelon of TT in trim of performance, significantly more interestingly in sound that many contemporary TT with price tag of 30K, then shall the price of RX-5000 reflect that?

What I do is not trying to pump up of RX-5000 cost but rather to raise a legitimate question about the RX-5000 value. 10K nowadays is a price of something like Technics SL-1000, will RX-5000 deliver better sound? The interesting moment – I do not know the answer.

We unfortunately price turntables not according to their Sound but according a public reputation and bits of roomers we collect from publications and from internet. It might be a valid way to do the thing but it is not objective evaluator.

I think the value of TT might be measured by Last Sound it produced. What does it mean the “Last Sound”. Pretend that you set up some kind of serious installation and got some kind of sound that you were looking. Now, you have the most advanced sound your playback is able to throw. Pretend that you identify that you would like to have something more. It might be anything: let say less mechanical character, deeper bass, more articulate phrasing, high dynamic range in lower volumes or more stable tone control in soft and loud passages. However, you playback is operating at very high of it’s mechanical capacity and there is just no way that to get more out of it. This is a good time to look into TT and tonearm if you are comfortable with your cartridge and phonostage, as TT and tonearm are primary parties that hold your mechanical limit.

I do not insist that TT like RX-5000 might open another sonic level of that mechanical capacity. It is very possible that some kind of new flimsy TT with electronic control of itself will do the job. We just do not have the more or less credible data in this respect and the people out there (including myself) might be wrong. Micro Seiki RX-5000 is just a vision of how no-nonsense TT might be build and in my view RX-5000 is a very good no-nonsense vintage TT. Still, I do not know how to market this TT as we do not have a fretwork to talk, think about the TT sound. I did receive a few emails asking about the sound of my RX-5000. I did told that my RX-5000 has some removable modification of platter (subroutine layer under hard mat) that in my view makes it better. However, how valid my view? I have no idea.

I kind of like this TT and I had a difficult time to decide to let it go. I have many audio items that in a way “unique” that I been keeping in storage and value them for the performance that they deliver. However, recently I change my view on the subject and I am no longer value my basemen as some kind grave yard of audio exotics. I am slowly letting some of my good drivers, tonearms and some other unused pieces of equipment to go as I do not need to keep them. Now is the turn of my RX-5000. I will be sad that I do not have it as I love this TT but as anything else in the life – one door is closing another is opening. I hope my RX-5000 will find a good home for somebody and I hope the new owner will appreciate it as much as I do.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 30
Post ID: 18715
Reply to: 18714
I like it versus done right
A nice discussion at Audiogon

(sooner or later it will be deleted) :-)

Kind Regards
11-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 31
Post ID: 18716
Reply to: 18715
"Wonderful table but it does need tweaking and labor…"
I did look at the thread at A’done and I assure that they are idiots. The guy claims that Micro Seiki. Wonderful table but it does need tweaking and labor - almost constantly. I has been living with Micro for a while and I know no single tweak that would affect sound. In fact years back I made an experiment with RX1500 – I took it from rack and placed it on the pillows of my bed. I did not recognize any important change in sound.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 32
Post ID: 18717
Reply to: 18715
Purchase Decision vs. System Development

It's a pisser, all right, but a high-demands, OCD hi-fi nut might "realistically" spend years trying to get the most from a "serious" TT/arm/cartridge rig.  IMO, most people are probably better off with something "easy to use", if that is not an oxymoron when applied to even a semi-serious TT/arm/cartridge.  Having owned/used a Technics SP10, I would say that is is relatively easy to use, if not in the "serious" category in terms of ultimate potential.  Dunno about the other TTs just thrown into this discussion via the link to another, but the MS 5000 looks fairly "straight forward" to me.  For openers, I take a single, "nominal"  AC motor and belt or thread drive, along with a heavy, damped platter, as good things to start with.  However, I think the $13.5k might be the least of what's required to make this TT do its best.  Not that this fact would ever dawn on the average punter at the point of initiation...

Paul S

11-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 33
Post ID: 18718
Reply to: 18714
I have been looking at that table for some time now. The prices went up in the last
few years (IIRC Romy rised it by 50% from 9k to 13.5k)
...no wonder with the impotency of the current industry to produce anything
reasonable, save at a reasonable price.
Some time ago a presumably mint one (looked very good at pics)
went for $7k on Epay.
Hope to go to Japan on a trip to try to fish one.

