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10-22-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 1544
Reply to: 1544
SS Power Amps - the FoxNews of Audio.

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Recently, I would say the last 2-3 years, I detected a very foolish tendency that audio people are brewing within themselves. A typical today’s audiofool holds within itself a hope about existing of a “secret”, no discovered yet, SS high power amplifier that address all problems of dead speakers sound reproduction. The tube people have this disease for many years and they keep within thier imagination s concept of “a secretive unique tube”. This  “secretive unique tube syndrome” is well-known, however if the tube people at least have some merits in this believe (like unique catachrestic of thier “unique” tube) then the SS people with this believe in thier “ultimate SS push-pull” have nothing more then just a new subscription to well-oiled marketing BS mixed with their ignorance to discriminate results.

Last 2 years, here and there, there are multiple reports about the new Australian, Japanese, German, Israeli, Italian, America, Russians and few other SS high power amplifiers that reportedly did not sound like a typical crappy SS amp. Sometimes ego I kind of followed those rumors reacting to all those VK-500, Parasound Halo JC-1 (the ultimate garbage!!!), Lamm M1.1, Spectral DMA-360, Boulder 2050, Tenor SS hybrids, Mark Levinson No.33H, Ayre V-1, Pass Labs X1000, Halcro dm68, Plinius SA250, Blue Circle BC-8 and many others and then, I recognized the foolish rumors pattern and frankly speaking got sick to even acknowledge all this crap. Today the new army of the SS amps out there and the morons who push them use the very same buzzwords and the very same bumper sticker inelegance to crate a new audio-Moronic hype about the “new generation” of SS push-pulled amps. The typical audio Morons learn those empty and in many instances criminally fraudulent audio-reviews, memorize them, and then exchange the quotes with each with other… How pathetic and depressing….

I would like do not insist that all SS power amplifiers are complete garbage, although it is what I feel (admitting that there are some very nice line-level SS electronics). However what I do insist that above-mentioned SS push-pull hunters waste themselves in very wrong and fundamentally unfruitful direction. A person who would sit in a public restroom, trying different fish sticks, with intention to catch fish out of a toilet probably would look ridicules. Why in such case a person who spent a lot of time and a lot of money picking better high-powered SS push-pull look less ridicules?

Unfortunately no one educate those people but if somebody do and if those people would have a chance to spent 5 seconds with their “beautiful SS amps” connected to a serious speaker then they instantaneously realized that the entire notions of “Recently SS Messiah” is completely fictional. He problem is that it is completely impossible, even theoretically impossible to be able to hear anything audio-valuable when one uses 200-400 watts SS push-pull and dead tonally and contrast disabled loudspeaker. Why? Connect this 300W SS amp to a PROPERLY BUILT AND PERFORMING 110dB sensitive system and listen what this realy amp does. Sound too revolting? Now connect it back to your 90dB sensitive speakers (even a god one) and see if your SS amp can REALLY discriminate tonal and dynamic charisma of notes? It is it! The game is over and the high power SS amp after this self-education should be sent to hell, or more precisely to the Audiogon to benefits a next idiot out there….

It is 21 century and still there is no good, tonally and contrast capable high sensitively loudspeaker. If all those people who waste themselves by infinite search of high power SS push-pull Messiah would spend the same amount of time and money to discover the potentials of properly done multi-channel (no single driver idiocy please!) high sensitively speaker then ALL those high power, SS, push-pull, gray-sounding amplifiers will die off and will not be applicable for a high demanding home sound reproduction…

For now, you the audio Moron, run to a bookstore, buy a new audio magazine and devour a new article about the new “discovered” SS push-pull monster, written buy you next audio pimp. The ignorance of those writers, the audio heaters, is very much matched with the idiocy of your, audio Moron, expectations. The FaxNews of Audio is opened 25 hours a day!

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-25-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Tulsa, OK, United States
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Joined on 01-07-2005

Post #: 2
Post ID: 1566
Reply to: 1544
I beg to differ, I use SET amps, and solid state, there is no problem with SS

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IF you can "hear" SS amps, Romy, then your system must not be well set up, and be sensitive to the frequency shifts caused by tube amps. SS amps have NO sound that humans can hear.

