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05-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 126
Post ID: 13488
Reply to: 13486
Power & ULF channels
You might find that you don't need that much power.

When I first built the ULF channels I assumed they would require loads of power, so I bought a single, mono, 1KW class D amp to use in testing. Then I tried driving them with a pair of M1.1s that I had planned to sell; even with 94dB sensitivity in a large room, the 2 x 100w turned out to have been easily more than necessary; I decided to continue using them.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
05-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 127
Post ID: 13489
Reply to: 13487
The big picture indeed.
 msaudio wrote:
Romy You have not done your main test yet, And you are ready to get rid of your LF array's to soon or maybe you did it and did not post it or say anything about it. The way i would troulble shoot this problem is to a test referance of 3 foot from Lf array first With RTA, use that along with the overall room test specs then mod my LF enclosure before more money was spent if that would be the case. If you have done your 3 foot ref test of your Lf array, Please post picture of it so everyone understands the over all problem at hand. Every 1 will not learn from this without all the the facts.   Preaching Horn Religion    MSAUDIO
Msaudio, am not as naive as you thinks and I am very far from “get rid of my LF arrays” or commissioning of the ULF enclosures. I am strategizing, planning and running different scenarios in my mind – I would like to have option and be able to chose among possible options. Before I will actually do anything I will conduct many tests to convince myself that I do right things.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 128
Post ID: 13490
Reply to: 13488
Which actual brings an interesting question…
 jessie.dazzle wrote:
You might find that you don't need that much power.

When I first built the ULF channels I assumed they would require loads of power, so I bought a single, mono, 1KW class D amp to use in testing. Then I tried driving them with a pair of M1.1s that I had planned to sell; even with 94dB sensitivity in a large room, the 2 x 100w turned out to have been easily more than necessary; I decided to continue using them.

…and the question is how to drive the lower bass section – with class A or with class A/B. The advantages of both classes are obvious but how the advantages of the class A would manifest itself for ONLY ULF section? The class A runs theatrical higher dynamic range then A/B, perhaps it would be worth to have wasting some power? I truly do not know.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-12-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 129
Post ID: 13491
Reply to: 13490
Seeing vs Hearing vs Believing
The funny thing is, you can see the LF amps' meters pegging, but you can't "hear it", if you know what I mean.  It still "sounds like" "there's plenty of LF", in the sense that the room is shaking the whole time.  I have never had the luxury of real musical LF in my own hi-fi music environment, where I could play with the variables.  And the really big set-ups I've been around are so big as to basically scale themselves into another paradigm.  This should be interesting.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-13-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 130
Post ID: 13492
Reply to: 13490
The Power and the Glory
Maybe this warrants re-thinking what we want from (U)LF.  Some people seem to think of it as a sort of ripple of air, or something, which may go to LF ambience, which I think is an important part of it.  OTOH, I also think of a large orchestra, with bowed basses, big brasses and kettle drums tearing the place apart.  I KNOW this represents a LOT of power, which simply cannot be faked, IMO.  So, where does this power come from?  Someone tell me the last time you heard "realistic" Wagner from a hi-fi.  The best I've heard in a large room used 8 515s/side and BIG, biased amps.  I'm not saying it can't happen, but I have never heard this sort of (U)LF POWER from a truly "efficient" system running at low power.  Do I remember reading somewhere that it takes 20 dB headroom to have a shot at "ease" from repro music?  Well, how often do we get 20 dB headroom from (U)LF?  If this is still a goal, what would it take at 20 Hz?  If there's still music at lower frequencies, then it's not enough to simply make a splat or a whoosh.  We want undertones, overtones, nuance, articulation and power.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-13-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 131
Post ID: 13493
Reply to: 13492
Overblown Bookshelf LF Line Array
Your Typical Acoustical Suspension-type Loudspeaker enclosure witch has less then 90 db at 1 watt does not belong with a horn system that starts at 110db at 1 watt, even when you ad more then 1 driver, it is still way to far off to even consider using. It is like talking about the devil in church, they should be kept on the bookshelf because they suck. Why would anyone want a Acoustical Suspension-type speaker because they donot have the space for a better option. I am 47 years old and i was born listening to good speakers, from my first generation that had good audio taste and since the First AR speaker hit the market they have all sucked and were ment to be used for 1 thing a bookshelf. Then all these magazines started pushing small low output mailorder, cheap Japanease-later chinease junk speaker componetes with the rubber surrounds and thick cones and ceramic magnets, the sheep were eating them up because they donot no what music sounds like. It was all about making something small that sounds halfway desent that could be sold at a larger profit, made shipping easy and cheaper. It is so bad the recording studio's half to use them for monitoring to get a referance of shit for your typical boombox sound witch the people want for there RAP-CRAP sound. The hay day of sound was the 40,50,60, witch audio engineer mixed horns with acoustic suspension speakers? None that would be like witchcraft, these guy's that wrote the books on audio would all meet at the audio clubs, they all new eachother they had pride and they were trying to out do 1 another. They had shows just like they do now witch brought all the best to hear and look at, and make fun of the junk and that was AR. Talk to the old timer's that had horn systems they no a lot of the old story's. I am from california, my dad use to work for Altec pre anaheim then worked at a motionpicture sound house as chief engineer and went to all the clubs, so i herd all the story's and then some you would not believe.  Preaching Horn Religion   MSAUDIO
05-13-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 132
Post ID: 13494
Reply to: 13493
I guess I did not get this memo