11-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 34
Post ID: 18719
Reply to: 18718
Impotency of the current industry?
 N-set wrote:
...no wonder with the impotency of the current industry to produce anything reasonable….

I do not think that there is some kind of impotency of the current industry to produce anything reasonable. In fact I feel that today production shall be able to do much more competent TT then they were 30 years back. I do not think that they can’t produce but rather they have no way to market better production. The TT that are made today are not marketed by their sound but rather by their features. There is no framework for neither reviewers, nor dealers, nor reps or consumers to exchange information about TT’s sound. Therefore, the TT are made to be marketable with no sound as commodity. How would you design a car if you know that it never will be critically driven?

It is not that in past there was better designers or better designing techniques. Juts very similar to what happen with acoustic systems in the past people did not have so much wrong knowledge that has contaminated the stupid brains of today audio industry participants…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 35
Post ID: 18720
Reply to: 18719
Combining and Adapting Near Misses

It's starting to look like an unspoken rule that a contemporary "TT manufacturer" is expected to offer a "package" that includes an arm, and many of these folks even offer "their own" cartridges, as well.  It also looks like many of these "combinations" wind up taking away from an otherwise useful TT, arm or cartridge...

Speaking of "useful", I bought my SOTA new in...  1988, and it's never been down, apart from when I split a bearing, while moving the thing across town without engaging its "transit screws"; in other words, the resultant damage was totally my fault.  The only tweaking this TT ever needs is to keep it level as the house slowly tilts and slides to Hell.  I mention this because I think SOME used TTs are viable options, to save money; they seem to run realiably for a LONG time.  Basically, I'm not sure there's an advantage to new ones I have seen/heard, at least not in the systems I've seen/heard them in!

I would like to play with the newer Spiral Groove TT, and maybe the big Merrill; but not badly enough to pony up for one!  What else is a better risk than the old Micro?

Paul S

11-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 36
Post ID: 18721
Reply to: 18720
Analog Foolishness became normal
The Thread was written from Romy 2006, I don't know when I read it the first time but it was an eye opener for me. In a way, one of the very best Analysis ever written. 

6 years later (2012) every single sentence is still valid about morons, idiots, reviewers, customers or whatever. In a way THE proof that rock solid stupidity is normal life in modern Audiophilia. The Internet gives the chance to write opinions, facts, results, datas and it is possible to create a decision.When someone is able to guide a information from his first brain cell to the third.

The Seiki /Raven Thread shows this in a brutal way. It is known for years, that the Raven has problems with motor(s) and is highly colored in reproduction abilities. To write about that is purest Blasphemy to most of the existing owners who decided to buy something because it was on front page of TAS/Stereophile (I am not sure about that, but I think it was). My respect for the Designer, he created something he can live from. 

Interestingly, these flaws (or whatever) are completely ignored from owners, they even attack those who write about that and try to damage his "reputation" via private emails. Even in their stupidity they never get tired to recommend "their" Turntable in forums when a question pops up from someone who is interested to buy a Turntable (a good one).

Same with the Kinetic Systems NVS Turntable, a super Hype (from the friends of the Importer), unfortunately too stupid to think about proper Shipping for undamaged (Bearing) arrival..but when I remember right the introduction (it was deleted from Audiogon) from J. Tinn, the majority of the brightest brains of Stanford University were involved in that Design... and NASA of course...and maybe pending Patents also... :-) or Linn LP12, probably the best marketing ever made in High End...

This ignorance, or let's say, the dreaming of Adults being in a Toystore shouldn't be destroyed. They will hate everyone who says "Dude, wake up".For whatever reason they want to be respected as "experienced audiophiles" and their way to that "Pyramid of Competence" is automatically connected with price tags and spending much money (I can only Hype something no other one can afford...) *. They are able in real life to earn that money, but in Audiophile Terms they switch out their brain completely. But in every discussion you will find them at the top...

* of course, it is not always linked with spending much money, you will also find this kind of idiocy in lower financial levels, in DIY groups, their motto is "I don't have so much money than you but I can hear better...blubber"..and they tell the world how great their direct drive junk or rim drive nonsense is....