I use EQ'd high eff multi driver horn system, and I can tell you, solid state sounds great! I use a mid 1990's luxman, and it works great on my triamped (mainly horn) system. 

Horn systems like yours Romy are notoriously colored and need proper EQing, otherwise you will spend the rest of your feline life swapping amps.

10-25-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 3
Post ID: 1569
Reply to: 1544
Horns, SS, and so on...interesting!!!…

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 MusicLover wrote:
IF you can "hear" SS amps, Romy, then your system must not be well set up, and be sensitive to the frequency shifts caused by tube amps. SS amps have NO sound that humans can hear. 

MusicLover, could you elaborate on this a little more?

 MusicLover wrote:
I use EQ'd high eff multi driver horn system, and I can tell you, solid state sounds great! I use a mid 1990's luxman, and it works great on my triamped (mainly horn) system. 

Hm, I am glad that you happy with  Luxman. Yes, I am familiar that there are some very inexpensive low compression MF drivers, primarily with ceramic magnets, that work better with SS amplification but they, even with the best SS, perform very poorly and none desirable all together.

 MusicLover wrote:
Horn systems like yours Romy are notoriously colored and need proper EQing, 

Could you elaborate on this as well? It would be interesting what were the stimulus and reasons for your comments. Also, it would be interesting to learn what kink exposure to horn loaded installations you have.

 MusicLover wrote:
otherwise you will spend the rest of your feline life swapping amps. 

Ironically I swap amplifiers much less frequency then anyone I know in audio. Still, although I very much disagree with your suggestions it will be educational to hear your further thoughts

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-26-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Indianapolis, IN U.S.A.
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Joined on 07-20-2004

Post #: 4
Post ID: 1575
Reply to: 1544
Ha! Ha! Ha!

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Your comments are quite funny and contrary to the facts. Romy can hear, as I can too, the difference between solid state amplification and tube amplification because his system is properly setup and can resolve all the nuances. The slightest component change can be heard; innerconnects, capacitors, resistors, etc., when a system is properly setup and has accurate reproduction capability. When properly designed and constructed, horns do not require any EQ. EQing a system is a band-aid to cover up problems that should have been eliminated during the design phase. Most people do not have the intelligence or knowledge to design a high efficiency horn system. This is why so many of them rely on digital trash like DEQ's and time delays. If you can't hear the difference between solid state and tubes, then your system is incapable of resolving the difference because it is so colored by all the EQ, improper design and setup. I suppose you are using three different brands/types/models of amplifiers in your tri-amped system? It is common knowledge that all amplifiers must be the same in a multi-amped system; otherwise you are introducing a whole other set of amplifier induced colorations in each different frequency band. To come here without actually hearing Romy's system and to make the nonsense comments you have made is completely ridiculous. Additionally, I have known Romy for some time now, and during that time, he has changed amplifiers only once.
10-26-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 1576
Reply to: 1544
Let not to laugh but let the man to say what he wanted to say.

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I do not think that it should be arguments at the level like: who could hear differences or whose playback sounds more realistic. The man had his point, agree I or disagree with it is irrelevant. The question should be not about whose views are better but if the MusicLover views have any justifications for validity, inner-reasoning and if they do not have a self-destructive sense.  People know that that the comments like: “… and I can tell you, solid state sounds great!” do not impress me and I need some factuality behind the dropped word.

I do feel that I know where MusicLover coming from and I do fell that I might help him to learn where he was incorrect, objectively incorrect. He certainly might find beneficial to reflect what stays behind his “sounds great” statement and what might be a success definitions for a playback. That is why I’ve offered him to expend his view, hoping he would provide more details on his standing.


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-26-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Tulsa, OK, United States
Posts 18
Joined on 01-07-2005

Post #: 6
Post ID: 1579
Reply to: 1544
My responses

 MusicLover wrote:
IF you can "hear" SS amps, Romy, then your system must not be well set up, and be sensitive to the frequency shifts caused by tube amps. SS amps have NO sound that humans can hear. 

MusicLover, could you elaborate on this a little more?

--Romy, SS amps have a FLAT freq curve and essentially inaudible distortion. THey don't cause ANY sound. No one has been able to scientifically demonstrate that SS amps add any HUMAN AUDIBLE signature to the signal. While I understand this site is more opinion based, i'd be interested to see if you can cite any SCIENTIFIC studies (not listening experiences but science) that demonstrates otherwise.