 msaudio wrote:
Your Typical Acoustical Suspension-type Loudspeaker enclosure witch has less then 90 db at 1 watt does not belong with a horn system that starts at 110db at 1 watt, even when you ad more then 1 driver, it is still way to far off to even consider using. It is like talking about the devil in church, they should be kept on the bookshelf because they suck. Why would anyone want a Acoustical Suspension-type speaker because they donot have the space for a better option. I am 47 years old and i was born listening to good speakers, from my first generation that had good audio taste and since the First AR speaker hit the market they have all sucked and were ment to be used for 1 thing a bookshelf. Then all these magazines started pushing small low output mailorder, cheap Japanease-later chinease junk speaker componetes with the rubber surrounds and thick cones and ceramic magnets, the sheep were eating them up because they donot no what music sounds like. It was all about making something small that sounds halfway desent that could be sold at a larger profit, made shipping easy and cheaper. It is so bad the recording studio's half to use them for monitoring to get a referance of shit for your typical boombox sound witch the people want for there RAP-CRAP sound. The hay day of sound was the 40,50,60, witch audio engineer mixed horns with acoustic suspension speakers? None that would be like witchcraft, these guy's that wrote the books on audio would all meet at the audio clubs, they all new eachother they had pride and they were trying to out do 1 another. They had shows just like they do now witch brought all the best to hear and look at, and make fun of the junk and that was AR. Talk to the old timer's that had horn systems they no a lot of the old story's. I am from california, my dad use to work for Altec pre anaheim then worked at a motionpicture sound house as chief engineer and went to all the clubs, so i herd all the story's and then some you would not believe.  Preaching Horn Religion   MSAUDIO

MsAudio, I am not sure why you have a rant about Acoustical Suspension here. It is not that you are incorrect but rather that you’re your correctness is not truly applicable in my case. I am not a big fan of Acoustical Suspension as it was used in end of 70s but the way how they did it was just one very narrow application of Acoustical Suspension. Any sealed enclosure is acoustically suspended. The question is what kind drivers, how suspended. You can suspend drivers very loose or very over damped, you can make sipping suspension as it become fashionable with some people nowadays. Yes, an Acoustical Suspension as it was in 70s was the option to get from bad driver and small box more bass BUT it is not all. Any infinite baffle in sealed box is suspended to a degree, the question is how. If Jessie circulation’s about Aura and 13 cub feet are correct then what you use your aura in 23 cub feet then your Aura was also suspended in the very end of it’s exertion. It was near open baffle configuration – some drivers work better and some worse in this application. Generally for open baffle you need very hard suspended drivers with short throw – it will be not Aura.

