Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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jackydai wrote: | My basic point is: the flare rate has to be coherent
right from the entrance of phase plugs. In this sense, not even Bruce and Sam
did it right, I’m afraid to say. In many cases the driver and the horn are
designed by different teams and the flare rate within the phase plug, the flare
rate from the exit of phase plug to the exit of the driver(the throat), and the
flare rate of the horn are all not the same. In another word, most of the horn
units you have listened to are not following their own flare rate FROM THE
Yes, it is very accurate and
whoever told you about it was correct. There is however a catch in this. The
importance of proper, continuing exponential geometry from very start is critical
from geometrical narrative but 1) hardly provable 2) have dubious practical
implication. The “hardly provable” derives from the fact that it is VERY hard
to equate a continuing exponential when pressure is coming over the phase plug,
partially for short wavelength, it is all done by approximation anyhow. The dubious
practical implication derives from the fact that we bring very valid reasoning regarding
the “proper opening flare” but you have absolutely no auditable reference how deviations
from those perfect opening impact sound. So, even I do agree that a perfect flare rate from
very beginning is a good thing to have but I refuse to accept that having that perfect
flare rate (or clamming it) serves as some kind of assurance for better result.
jackydai wrote: | TAD
4001&4003 …. Cessaro uses TAD units and changes to round horn, …the problem
within the driver is still …. |
This is all fine. The TADs used in
zillion other applications, can provide you subjective description how TADs
sound and what specifically you do not like in TADs sound. I do not need a lecture
of geometry, tell me about sound regardless of the application. jackydai wrote: | ALE use front
firing drivers, where they use bullet phase plugs. They have very high
compression ratio and the sound only pass through dots at the outer ring of
diaphragms, which is frequency selective at the first place. The flare rate is
changing vastly at different stages too. To compensate for small throat exit
they also increase the flare rate of the horn greatly for the first few inches.
Ok, and how ALE sound to you and what in your view need to be
doe to make ALE to sound better?
jackydai wrote: | Avant-garde does
not use compression drivers and uses ABS plastic horns. If you doubt the
importance of material please put your hands on an Avant-garde horn when it’s
playing and feel the resonance. |
First of all Avant-garde
does use the compression drivers and if you feel that they do not then you have
very limited understanding what compression drivers are. Second, can you please
describe how the resonances on the Avantgarde horns sound to you. You do not need
to feel the resonance putting hands on an Avantgarde horn. I am taking you
sitting in listening chair, can you blindly identify that it was playing ABS vs
wooden horn in case the same driver was identically loaded. If so, can you, please
give a specific sonic characteristic, preferably in context of a specific
musical work? jackydai wrote: | I know Romy has
some different opinions on the flare rate Bruce has set. I’d be neutral on
that, but I can only say this: at least they are true
tractrix/exponential/hyperbolic all the way through. |
You should
be neutral because you have no idea about my opinion on flare rates. BTW, I
have no problem with your progressing rise of flare rate. We however do not build
in audio flare rates, we build sound. What you do with whatever rate you use is
the only thing that matter. jackydai wrote: | Many other impressions on different kinds of horns,
I’m sorry to say, are highly influenced by the altered flare rate from the
start and thus should not be qualified reference. |
Oh, come on,
stop sucking you own dick. Look at the images of the installation you made. Your
perfect hyperbolic flare was shooting into the walls from a distance of a few
inches. In that configuration your resonance frequency would be good 20-25hz
off and your throat reactance will make the horn to sound as it was a sewerage
pipe. You bass horn has a permeant and very harmonic resonant chamber in the
curve and you come in here and sing the songs about the “true hyperbolic all
the way through”. Get life, Jacky, or whatever your name is.
PS: I would recommend you
let you father read your comments before you post them here. Otherwise you will
be forced to blame another “unsubordinated employee”.
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche