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05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 151
Post ID: 13516
Reply to: 13513
The Middle of the Room.
 el`Ol wrote:
Romy, it would be interesting to test whether it is really that impossible to get into the near field at 30 Hz as Griffin's simple formula in the line array white paper implies. I am thinking about laying the arrays on the ground, having in mind ceiling-mounted arrays in the final version.

Yes, it did not come to me. It would be interesting to test but unfortunately it would not have any practical use. I am afraid that if it works then what will I do. Still, I think it will not work in the mid of the room, well probably I could turn the woofer to floor, still…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 152
Post ID: 13517
Reply to: 13514
On the Shoulders of Giants*
The thing is, other people have been here before, and between them they have already gotten results that would take most of us at least a few steps closer to verisimilitude.
Sorry to be such a whore, but it just seems reasonable to make use of readily available technology, if and when it works.  I have not used DSP, at all, and I have to say I have not liked what I have heard of it.  But then, I could say the same about SET, or horns, for that matter.  At the least, DSP is probably the easiest way to determine the operating parameters for the (U)LF, for future "real time" bias, should that ever be desired.

As for writing (U)LF bias curves, Danley recommends starting at 15 Hz with his TH50 sub, so, obviously, there has to be some way to match the inductor against the impedance.  I would bet nuts that Danley includes digi-curves in the self-powered versions, so as not to stifle the amp, if nothing else.

I would agree that pro audio is generally no good for hi-fi.  Ironically, most pros snicker at home hi-fi as weak-ass, watered down dross, compared to live music; and I have to say I agree with them on this score, too.

Best regards,
Paul S

* with apologies to Anselm of Bec, and also Thomas K. Merton, who penned a truly hilarious book on scholarship that goes by the same title.
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 153
Post ID: 13518
Reply to: 13514
LF EQ: an interesting observation.

An interesting observation about the Velodyne SMS, thanks, Jessie.

There are a number of similar units out there. The Velodyne specification is very fine:   


I did not use those units and I do not know how they perform. It is obvious that with drop of frequency the negative impact of DSP will be minimized. How much minimized – that is the question.

There are a number review of the Velodyne and the similar units, I did not read them but I do not think they will be talking about what I would like to know.  Jessie’s transient comparing of the unit in and out bypass I think is not convincing as well.   Still, this area very much worth to explore.  Jessie, or anybody who use the similar units, can you do some specific tests for me? Also, did anybody has a circuit of output stages of those units?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 154
Post ID: 13519
Reply to: 13235
OK, I decided to stop today to do what I do as it does not feel like me anymore. For a month as I live in here and have the playback up my playback is a source of great pain and I do not like it.  I am accustomed that I turn the thing on and USE it. I did many experiments and had weeks or month playback in bad shape but I know what is going on and I had no problem with it. Now, in new house I for some reasons constantly fight with playback and practical do not USE it as I would like to. The audio experiments I fine, I like them but today I convinced myself the unit I have a dictated midbass channel I will not get the sound I would like to get. So, what people do after they have a strike of revelation? Right, they begin to re-read my site.
So, I look at my comments in the Audio For Dummies  section:  do not pursue full-range without being ready, do not go for lower bass without being ready and I asked myself – what I am doing?

So, I took everything from my listing room out (I have a tone of the speakers I have in there, trying to imitate the midbass) and connected just two woofers to Milq’s bass channels. As the result I got the same Macondo as I had only the LF section runs at few dab doe and well underdeveloped for this room. So, I have no bass but I have nice balanced and peaceful sound from 60 Hz and up. I will keep it for a while until I will do something radical with midbass – I am not ready to move in there now.