I guess I did not get a memo that box bass boxes do not match with horns.  I would be VERY happy is in my new room I will be able to get the same bass I had in my old room – and I had the “acoustical suspension-type enclosure which has less than 90 db at 1 watt”. It was very good and I had no desire for anything better – it  was very proper bass.

If you look at the park of available options for complimentary lowest frequency sections for horn MF systems then what is available. I do not believe in the LF bass horns. The ported configuration, all of them are out of attention. The large open baffles are must not be used with lowest octaves. I do not like dipoles – they are for teenagers. What is left besides offensively made/powered sealed enclosures? Well, any sealed enclosures will be in a way Acoustically Suspended driver. You might not USE the Acoustically Suspended gain but I do feel that it is very fine what the driver in the end of it’s run is slightly taped by the volume of the box. Different drivers and different amps react differently to it – fine the configuration that does better to you and I think it is a right direction to go for lower octave.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-13-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 133
Post ID: 13495
Reply to: 13494
French LF drivers
Hi Romy:

See below an  interesting approach. It probably violates some of your axioms but it does seem rather promising methink, without having heard it. Maybe Jessie Dazzle knows about these and could give us the lowdown as they seem rather close to him.



05-13-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 134
Post ID: 13496
Reply to: 13495
Oops, the site is surprise surprise mainly in French.
Apologies to all those who do not speak French but part of that site is in English.


I am willing to try and translate parts that anyone feels particularly pertinent.

05-14-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Lyon, France
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Post #: 135
Post ID: 13497
Reply to: 13495
(another) French LF approach

HI oxric, Here's another french approach which I think is similar to romy's earlier idea about having the carpenter build the cabinets into the back wall.  You can see it in the back of the picture.  The problem of course is the cost to build without really knowing what you are going to get.  Maybe Romy needs to come over here for some wine/cheese and french horn listening?? R Weissman 
05-14-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 136
Post ID: 13498
Reply to: 13484
Reinforce to cure fundamental room modes
I think you have no way to run away from your room modes and the standing waves ...
starting 28 hz is due to your big room dimension for sure and the standing waves

You need to correct your fundamental room modes(below 100hz) by using limp mass acoustic.

I pretty much had success to fix mine(not finished yet)... if i get time i put my audio page on the site.

here i put the graphs before and after :
untreated room.jpg

and treated and yet not finished :

treated room response.jpg

I am not pleased yet and you can see the 63hz mode yet remained which is because I have not done anything for it on purpose.
the most important is the Q of room in that modes which is reduced to .35second for mine .

I put my page immediately when I get finished with everything ...

good luck.
05-14-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 137
Post ID: 13499
Reply to: 13496
S many options and there is so little time and desire...
Thanks, rakesh

I do not know anything about those French drivers.  I would question some things that they say but it is not the point. There are some many opportunities, so many options and there is so little time and little my desire to try the new things.  I would like to try even such a ridicules thing as Clarion SRW8000  32” of the Audiobahn AWT34X  34” drivers, but it would be greatly depends from what my midbass channels would do….

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-14-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 138
Post ID: 13500
Reply to: 13498
Using limp mass acoustic?

Can you describe you methods of “using limp mass acoustic”?  The feeling to find with the thing acoustically is waking up in me from time to time but I develop a new tendency lately – I do not want to see big speakers in my listening room. No, it is not wife acceptance factor – I do not want to see equipment myself in the room. I have a Lot of equipment and it all might be hided in the Rotunda – the equipment bay. The room itself I would like to keep free from equipment. The Macondo MF island and a pair of Milq are fine. I like how they look and then do not bother me. The large woofer boxes I like less (appearance) and I hided then in other parts of the room. So, using limps of mass acoustics might be questionable for my new room décor tendencies.