I read a lot in the last years but this thread here is THE Description of modern Audiophilia.
Thanks Romy.

Kind Regards
11-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Lyon, France
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Post #: 37
Post ID: 18722
Reply to: 18721
Rx5000 experience
I've had rx5000 (with the ry5500 motor) for maybe 10-years now. Romy beat me to the comment that the person on audiogon that refers to these tables as tweeky and/or constantly in need of repair/missing parts has a clear agenda to sell something else! 
Do any of the other turntables mentioned in the article have adjustable feet for balance, ability to mount up to four arms with simple to use armboards ?I do not know what the table should sell for. I have seen the price go up and have considered selling, but what would i buy ? I have heard other vintage models (including lenco master as big as a freezer with 16- inch arm!). They all do certain things well but with a lot of personal character. My rx5000 lets me do what i can with arm/cartridge, step-up, cable/phono amp combination. The new tables i would never pay that price, period.
The table that interests me if i do sell my MS is platine verdier, as i live in france, for patriotic reasons!
Regards from France.

11-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 38
Post ID: 18723
Reply to: 18721
To talk or compare turntables....
Stitch, I am not too familiar with the sound of contemporary TT and I am not necessary would discard them juts because they are contemporary. I still have that fantasy about some kind of flimsy, paper-made TT that for whatever reason do sound very good. I do not think that it never be done.

The problem that I see with turntable is not the turntables themselves but people and systems. In many instances the superficiality and lightweightness of the people who use the TT, not to mention the people audio reference points, is major obstacle to get proper sound from a given TT. How many people would claim he they get the most from their turntable? I know my TT quite well and I consider myself not a Moron in audio but I would not claim that my TT performs in my installation at its max capacity. The playbacks are another matter. The best TT might be evaluated in term of their max performance only within a context of very ambition playback. For instance if you want to know what the most ultimate bass a given TT has then it might be done ONLY in context of playback the has very seriously done lower octaves. Is it possible that a TT with better bass would sound worse just because it over-perform the capacity of the given system and just highlights it’s weakness? Who could observe, evaluate and factor in all that complexity and make any more or less rational judgment about the definitive sound of our turntables? I spoke with a friend of mine who very confidently explained to me the bass difference between Micro 8000 and EMT 927. He was very much not a fool in my estimation but his playback did not work less than 50Hz. How shall I interpret his comments?

The point that I make is that subject of TT is VERY complicated and I do not think that there is any civilized framework how audio people could talk or compare turntables.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 39
Post ID: 18724
Reply to: 18721
Turntables Motors
 Stitch wrote:
… It is known for years, that the Raven has problems with motor(s) and is highly colored in reproduction abilities…

The subject of Turntables Motors is very tricky one and it turn out that Motors do affect sound very dramatically. I personally do not think that they do but I did not make any experiments with it as I always used Micros and never needed to play with motors.

However I knew a guy a few years back who decided to manufacture the best sounding TT in the world. It was not a stupid ambition of his and he took the project seriously, consulting and testing from a lot of different directions. Interesting that after a few months of experiments when I asked him where he was standing in his project he informed me that with no financial limits in his project he can’t not find any maker of a good sounding motors. After long search he was able to find a party of vintage motors, reportedly made by Germans for old studio film machines, which according to my guy were absolutely astonishing for TT. They were very large and very ugly but he insisted that they are unique in terms of sound.

In a few years the project of that guy did not go through and he had a party of the motors on his hands. I decided to get one of them from him, juts a back up if my Micro will go down.  He sent me the motor and the invoice for $800 – a ridiculously expansive price. I know that he did not make money on me and give to me the motor at it’s cost. This made me to pay a lot of respect to the subject of motors in TT as I concluded (looking at the straggling of my guy) that good TT motors are super rare thing.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-10-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 40
Post ID: 18725
Reply to: 18724
Potentially Great (So Sad...)

Sad to think of people mooning over TT porn, and reading all the "specs", imagining what this will [undoubtedly] do to finally send their systems into orbit.  Sure, a good TT has good parts; but how the parts are used is at least as important as the parts, themselves.  And by this I mean, how the parts are put together by the maker, AND how the product is used by the user.  Too bad the high-end parts do not come with viable instructions for the makers, and too bad the TTs do not come with REAL manuals that will REALLY tell the users how to use them.