The sound as it is not bad. I rolled of HF and there is not bass. The LF section (the dose lower upperbass in effect) is time aligned and the Macondo got some imaging back.  The MF tone is partials back. So, the Macondo works now in monitor mode, but it is OK for now. At least today playing my playback I did not have the feeling that I need to spend a night with an ex-girlfriend who you dumped because you did not like sex with her…
Back to the normality…

Rgs, Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 155
Post ID: 13520
Reply to: 13518
It has been a while since I heard any Velodyne subs.  Do they change models annually, like everyone else?  Whatever; they have been around for a long time, and I have heard many of them over the years, including several of the Stereophile Recommended ones.  I always hated them in the music range, over ~40 Hz, though I can't say I was ever able to get a handle on them below that, due to unfamiliarity with the rooms, etc.  What I hated about them was, they lacked content, sounding musically vague and threadbare to me, and no one was ever able to integrate them with any speakers that I otherwise liked, so they always sounded "appended", to boot.  Same with the Carver/Sunfire, for that matter.

On the other hand, REL used to offer some way-too-expensive consumer models that were actually decent, although I could not say from experience that they are anywhere near as powerful as the pro stuff.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-16-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 156
Post ID: 13521
Reply to: 13519
Extra Back Bedroom Problem Fixed
If you put your speakers in the back extra bedroom, you could have your cake and eat it 2. You will have a normal living room and your headphones sound that you love from small room will be back and better then ever and it don't cost anything except your time and bad back, after you move it again. Then all will learn nothing from ordeal, I am reading these comments and i realize why most people's hifi systems sound like shit because they donot have a clue about audio in the first place. Any 1 that would add solidstate in there line of tube electronics is a nonbeliever in audio purity. EQ bab idea, bass modules center of room a joke, that would be against everything this site stands 4.  Preaching Horn Religion     MSAUDIO
05-16-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 157
Post ID: 13522
Reply to: 13521
...particularly if you have tried it?
 msaudio wrote:
If you put your speakers in the back extra bedroom, you could have your cake and eat it 2. You will have a normal living room and your headphones sound that you love from small room will be back and better then ever and it don't cost anything except your time and bad back, after you move it again. Then all will learn nothing from ordeal, I am reading these comments and i realize why most people's hifi systems sound like shit because they donot have a clue about audio in the first place. Any 1 that would add solidstate in there line of tube electronics is a nonbeliever in audio purity. EQ bab idea, bass modules center of room a joke, that would be against everything this site stands 4.  Preaching Horn Religion     MSAUDIO

Msaudio, I have you have a wrong perception about what is going on. I am negotiating and weighing different option. Your proposal to isolate LF section in extra bedroom is no less ridicules then putting the bass modules in the center of room. Do not forget that I am looking for not only pressure building but also proper localization of LF source, not mention the delays from extra bedroom … So, it is ridicules but no less valuable from the perspective of options. Audio is not only about listening and moving boxes but also about thinking. Thinking it is what I am doing nowadays… The digital EQ might be a bad idea but proper thinking implies proper methodological handling of subjects. I sound confident about some subject because I have divert experience in them. I do not have any person al experience with use digital EQ for LF. I know and I pitch that digital EQ is garbage but how about the digital EQ dedicated to sub 40Hz channel? You state that it will be EQ bab idea, can you share more thought on it, particularly if you have tried it?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-16-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 158
Post ID: 13524
Reply to: 13522
No Isolation
Romy   I ment put everything in back bedroom electronics and speakers not isolate bass. Then it would sound very close to your old house sound room. I have played with some solidstate and mixed with tubes and i do believe you could add solid state below 120 hz and getaway with it without harm to sound but any higher i would'nt use. I have used lot's of solidstate for bass only but finding a good solidstate amp for HF-MF is hard to do. In the past i have found some good solid state amps and have had some good results from amps that have autoformers on them, the solidstate amps that have autoformers have 4,8,16,70 ohm output So they seem to match you speakers output better so the sound is more like tubes sound. I don't know if you have ever used solidstate amps threw input or autoformers but the transformers gives your sound a more sweet all around tone and i have noticed they are more tube like because of the transformer. Just like output transformerless tube amps sound more like solidstate because they are missing that sweet sounding output transformer. I have lot's of amp's on hand and have the part's to build any style to A,B. I wish i was closer because you would like some of my toy's. Preaching Horn Religion   MSAUDIO
05-19-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 159
Post ID: 13584
Reply to: 13235
It is rain in Macondo Marquez said…
And it is raining today in the Kitty home. Still there is Bach and my Macondo is up. Looking at the picture of my new listing room I see no rain… 



"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-20-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 160
Post ID: 13590
Reply to: 13584
Potential contenders?