I know, it is kind of weird to say but my room has very calming and tranquilizing impact on me. You sit/lay comfy, open the doors to the conservation and play some Bach’s WTC or Schnittke psalms or anything by Bruckner and you literally do not want to move. Here is a view from the listening chair… Do you see in there a room for mass acoustic? 



"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-14-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 139
Post ID: 13501
Reply to: 13500
If there are summing modes that raise the SPL at certain low frequencies, then this may mean that treating the room modes will result in a chart that starts falling where the room modes now start, well above 28 Hz.  Looking at the chart, this is what I suspect.  Of course, I am often wrong...  But I agree with Unicon that dealing with the room itself first would be the most productive way to go, and probably the most cost effective, too.  Remember that if you ever tighten the floors, you should do this first, since the resonant frequencies will change and/or troughs and peaks will soften when you do this. 

As for preserving interior space, there are small-ish subs out there that could blow those sliding glass doors right out of the wall.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-14-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 140
Post ID: 13503
Reply to: 13501
I agree with Paul: it seems wiser to take care of the room before trying out new ULF solutions.

I'd place the jacks in the basement under the speakers and close the equipment cubicle with a glass door like the one you have on the lefthand side.

symmetric room.jpg


"Science draws the wave, poetry fills it with water" Teixeira Pascoaes
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 141
Post ID: 13506
Reply to: 13500
Décor maybe fake for playback
oi Romy ,

Since you added a new parameter  in audio play back called : Decor  I'm afraid, it may make it far too hard.
anyhow can I see 360 degree view of your room (video) ? 

I am afraid you are in wrong shape of set up in first place
For instance from pictures you putted in site I guess you may get better response if you put your everything and LF in back of room and faced toward windows ...it can for sure can give you better image on MB LF section ,because the closed windows can act as acoustic low pass filter.
And another thing about timing to consider is distances from your ULF bass and hf section (more than 2ms distance) which may rises a phase problems if not well configured(your LF section may have some 100hz and above resonances which may make it for our ears localized)

I will try to be help more when you can give  some value information to start work with:
1-20hz to 4k response measured in different positions and what I suggested above.
2-your room Q (RT60)
3-waterfall in below 100hz  region in different positions and what I suggested above.

using the limp mass acoustic and how much you need to change your Decor is all dependence based on how you can get results with no treatment helps.

and tuga is dead right about trying symmetry in room


05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 142
Post ID: 13507
Reply to: 13506
Room correction
And what about the brute force method (room correction for the bass arrays)?

05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 143
Post ID: 13508
Reply to: 13507
It migh be more complicated.
 unicon wrote:
Since you added a new parameter  in audio play back called : Decor  I'm afraid, it may make it far too hard.

I agree but it I do not think that it would change my mind. Perhaps “décor” is not right word however; it is not “décor” by rather a desire to do not visually observe audio methods in the room that I do not what to see.
 unicon wrote:
I am afraid you are in wrong shape of set up in first place
For instance from pictures you putted in site I guess you may get better response if you put your everything and LF in back of room and faced toward windows ...it can for sure can give you better image on MB LF section ,because the closed windows can act as acoustic low pass filter.

It might be but it absolutely violate the way how I intend to use this room and the whole house.
 unicon wrote:
using the limp mass acoustic and how much you need to change your Decor is all dependence based on how you can get results with no treatment helps.

I will try the limp-mass membranes after and if I isolate a singular problem as I would like the limp panes to do just limp action and do not work wide-band.
 unicon wrote:
and tuga is dead right about trying symmetry in room

I do not like the idea purely from the standpoint of esthetic.

 el`Ol wrote:
And what about the brute force method (room correction for the bass arrays)?