Speakers are sad because there aren't any good ones available for purchase.  TTs are sad because nobody knows how to use even the best of them.

As a possibly interesting aside, I found the motor on my then-old (and now-quite-old) Rek-O-Kut "broadcast" TT to be just fine, as long as I used "pro" recording tape or a silk thread as a drive "belt".  Sure, this TT had other issues; but the motor was "good enough", which is good enough for me.  I say, when it comes to TTs, quit while you're ahead.  Sure, I enjoy intellectual excercises as much as the next person.  But I would never get rid of my present TT until I had another one up and running and I was totally convinced - for a long time - that it was signifcantly better as it applies to Music; and even then, it would have to be just as easy to use and reliable as my present TT, as well.  I have seen it all too often, people can throw a whole lot of money at this one and wind up essentially empty handed.

Paul S

11-10-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 18726
Reply to: 18724
Micro polar plot
 Romy the Cat wrote:

This made me to pay a lot of respect to the subject of motors in TT as I concluded (looking at the straggling of my guy) that good TT motors are super rare thing.

The Cat

Amen. I'm still puzzled by the strange polar plot of your Micro (maybe you remember--a pinkfishmedia project aimed at advanced
analysis of motor speed instability). Perhaps would be worth to retake the signal with some known test LP.

11-10-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 18727
Reply to: 18726
About the pinkfishmedia analysis
 N-set wrote:
I'm still puzzled by the strange polar plot of your Micro (maybe you remember--a pinkfishmedia project aimed at advanced analysis of motor speed instability). Perhaps would be worth to retake the signal with some known test LP.
 Actualy I did not take the pinkfishmedia analysis too serious. I have absolutely no idea how to interpret the results of the analysis. The reality is that neither I nor the pinkfishmedia guy knows what in TT responsible for it Sound. The solution they use to measure speed instability is very elegant and I do not question it but I do question what it all means. We can measure very objectively harmonic distortion of amp for instance but we know that lower number of distortion is not necessary an assurance of better sound.  The problem, as I see it, that to make the pinkfishmedia analysis better it would take to perfect the analysis itself but not to perfect a turntable.  I would like to see actions over TT that would improve the pinkfishmedia analysis and parallel to it would improve auditable Sound.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-10-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 18728
Reply to: 18727
Polar plots programme
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Actualy I did not take the pinkfishmedia analysis too serious. I have absolutely no idea how to interpret the results of the analysis.

No one really knows at this stage (the tool is very new), apart from the obvious fact that 16 or 17 times per revolution there happens some strange notch. The instability is very peculiar and perhaps is a test LP artefact. Would be nice to redo the plot with some known test LP (Ultimate Analog has been much studied at pinkfishmedia and I recon is well known to Paul). Any chance for that Smile? Do you also know how many motor shaft rotations it takes
for one full platter rotation?

 Romy the Cat wrote:
The reality is that neither I nor the pinkfishmedia guy knows what in TT responsible for it Sound. The solution they use to measure speed instability is very elegant and I do not question it but I do question what it all means. We can measure very objectively harmonic distortion of amp for instance but we know that lower number of distortion is not necessary an assurance of better sound.  The problem, as I see it, that to make the pinkfishmedia analysis better it would take to perfect the analysis itself but not to perfect a turntable.  I would like to see actions over TT that would improve the pinkfishmedia analysis and parallel to it would improve auditable Sound.

This very programme: correlation between the speed instability portraits and the Sound is something I very much hope would eventually be happening!
As a very primitive example, with no pretensions to be anything serious, I tried my deck with two different idlers and Paul kindly provided the plots.
The idler with lower fundamental beat but higher harmonics sounded less stable than the one with higher fundamental but almost no high order harmonics.
Hard to say which plot as "better", I think there is way too little data and correlations to give meaning to this word.

But patience, the harmonic spectrogramms have been around for decades, this tool has only a few years. I hope that this "distributed computing" with multiple people trying to correlate what they hear to the polars will eventually start bringing up some picture of the subject.