30cm Subwoofer

Type Number: 30W/4558-00
• Fiberglass/Paper Sandwich cone, black coated
• Fs 19,5 Hz
• SPL 90,5dB @ 2,83V / 1m
• 56 mm peak excursion – hereof 25mm linear
• Aluminum Short Circuiting Ring and the

Aluminum Spacer on the pole piece to reduce distortion and power compression.

• Aluminium Voice coil former
• Vented cone / dustcap
• Nomex spider
• Low damping rubber surround
• Litze wire woven into the spider

Specs: Electrical Data Power Handling Nominal impedance Zn 100h RMS noice test (IEC) Minimum impedance Zmin Long-term Max Power (IEC18.3) Maximum impedance Zo Max linear SPL (rms) @ power DC resistance Short-term Max Power (IEC18.2) Voice coil inductance mH Voice Coil and Magnet Parametres Voice coil diameter Resonance Frequency fs Voice coil height Mechanical Q factor Qms Voice coil layers Electrical Q factor Qes Height of gap Qts Linear excursion +/- Tm Max mech. Excursion +/- Mechanical resistance Rms Flux density of gap mWb Moving mass Mms Total useful flux mWb Suspension compliance Cms Diameter of magnet Effective cone diameter Height of magnet Effective piston area Sd Weight of magnet Equivalent volume Vas ltrs Unit net weight Sensitivity (2.83V/1m) Ratio fs/Qts IEC Specs refer to IEC 60268,5 third sdition. All Scan Speak products are RoHS compliant

Well Romy:

If you wanted to stick to some known quantities, you might do well to look at these soon to be released drivers from Scan Speak which seem fairly promising, and might work quite well. They are rather inexpensive according to their indicative prices and so may not be such an expensive experiment. The excursion of 58mm is rather good, they are current production and you could easily add more as you feel necessary.


05-20-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 161
Post ID: 13592
Reply to: 13590
The Scan Speak new woofer and the damn NASDAQ

Thanks, Rakesh. It might be a good driver, I always like Scan Speaks.

A few things. The Scan Speak nowadays is not Scan Speak anymore, just a name and they made by someone else. Also, I would like different type of drivers. I would like 18-24 inches with moderate exertion, low resonance and none-rubber suspension. The suspension on SD-1 motors was rubber but it was different type of rubber and it was feeling like fine leather. For ULF driver the will not be able to use it – too thin. The rubber suspension on woofer is to inertial and suck a lot of overtones. As a result it would request very sharp crossover….

Anyhow, I have no idea what I would need at this point. I need to know what kind midbass I will have and then I will see what would be the best complimentary lower bass. I think another couple day of market crash and I will not be thinking about midbass horn but instead about the second job to afford them…

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-20-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 162
Post ID: 13596
Reply to: 13592
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik


Let's skip the reactions to the context and just deal with the numbers.  Yes, they are trying to play them too loud.  But
-6 dB @ 43 Hz for twin McCauley 6174s should shed some light on the (U)LF subject.  These are not toy drivers, and they are not "vintage" whimps, either.  If nothing else, this goes to show that simply putting a big driver in a big box, or cranking a small "long throw" driver in a small box is not enough for real (U)LF.  The truth is, few do real (U)LF.

Best regards,
Paul S

05-24-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 163
Post ID: 13622
Reply to: 13596
Those Crazy Canucks
Another serious home audio attempt at (U)LF:


Designed-in mechanical self-damping is actually a good idea.

A pair of these oughta do it, especially with a 240V power source (9 kW/ea).

Best regards,
Paul S
05-30-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 164
Post ID: 13648
Reply to: 13622
Mo' Better Bass
Here is another one, quite serious... only this one is 109 dB efficient.


Think about this for a minute...

Sure, those motors will still need some current, but you might be able to rev 'em up with a vintage DC 300, or SA1 (or maybe even a B2)...  Anyway, likely no need for a DSi6000, or anything like that, for home use.