Actually I am considering something like this but with “change”.  First of all I concluded that my bass arrays do not work well in this room.  The arrays were fine when I drove them relatively high. Now I need to get from them lower bass and in this room it looks like I need more compact ULF transducer source. So, what I would like is to have the midbass to cover as wide tonal diapason as possible, and they to kick in the lower bass section. In this configuration I might to use digital correction of open-end analog notching but only on lower bass channel. I do not know how auditable the brute force methods will be but if lower bass will care more pressure region and less tonal region then I might get away with it. I do not know, it is only speculation – I need a Midbass channel with which the playback sounds self-contained and complete. To do it over the 63Hz might be complicated.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 144
Post ID: 13509
Reply to: 13507
Bass EQ ?
 el`Ol wrote:
And what about the brute force method (room correction for the bass arrays)?


el 0l if you could understand the basics about how audio waves especially bass range acts in closed space you wouldnt even bring the name Bass EQ

it just cures the sound pressure in a single spot(listener) and possibly can not do anything about ring of bass, and what we even hear is the constant  of Frequency over time which in playback audio describes as Q (quality factor) the most importance and usually  the most ignored aspect of room audio by DIGI EQ makers ...

good to hear a breif note on audyssey website :
("Does MultEQ eliminate the need for acoustic treatment?"
No. Although MultEQ will improve sound significantly in untreated rooms, a properly treated room calibrated with MultEQ can achieve stunning results throughout the listening area. ")

I'm not ignoring the benefits we may get from it but
actually A well treated room does not need any EQ
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 145
Post ID: 13510
Reply to: 13509
Agree and not.

 unicon wrote:
el 0l if you could understand the basics about how audio waves especially bass range acts in closed space you wouldnt even bring the name Bass EQ

it just cures the sound pressure in a single spot(listener) and possibly can not do anything about ring of bass, and what we even hear is the constant  of Frequency over time which in playback audio describes as Q (quality factor) the most importance and usually  the most ignored aspect of room audio by DIGI EQ makers ...

good to hear a breif note on audyssey website :

("Does MultEQ eliminate the need for acoustic treatment?"

No. Although MultEQ will improve sound significantly in untreated rooms, a properly treated room calibrated with MultEQ can achieve stunning results throughout the listening area. ")

I'm not ignoring the benefits we may get from it but
actually A well treated room does not need any EQ

Unicon, I agree with what you say and not.

LF the digital EQ will flatten the response for a single listening location. It will do it with no problem. Will it result sonic improvement? This is more complicated question. Let pretend that EQ does not destroy sound by DSP in case it is digital and does not spin phase. Still, flat response is not the objective. I have seen in some rooms very un-flat response that did not affect listening. Some peaks and some dives in the response are fine – it all depends how wide, where, how they related to the rest of the room response and how they masked out. No one advocate running digital IQ to flat bass (it is not complex) but to use digital IQ discreetly, fixing the major problems I think would worth to explore. BTW, what you do is not much different – only you use resonating limp panels. I consider your way of doing the thing is preferable but you endure a lot of acoustic treatment in your room. If it is a dedicated or demo room then it is fine but I do not have an objective to have DEMO room, I am looking for to make it living room.

Frankly I think that my way to do the ROOM is more preferable: do not fine with room and do not treat the room but rather to design the accustom system around the specific room behavior. I admit that so far I do not have in my room success but I just started. I think the final result might use some of your limp methods but the EQ ONLY for LF doe not sound too absurdish as well. My problem not is not with EQ but with absent of ULF channel with which I would model some lower bass behavior. Again, the jury is out but I still would not put the treated room in the epicenter of attention.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 146
Post ID: 13511
Reply to: 13510
Two "diseases"
 Romy the Cat wrote:
 unicon wrote:
el 0l if you could understand the basics about how audio waves especially bass range acts in closed space you wouldnt even bring the name Bass EQ

it just cures the sound pressure in a single spot(listener) and possibly can not do anything about ring of bass, and what we even hear is the constant  of Frequency over time which in playback audio describes as Q (quality factor) the most importance and usually  the most ignored aspect of room audio by DIGI EQ makers ...

good to hear a breif note on audyssey website :

("Does MultEQ eliminate the need for acoustic treatment?"

No. Although MultEQ will improve sound significantly in untreated rooms, a properly treated room calibrated with MultEQ can achieve stunning results throughout the listening area. ")

I'm not ignoring the benefits we may get from it but
actually A well treated room does not need any EQ

Unicon, I agree with what you say and not.

LF the digital EQ will flatten the response for a single listening location. It will do it with no problem. Will it result sonic improvement? This is more complicated question. Let pretend that EQ does not destroy sound by DSP in case it is digital and does not spin phase. Still, flat response is not the objective. I have seen in some rooms very un-flat response that did not affect listening. Some peaks and some dives in the response are fine – it all depends how wide, where, how they related to the rest of the room response and how they masked out. No one advocate running digital IQ to flat bass (it is not complex) but to use digital IQ discreetly, fixing the major problems I think would worth to explore. BTW, what you do is not much different – only you use resonating limp panels. I consider your way of doing the thing is preferable but you endure a lot of acoustic treatment in your room. If it is a dedicated or demo room then it is fine but I do not have an objective to have DEMO room, I am looking for to make it living room.

Frankly I think that my way to do the ROOM is more preferable: do not fine with room and do not treat the room but rather to design the accustom system around the specific room behavior. I admit that so far I do not have in my room success but I just started. I think the final result might use some of your limp methods but the EQ ONLY for LF doe not sound too absurdish as well. My problem not is not with EQ but with absent of ULF channel with which I would model some lower bass behavior. Again, the jury is out but I still would not put the treated room in the epicenter of attention.

You have diagnosed not one but two "diseases":

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Ok, I found my RTA cable and did some very basic measurements of what Macondo does in the room. The results were in the direction that I anticipated but worth in amplitude. 

My right bass channel that that sited right next to the equipment bay has no bass. The left LF channel is sitting in a very good “hot” spot but the right is in bass hole.  I would need 6-8dB of extra gain across the entire bass bandpass to have to work properly but Milq does not have these 6-8dBs. The bass channel have a strong room mode around 63Hz that severally mask any lower response. I need to find a way to deal with it. Also, I do not think my bass channel do a lot of good in this room in sub 30Hz region. I would need, I would need another 6-8dB to handle it…. 

I am curious as to how you'll "integrate" the 63Hz mode into your acoustic system but I can see it possible without any "room treatment".

On the other hand, the bass-sucking equipment cubicle looks far more challenging and the question is whether you can "minimize" it's nefarious influence without closing it.
Looking forward to the upcoming episodes.


"Science draws the wave, poetry fills it with water" Teixeira Pascoaes
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 147
Post ID: 13512
Reply to: 13509
Parametric filters
 unicon wrote:

if you could understand the basics about how audio waves especially bass range acts in closed space you wouldnt even bring the name Bass EQ
it just cures the sound pressure in a single spot(listener) and possibly can not do anything about ring of bass, and what we even hear is the constant  of Frequency over time which in playback audio describes as Q (quality factor) the most importance and usually  the most ignored aspect of room audio by DIGI EQ makers ...

In fact I don't understand why a parametric filter of exacly the right Q not also flattens the frequency response at a particular room mode, but also removes the ringing (in theory), but I have read about it and I have also seen a CSD of an experiment that verifies it. There is a company from Finland that makes subwoofer crossovers with auto-tuned parametric filters, but I have forgotten the name.
And that a sufficiently long FIR filter can do compensation also in the time domain for a particular listening position is self-evident even for me.
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 148
Post ID: 13513
Reply to: 13512
Ceiling arrays

it would be interesting to test whether it is really that impossible to get into the near field at 30 Hz as Griffin's simple formula in the line array white paper implies. I am thinking about laying the arrays on the ground, having in mind ceiling-mounted arrays in the final version.