11-10-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
tokyo john
Narashino, Japan
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 18729
Reply to: 18723
Share the fantasy
As I grow old and nurse a fragile back, I too have a fantasy of a good sounding, lightweight TT (and amp, speakers for the matter).
Every lightweight TT on the market makes me interested for this reason (Rega Planar 9, Well Tempered, Roksan, Amazon, Wilson Benesch); my main problem with these is they tend to come with (and designed for) the lightweight tonearms.
When I was a teenager my lightweight Pink Triangle sounded great and I wonder how it would sound to me now (maybe it was the Garrot Decca catridge; those deccas can be so exciting if set up right). And to me, there was something so cool about the Pink's lightweight honeycomb suspended suspension that (if it worked according to theory) was so elegant compared to the brute force solutions of TTs like Micro Seiki.

(Share the Fantasy is also the title of the Chanel No. 5 perfume commercials that I loved as a teenager)
11-10-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 18730
Reply to: 18729
While there is really no substitute for mass in a TT, the Well Tempered does some interesting tricks that help it to sound like a happy melding of a light and a "heavy" TT.   I have used a modified WT Reference arm for several years now, and it will accomodate a wide range of cartridges, despite its low weight, as measured on a scale.  Although I am leary of trickery, in and of itself, I try to remain open where audible results are concerned.  I have observed, however, via photos and seeing others' installations, that others do not understand how the arm "works", or their set-ups certainly make this appear to be the case.  Nothing out of the ordinary here, of course, rather, typical of our breed.  I happen to be a heavy TT guy; but the truth is, a well-employed "lighter" 'table would likely out-perform an average "heavy" TT installation.

Best regards,
Paul S
11-10-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Lyon, France
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 18731
Reply to: 18729
Share the fantasy 2
I have two TT fantasy, although we are getting off topic:
1-why can't the record sit still and the cartridge runs around instead ? The cartridge can align itself for each groove, too complicated?
The 2nd fantasy I keep for me as It is too silly.

11-11-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 18733
Reply to: 18715
Rauliruegas about Micros

Look at more posts the A’gon there posted a bout and Rauliruegas passed his observations about Micro Seiki turntables.


He might be right. I disagree with some of his findings. For instance I do not think that a tonearm needs to be decoupled and damped from TT. However, his observations, very much as well as my objections based upon purely theoretical observation regarding his and my understanding of “design” TT. Neither Rauliruegas nor I make observations in context of the actual sound and how our theories impact sound. Yes, having zillion turntables and arms as well as an interest to the subject Rauliruegas very much in position to make those observations but I have my reasons to doubt that those observations are factual. Rauliruegas looks like does not sell anything to anybody and has no business addenda (contrary to the majority whores at that site) and this does give to him some credibility. However, unit he talk about his reference points, his evaluation techniques and the actual sounds (instead of design ideas) I will keep my skepticism to his findings.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-12-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
Posts 235
Joined on 01-15-2009

Post #: 48
Post ID: 18734
Reply to: 18733
Micros or the modern units
In a way you can write some positive / negative about nearly every Design out there. The Micro 5000 & 8000 are 20 years old, they have 2 weak features
- a Platter which rings

- no suspension

BUT, when we look at their latest units, we can see that Micro discovered these Problems in their last years. They offered a Vacuum Base (comparable to a modern Vibraplane) and a steel platter. Maybe they would choose something different today, who knows, but anyway, when done some simple "mods" these Seikis can show a Performance where the Listener asks himself, "what happened in the last 20 years please ???" ...

Turntable Design has a lot to do with energy transfer, there are various solutions, some work, some not, most are more or less useless because of other Design problems. These Seikis are from stock quality outstanding (tolerances, metalwork...) they have chosen an energy transfer which works very well, when a VP or similar is used. The ringing platter is also no problem, all you need is a vinyl mat taped onto and it is done. The motor is adjustable, very reliable and when it isn't modified from a DIY guy, it will work the next years like it did before. And they got very soon the knowledge that platter weight has a huge impact to sound quality...also the knowledge that belt quality has listenable results (good or bad) even with such high mass units, so they offered thread drive pretty early or very interesting belts (technically)...