 MusicLover wrote:
I use EQ'd high eff multi driver horn system, and I can tell you, solid state sounds great! I use a mid 1990's luxman, and it works great on my triamped (mainly horn) system. 

Hm, I am glad that you happy with  Luxman. Yes, I am familiar that there are some very inexpensive low compression MF drivers, primarily with ceramic magnets, that work better with SS amplification but they, even with the best SS, perform very poorly and none desirable all together.

----Romy, I use altec 808a in a 511b and altec 515G.
AS for desirability, that's your opinion. My opinion differs. WE are both entitled to our own opinions!

 MusicLover wrote:
Horn systems like yours Romy are notoriously colored and need proper EQing, 

Could you elaborate on this as well? It would be interesting what were the stimulus and reasons for your comments. Also, it would be interesting to learn what kink exposure to horn loaded installations you have.

---------I have a couple of horn systems, and have heard many more. They tend to be colored in terms of frequency response. Of course they have great dynamics. Butthey need proper EQing. Your system seems to be non EQed. I can only surmise that you have managed to find some acceptable balance between the tube amps you use and the system you have built, that (while my guess is not flat at all) sounds pleasant to you. THe stimulus for my comments is simple: I have built & listened to quite a lot of horn systems.
THe reason for my comments: none except I wan tto share thoughts on your forum. I am not trying to criticize you, I am simply giving you my opinion, baed on experience and measurements of horn systems, none of which are flat without EQ.

 MusicLover wrote:
otherwise you will spend the rest of your feline life swapping amps. 

Ironically I swap amplifiers much less frequency then anyone I know in audio. Still, although I very much disagree with your suggestions it will be educational to hear your further thoughts

------Ok ROmy, disregard my last line, I was being humorous. What I meant was: if you have a non-flat horn system (and in your case I can tell you it is non-flat if you measure it you will see) then you can swap imperfect tube amps till you find a balance of sound.
Or you can do what the pros do: just EQ it and go with a flat SS amp.
REal simple.

Romy the Cat

10-26-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Tulsa, OK, United States
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Joined on 01-07-2005

Post #: 7
Post ID: 1580
Reply to: 1544
Ho HO Ho

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SO you are saynig you have meaured the horn system in question and it is truly flat?
I would be interested to hear your measurement procedure.
I dont think ROmy actually did any design, he just bought components and put them together. Did he actually design the horn? I would like to hear what formulae he use to design the horn, if he did.
I'll ignore the rst of your post, since its clear you have strong opinions, but don't seem to have much experience with sound reproduction.
10-26-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 1581
Reply to: 1544
OK here are my responses

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 MusicLover wrote:
Romy, SS amps have a FLAT freq curve and essentially inaudible distortion. THey don't cause ANY sound. No one has been able to scientifically demonstrate that SS amps add any HUMAN AUDIBLE signature to the signal. While I understand this site is more opinion based, i'd be interested to see if you can cite any SCIENTIFIC studies (not listening experiences but science) that demonstrates otherwise.

I know where you were coming from and I pretty much expected this reply. I would like to pass a few unrelated anecdotes and you might interpret then in any way you might find them applicable.

1) Pretend that humans do not recognize distortions, I mean out awareness is not able to acknowledge them. (The fact that was highly scientifically demonstrated and proved in end of the 1970s by that person I know and the fact was idiotically rejected by the ASE as something that “has no relation to practical applications”

2) When you register distortions you refer only to mathematic reflections of exchange mechanism that take place in amplifier. Those reflections do not have direct relations with the transformation of sonic Reality the take place in amplifier. If you fell that they do then please proved further explanation how distortions pattern relates to listening experience. While you do so it would be nice to recognize that this relation dose not exist even for “live” sound.

3) While you utilize the scientific method of sonic analyses you do not measure the sound itself but you rather the measurable aftereffects of mathematical equations. Sonic and electrical waves have different fundamental nature and the electronic measurement equaling but it nature could not operate within a language of sonic realty. Therefore to interpret the really of sound producing machines and to rely explicitly upon the currently know mathematical methods is like estimating a happiness of a human by exposing his farts a gas analyzer.