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05-15-2010 Post mapped to one branch of Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 149
Post ID: 13514
Reply to: 13510
Experiences with DEQ'd ULF
El`Ol wrote:
"...And what about the brute force method (room correction for the bass arrays)? [Digital EQ]..."
Romy wrote:
"...Actually I am considering something like this... I think the final result might use some of your limp methods but the EQ ONLY for LF does not sound too absurdish as well... Let pretend that EQ does not destroy sound by DSP in case it is digital and does not spin phase... Still, flat response is not the objective. I have seen in some rooms very un-flat response that did not affect listening. Some peaks and some dives in the response are fine..."
Having less than ideal lower-bass response in my current room, I bought a single Velodyne SMS-1 as an experiment.
The idea was to use it only on the ULF channels, and to use it as sparingly as possible. 
With more than two years of experience using this device I can say the results are impressive, and to my ear, non-destructive (it is possible to defeat EQ via the remote for quick A/B comparison). I say this while running the ULF channels higher (in frequency) than I will once the mid-bass horns are done.
As for phase, it is completely adjustable, though in my case it was not necessary (I left it at zero; ULF channels are sitting next to the main channels), and I see no difference when defeating the EQ; like all changes made, the results show up in real time via a graph/onscreen display (requires a television or projector).
As for flatness of response, I would agree with Romy; I left smaller peaks and valleys, and oriented the composite curve (all channels) to slope down gradually from the higher LF end.
From my experience, I conclude that if used intelligently, and only for ULF, the effects of this device are not destructive, at least not to the point where they are perceptible. Think of it as accepting to pixelate the blackest 10-15% of an image, while leaving everything else untouched. Defeating the EQ will convince you not only of the non destructive intervention, but also of how much the device is actually helping the situation. Given the right enclosures, armed with high-excursion drivers and adequate power, I cannot imagine a situation this device would not remedy.
Forget the auto-correction feature; it is crude and the result is not even close to what can be obtained using the manual adjusters. Also, I find the presets for different types of music to be of no interest; I use one setting all the time... Once set up, I don't touch the remote; don't even find it necessary to vary the volume of the ULF channels relative to the main channels.
Using the ULF channels in stereo requires daisy chaining two SMS-1s together.
One word of caution: This device is intended to be used with drivers that can handle a lot of excursion, and will permit asking a "normal" drivers to perform beyond their limit.
Unicon wrote:
"...You need to correct your fundamental room modes(below 100hz) by using limp mass acoustic..."
It is possible that I am currently using this technique without knowing it... I'm not entirely clear on what is meant by "limp mass acoustics", but I use several flexible polycarbonate panels onto which I've attached blocks of 4" deep wedge foam. The panels are probably not flexible to the point that they would qualify as "limp", but they are far from rigid. They can be suspended back to back in mid air, or mounted on foam supports. These devices make one hell of a difference, as I have a "polished concrete" floor, stone walls, a steel and glass ceiling, and very little furniture.

How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 150
Post ID: 13515
Reply to: 13511
Room treatment I would like to avoid at this point.
 tuga wrote:
I am curious as to how you'll "integrate" the 63Hz mode into your acoustic system but I can see it possible without any "room treatment".
Ric, what I need to know how my dedicated midbass section will be decaying. There is a ketch in there. The midbass section might not be exposed to the 60Hz problems. The 60Hz problems manifest itself when I source it from front of the room. I just will not do it with midbass and the problem might not even come to existence. If it will be the midbass horn on attic then it will be a totally different story, I hope. So, the room treatment I think might be used but as the concluding very fine stroke of a final brash. I would like to avoid curing the main problem with room treatment as I feel that the room treatment is none narrow enough and not specific in bandwidth, ales you go for very large and very expensive resonators that I would like to avoid at this point.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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