Paul S

05-30-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 165
Post ID: 13657
Reply to: 13648
Bird in the Hand?

Possibly reflects poor use of my free time, but:

Might never see it at this price again...

Paul S

06-06-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 166
Post ID: 13713
Reply to: 13404
A wet listening spot?
 zako wrote:
Yes i know the expierence,,,I too live in the wild,,As I open the sliding doors,,The Deer across the lake look up as Mahler symphony rolls across the water,, A startled redtailed hawk takes flight,,,  Good to be alive and witness a fresh new morning.
I have tried today my long-standing dream – to catch a good performance of live Bruckner during a sunder storm.  Today WCRB broadcasted live-to-tape Symphony No 4 from PA. Manfred Honeck led his Pittsburgh Symphony. It was not a bad play but with the first bars the first movement a huge sunder storm started. In fact we have a tornado warring… in Massachusetts! I opp0end up all doors and window and cranked the Pittsburgh all the way up. The sunder, the lighting sand the whole thing was wonderful. I have to say that my new house is a phenomenal playground to listen music while exposed to outside nature.  The event was very pleasant but my playback was so far behind that it was disgusting.  The phantasmagory outside was so cool that after the second movement I went to enjoy the show from my pool – love to be in sea during rain since my childhood! Unfortunately from pool and during the storm the Bruckner collapsed even more. I need to come up with some kind of invention to handle it…


Rgs, Romy the cAT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-09-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 167
Post ID: 13727
Reply to: 13713
ROMY,,,,,Its hard to duplicate the power of nature,,,,in music,,Even Wagner would have a hard time,,,much less Mahler..  I wold like to compose a symphony for a Hurricane,,          Maron
06-09-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 168
Post ID: 13728
Reply to: 13727
Did you think Bach have done everything?
 zako wrote:
I wold like to compose a symphony for a Hurricane
Yes, I know this feeling. I have a long desire to compose a musical piece for a percussion-loaded orchestra for snow falling to ground in a windless day.
The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-23-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 169
Post ID: 13829
Reply to: 13235
A cheap but effective ceiling

Cheap_But_Efective_ceiling _1.jpg

Cheap_But_Efective_ceiling _2.jpg

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-23-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 170
Post ID: 14092
Reply to: 13235
Hm, another very interesting idea.

I got home today and was listening the music of my carpenter in my basemen cutting the wood for my midbass horn.  I was slowly thinking about the location of my perspective lower bass channels. The Midbass Horns, if the things go well, will cover down to 40Hz and I would like to have another 20-30Hz sealed box channels. Ironically the requirement is the same – I would like them to do the job but do not destroy the room decor – or not to be too mu8ch in sight. Suddenly it hit me what I can hide the LF channels.

Two days back I have a structural consultant inspected my project and he gave me some recommendation what in his view heed to be done. I said him that the weight of each horn inhaled in attic was 1500pounts of 3000 pounds combined. Some of his recommendations I discard but some I find need to be implemented. So, the in the room will be installed an extra vertical poll to support the horns in the middle. It will be 75” behind the listening position, not too disturbing, still leaving a plenty room on the side wide open. I will probably cover this pall with drywall. In the image below it painted with dark blue behind the listening chair.

Then I asked myself – why do not convert the space behind this new wall into a large LF channel with two L and R drivers in opposite side of the walls – shooting in kitchen and in reading room? I measured the space and I got 83 by 25 by 35 inch or around 35 sq foot. This is perfect to make two 12-14 sq foot LF channels with Aura 1808 for instance.


The idea is very elegant and the woofers will be absolutely not intrusive or visible. I need to measure this space and to see if it is a “hot” space in the room. There are some concerns however that I do not like. Firsts is that the distance between the R and L channels will be less than I would like it to be. The second is that LF souses will be BETWEEN the MF islands and this is VERY bad in my books. The woofers will be closer to listening position than anything else, to make delay for LF is not a problem however.  I need to think about it more. The idea is promising but need to be examined more.


