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07-11-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 13968
Reply to: 13968
The "artificially" made music?

In the cinematographic word nowadays there are many conversations about digitally “replacing” movies stars and about the digital characters become more real, threatening to make actual actors less usable. I would like do not be engaged into the desiccation of cone and pros of the approach but it is no doubt in my mind that in 10 years the digital characters will be very much in use and very competitive. In another 10 years I will be no surprised if it will be 50/50 share between human actor and digital actors. Of cause I am not a specialist in film making and my estimate of years might be way off. However with progress of technology “digital characters” will get more and more market share.

What I am talking about? Well, pretend that it is 2025 and Hollywood roles out the Casablanca III with digital Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman that let say undistinguishable from the original acting. The power of the idea in my view that the talent of great actors might be used to create a new awareness, sort of use the programmatic inheritance.


So, I wonder, if we will be able to do it with films then why we will not be able to do it with Music?

Let pretend me having 1.000.000 tapes of all imaginable recordings of each work. I have specific objectives how I would like to play a given piece. Now, let pretend that I have a way to slice all my 1.000.000 tapes on fragments and to montage them in the performance that I feel shall be performed? The point is that with advance of technology it might be possible to synthesize everything. Sure, nowadays we can’t synthesize complex sound but we can’t synthesize the movement of the Bogart’s face. I am not talking about the face – we can’t synthesize the walking into fog in the end of Casablanca. But I am not taking about nowadays but about a far future when the subjective result of visual synthesis of people will be undistinguishable.

So, will we able to compose, conduct, perform and to play music from a laptop in 2025?  I personally feel that it will be great and if it possible I would like to work on something like this today…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-11-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 2
Post ID: 13969
Reply to: 13968
Usb speakers in 2010
This might sound weird but I have a mini usb speaker attached to my laptop and they radically sound good ...

unicon mini usb1.JPG

07-11-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 13970
Reply to: 13968
I doubt there will be the orchestra in a laptop in 2025. But what if you take existing recordings and so some variations with Melodyne?
Watch some Youtube demos of Melodyne DNA / Melodyne Editor, could be a nice toy for you.
07-11-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 13971
Reply to: 13970
Orchestra Hall
Yes we now can digitally replace the violin section and cello section,,and horn and bass,,and wind and tymponyss of an orchestra....I will now orchestrate a new Mahler Ressurection,,,,replacing Micheal Tilson Thomas with my version,,,,I wont have to pay those drunken musicions,,Or by a tuxcedo or a batton to wave around,,,I will be the greatest conductor in the world...Tear down Boston symphony hall..You wont need that old barn and replace with a used car lot,,,,,Your audio system at home will be your orchestra hall,,,,
07-11-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 5
Post ID: 13972
Reply to: 13971
You are very much correct.
 zako wrote:
Yes we now can digitally replace the violin section and cello section,,and horn and bass,,and wind and tymponyss of an orchestra....I will now orchestrate a new Mahler Ressurection,,,,replacing Micheal Tilson Thomas with my version,,,,I wont have to pay those drunken musicions,,Or by a tuxcedo or a batton to wave around,,,I will be the greatest conductor in the world...Tear down Boston symphony hall..You wont need that old barn and replace with a used car lot,,,,,Your audio system at home will be your orchestra hall,,,,

Zako, behind the best intentions of your sarcasm your will be surprised how close you heat the target. I never made a secret that I am one of those “closet conductors” and I would like to use audio means to override my musical incompetence. In fact, it is what I have been doing in one way or other for years.

I do not know how about to tear down Boston symphony hall but I see no problem if an individual like me would have identical expressive tools as Micheal Tilson Thomas has. It would go very much alone with my interests, inclinations and objectives.  In my case, sine I know the playback component of the whole ceremony it might be very interesting to made playback, composition and the performing manner to triple-stress  something to an expressive amplitude what it was never taken before. I would like to do something like this soon or later the tool like this become avalble.

Rgs, the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-11-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 85
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 13974
Reply to: 13972
I remember the MOOG synthesizer,,,And Wendy Carlos,,,and the Switched on Bach record  Or the Tomita records...somewhere I have that record...The computers are more powerful now so it would be possable for us to compose or conduct,,,Yes indeed,,,,
12-15-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 7
Post ID: 25708
Reply to: 13968
Better late than never?
This is a product that accomplishes what Romy asked for:https://www.vsl.co.at/en/Products
I never saw this thread until now. The product has been around for many years. It is not perfect, but already very good. The sampled sounds are well done and the expressive attributes can be produced by various controllers. It is not designed for real time conducting, but that is surely only a question of enough computing horsepower.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
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