Probably this is the reason why these Seiki models raised their prices, some Audiophiles don't trust modern units anymore (they had some and sold them), some go for modified 5000 or 8000, some go for old direct Drives .... each his own.

It is not easy for the normal Reader to find out what is really good, we know, even crap gets great recommendations. In a way the only solution is to travel to owners from whatever tables and to listen to their units. Sooner or later you will learn why some designs sound better than others, when you find out why this is the way it is, you are experienced, so it is step by step.

But real life also will show that you can ruin the best Performance with the rest of the chain, let's say in theory you listen to a super turntable but the Arm, Phonostage, Preamp, Amp is horrible, you can imagine what kind of result will be offered.

That's the reason why outstanding Systems generally guide automatically the way to the owners brain (his kind of understanding and the solution he made), spending endless money can work, but mostly it doesn't. In the last 10 years I heard about 5 Systems, where I said "unbelievable good", all 5 were different, some with Horns, one with Stats, some regular speakers, some with Tube amps, some with solid State, the only common from all those owners was - or is - they knew exactly what's on their records, their mastering...in a way, knowledge about music. None used Reissues, some had expensive carts, one had a modified Denon 103R, one old FR-cart, Ikeda cartridge...one a Graham Arm, a few these old FR-64s ... and so on.
But none of them had a - modern overpriced - crap Player, they had Seiki (so I saw them the first time, I didn't know them before), Verdier from France, Cotter or some self modified Mass-Tables....

Kind Regards
11-12-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,296
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 49
Post ID: 18735
Reply to: 18734
Yes and no.
 Stitch wrote:
… they have 2 weak features
- a Platter which rings
- no suspension

No arguments here BUT how the Platter Ringing and No Suspension impacts sound? I mean we can take a hummer, smack the platter and observe ringing. However, how THAT ringing propagate itself to Sound. I think we both agree that we do not know it as there is no imperial data about it. we can take another platter that presumably has no ringing and observe different type of sound. Nevertheless we not necessary know that this different type of sound would be the derivation of ringing but not the derivative of many other reasons. We do talk about ringing juts because we can observe it but it is not all what it is. The same is with suspension. We do agree that suspension or decompiling of TT from floor is important but who said that decompiling of platter from base is important?   In contrary I feel that decompiling of platter is double edge sword that address some problems and create others…
 Stitch wrote:
BUT, when we look at their latest units, we can see that Micro discovered these Problems in their last years. They offered a Vacuum Base (comparable to a modern Vibraplane) and a steel platter.

Well, it is not necessary true. The micro owner told me that they use bronze platter at the time what most of equipment was powers by SS amplification. As the tube amplification was getting back they felt that bronze platter is too colored for soft sounding tubes and they went for steel platters. I personally do not feel that it is so critical as the debate between bronze vs. steel platter is applicable only on their 5000 and 8000 units that use vacuum hold down, or the satiations when a record is sitting right on the platter. I do not think that it is so critical or even important if platter terminated buy hard-rubber mat.
 Stitch wrote:
It is not easy for the normal Reader to find out what is really good, we know, even crap gets great recommendations. In a way the only solution is to travel to owners from whatever tables and to listen to their units. Sooner or later you will learn why some designs sound better than others, when you find out why this is the way it is, you are experienced, so it is step by step.

Recommendations is complicated things and grossly misunderstood by “Normal Readers”.
 Stitch wrote:
But real life also will show that you can ruin the best Performance with the rest of the chain, let's say in theory you listen to a super turntable but the Arm, Phonostage, Preamp, Amp is horrible, you can imagine what kind of result will be offered.

Well, in my books a good TT is the one that is not a weakest element of the chain, the chain where user’s reference point are factored in….

The Cat 

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-12-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
Posts 2,727
Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 50
Post ID: 18736
Reply to: 18735
Shaping Theory to fit Design/Build/Store/Ship/Service Models

Most today are familiar with the term, "Spin", which basically means telling it like one wants it to be.

Here is the fruit of one man's quest for the ultimate TT, after decades of effort, with a machinist facilitator:  http://www.merrillscillia.com/ms21.html

And here is a more recent effort by the same guy, working with a different facilitator:  http://www.realturntable.com


Which design is "better"?  Why is it better?

Paul S

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