4) There are very many moments of sound reproduction that could not be descried by hard core science or at list the science is not up to the point of “resolution” that might even approach the humane senses. How electronics can handle the “intentions” of performing music? How electronics modifies the reasons and the decisions of the artists? Why with one amplifier (SS or course) the Benedetti Michelangeli’s wring notes sounds like an accidental hit of the wrong key but with another amplifier they sound like a very intentional positioning philosophical statement that make you to think for days or weeks. Are we looking for to be “right” of happy? Are we reproducing music for sake of anal-retentive science of for the sake of more inspired humane goals? If the scientific machines that we use do not benefit our desires of musical objectivism then what we do in audio?

 MusicLover wrote:
Romy, I use altec 808a in a 511b and altec 515G. AS for desirability, that's your opinion. My opinion differs. WE are both entitled to our own opinions!

I understand why in such case you feel that horn are severally colored and why you need a use a condom of SS amplification to mask out the huge problems of the 511b horn. In my language those rectangular caskets are not horn but the ears torturing machines.  In realty the properly built, properly arranges and properly powered horns do not have anything colorations you apparently experienced before. I think you make a generalization slightly premature. Also, if horns require any EQ then it is a clear evidence that people who design the system were very much ignorant regarding of what they do. Trust me, I did play with horns EQ a lot until I learned why I was wrong. . If you find yourself in Boston I will be happy to demonstrate it to you and horn is completely free form the prejudices that you observe in then so far. But one age, it is demands what you looking to get: the music for your soil of the sounds for your oscilloscope… :-)

 MusicLover wrote:
I have a couple of horn systems, and have heard many more. They tend to be colored in terms of frequency response. Of course they have great dynamics. Butthey need proper EQing. Your system seems to be non EQed. I can only surmise that you have managed to find some acceptable balance between the tube amps you use and the system you have built, that (while my guess is not flat at all) sounds pleasant to you. THe stimulus for my comments is simple: I have built & listened to quite a lot of horn systems.

So, MusicLover, when you built your horn systems then what exactly dissatisfied you that you felt a need to use EQ? was a lick of response linearity of something else? If one build a horn playback installation and it is not liner enough then it dose not discredit the horn but rather just inform about some ignorance of designer or the entire installation prematurely whan any assessment of sound should not be even started.
 MusicLover wrote:
Ok ROmy, disregard my last line, I was being humorous. What I meant was: if you have a non-flat horn system (and in your case I can tell you it is non-flat if you measure it you will see) then you can swap imperfect tube amps till you find a balance of sound. Or you can do what the pros do: just EQ it and go with a flat SS amp.  REal simple.

I would anticipate that you would extend me some credit and will not presume that I would cure the non-flat horn system with amplifier or even some kind of barbaric equalizations. I think one should discover how to make the playback installations at least linear and then start to thinks about Sound.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-26-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 9
Post ID: 1582
Reply to: 1544
Re: Ho HO Ho

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 MusicLover wrote:
SO you are saynig you have meaured the horn system in question and it is truly flat? I would be interested to hear your measurement procedure.

MusicLover, trust me, John know everything that need to be know about the measurement procedure and it would be rely funny if you would examine him about it. BTW, what did you mean the “horn system in question”. Are you talking about my own installation? The sweep is in “My pPayback “ section of my site. Frankly speaking it might be even more linear if I wish but I have much more advanced demands for the speaker measurements then juts the plane-vanila linearity.

 MusicLover wrote:
I dont think ROmy actually did any design, he just bought components and put them together. Did he actually design the horn?

MusicLover, you might discover eventually that we are the masters of out own playbacks and that we fully responsible for the design of our listing rooms. I might presume that if I ship my playback ‘as is” to you then you would still have the difficulties with linearity of response. :-) What I am trying to say that until you personally take charge, control and responsibility for the way how your installation performs then “you will spend the rest of your feline life swapping amps”.. :-)

 MusicLover wrote:
I'll ignore the rst of your post, since its clear you have strong opinions, but don't seem to have much experience with sound reproduction.