The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-24-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 171
Post ID: 14098
Reply to: 14092
Polar Opposite ULF
Romy, if the room supports it, why not put the lowest channel there?

OTOH, if two big woofers are to fire at 180 degrees, is 3' far enough apart to preclude cancellation from rarefaction?

Lots of ink has been spilled on the subject of ULF over the last couple of years, however most of the home-based commentary I've read has been by HT guys rather than stereo music people.  Even so, it is interesting to note that if levels can be matched, then it appears that one sub may be easier to integrate than two, and especially so if the user has a "decent" equalizer.  And who knows how these things get "decided", but those wishing to equalize as well as possible without electronic EQ are going to 3 subs.

As with mid-bass, the ULF as part of Serious Music seems to be a fairly wide open subject.

Best regards,
Paul S

08-05-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 172
Post ID: 14190
Reply to: 13235
The heat dissipation in the new room
We all bitch that during summer the tube amplification is a problem to operate.  I am with you my brothers and I feel your pain. Well, hmmmmm, not really feel you pain. To my big surprise I have discover in my room the I might run all 12 Milq channels with much less damage to the room temperature then I would expected.

The Milqs are sitting across the wall with French door and have a large ceiling fan above them. I discovered that if I open the French door and run the fans at full speed but with different direction of rotation then the heat from the amps is blowing away to outside of the room. Very very cool discovery, pan intended!


The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-07-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 173
Post ID: 14200
Reply to: 13235
Starting to play with room acoustics
Ok, I think it is a good time to deal with room acoustics. All infrastructure problems are set. The Midbass horns are underway; the electricity will be investigated but as now is addressed by PP2000. Macondo and Milqs are inhaled, the system is up. It is too easily to think about lower bass channel. I think it is a good time now to think about room acoustics, particularly in conjunction with the room décor. It is very interesting subject; I will share what is going on. As now, in more or less naked room the sound of the room is not good.  Let see what can be done with it.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-08-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 174
Post ID: 14203
Reply to: 14200
Differently but the same.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Ok, I think it is a good time to deal with room acoustics. All infrastructure problems are set. The Midbass horns are underway; the electricity will be investigated but as now is addressed by PP2000. Macondo and Milqs are inhaled, the system is up. It is too easily to think about lower bass channel. I think it is a good time now to think about room acoustics, particularly in conjunction with the room décor. It is very interesting subject; I will share what is going on. As now, in more or less naked room the sound of the room is not good.  Let see what can be done with it.

Was thinking about my room. My former room was perfect from acoustic point of view. One of the reason is the it was small and for 13 year I lived in there I accumulated in the room a lot of shit that was hanging on the walls… and the  ceiling. Those thousands individual subject created a perfect defusing surfaces. In the new room I would like to do the things differently but in the same way – minimum absorption and max diffusion and randomizing.

The main thing different is that I would like in my larger listening/leaving room to be nothing beside my listening chair, a pair of speaker and amps. I would like do not see any visible acoustic efforts – it is still a leaving room.  As I told the room has natural bays that would wonderfully take care of the side reflections.  One part of the wall did need a help but I have designed a nice console table that sever very nice  decor duty, functional purpose and take care of acoustic diffusion.
The only concerns in my room are ceiling and a small fraction of back wall. The back wall is very small – I am sure I will take care of it. The ceiling is a bitch however. My leading idea is to use the sails in the same way how I did in my old room – I like the result a lot.  To use sails in this room is nit more complicate as the room has ceiling pitch, ceiling fans, skylights , light-painted (sea sand color) and I would like to keep it airy qualities.

So, was it am considering is to use two 30-35 feet diagonal sails. Here is my plan:


Black oval is my listening spot.  Red are the midbass speakers 10 feet above me. Grey are Macondo. Blue are the ceiling fans. Yellow are the sails that I am considering to hang 8 feet above the floor. I need to start looking for a right material. It shall be hairy but transparent, wish me lack…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-09-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 175
Post ID: 14204
Reply to: 14203
There is nothing hairy and transparent. What about thick soft-PVC?
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