Well, what might be described as an “experience with sound reproduction”? I feel that experience is a predictable ability to deliver a predictable result as a targeted level of demands. From this perspective John has quite a lot of experience. In fact if you decided to move form the Altec "coca-cola cans" to the real horns then you might learn that John is in a very unique position: he could deliver a stable predictable result at the level of demands that way suppresses any another known to me horn makers. I wish you luck to find somebody more skillful and  knowledgeable vendor with completely suppressed ego.

As personal note, I might say that I was introduced to John very accidentally and was attracted by his certain horno-radicalism. For the years when I was talking with different people about horns I was feeling that no mater now bug Moron I was but still actually was  in a position to teach those people about the subject. With John it was very nice “click” as many of my own visions that I considered imperative for a properly sounding horn installations were fully embraced and enriched by the John’s horn making experience. I think, your conclusion that  he has not much experience with sound reproduction require…  I would say ...a lot of equalization on your side….

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 11443
Reply to: 1582
Fallacious Feline
You are an idiot as proven by your inability to spell.  Your degree of electronic brainwashing is exceeded only by the offensiveness of your derisive descriptions of those who reject your fantasy paradigm.  How is it possible that a tube amplifier which cannot meet the most basic of specifications accurately reproduce anything but the sound of your farts?  While you may relish the smell of your own petards while enjoying the sound of tubes- the rest of us are not morons because we disagree with the sound and smell!  Pathetic is you in your aromatically and sonically polluted room denying the truth that solid state amplifiers (and even FoxNews) deliver.
08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 11
Post ID: 11445
Reply to: 11443
About the art of the threads naming.
 LossTangentZero wrote:
You are an idiot as proven by your inability to spell.  Your degree of electronic brainwashing is exceeded only by the offensiveness of your derisive descriptions of those who reject your fantasy paradigm.  How is it possible that a tube amplifier which cannot meet the most basic of specifications accurately reproduce anything but the sound of your farts?  While you may relish the smell of your own petards while enjoying the sound of tubes- the rest of us are not morons because we disagree with the sound and smell!  Pathetic is you in your aromatically and sonically polluted room denying the truth that solid state amplifiers (and even FoxNews) deliver.
…. which proves how ridiculously accurate I was with naming the current thread. Will I ever be mistaken?!!!

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 11455
Reply to: 11445
Excessive Negative Feedback


Please accept my apologies for my first posting on your website.  I had only perused a couple pages and may have come to an incorrect conclusion.  While it is human nature to lock onto an idea and dogmatically pursue it, those in touch with reality will continually question their senses and attempt to critically evaluate external inputs with the understanding that we as humans are biased and prone to enveloping ourselves with a cocoon of incorrect but comforting paradigms.  I did not mean to state that FoxNews is the “truth” but was trying to imply that those who believe the channel is all lies are blinded by their as yet unrealized internal biases.   FoxNews is just a biased as CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, or any other “news” of choice because they are produced by inherently biased individuals.  Those who filter their information inputs into prima facie “lies” and “truths” are not in touch with reality.  Only by absorbing all of the available sources of information with a skeptical analysis can one hope to arrive at some temporary “truth”.

We must accept that the human body is equipped with very poor measurement instruments in the form of eyes and ears, etc.  Fortunately, the human brain is exceptionally powerful in compensating for this poor signal quality.  If you doubt this, please let me know and I can provide you with some experiments to prove how your brain fills in the missing information and vainly attempts to correct for errors in measurement (negative feedback if you prefer).  The downside is that this correction process is so automatic that we grow to ignore it and some would even deny it exists.  As our measurement instruments age or we suffer from mental illnesses the brain must apply even more corrections and the overworked brain is further stressed.  In order to maintain the self esteem required to prevent breakdown the conscious mind often compensates for incorrect information by externalizing the sources of the errors.  In other words blaming the world for ones ever increasing biological shortcomings, inflating the ego, and convincing oneself that the rest of the world is wrong, deaf, stupid, or whatever.

Subsequent to my initial posting I have spent a couple of hours reviewing a small fraction of your nearly 5,000 posts.  I am sincerely concerned about your state of mental health and hope that you take some time to consider that you may be in need of a slight “tune up” and ask yourself some of the following questions.  Please, there is no need to reply as they are for your benefit only and not meant as an attack or to initiate an argument.

1.    How many cats do you live with?  Have you ever had complaints from neighbors about your animals?  If you have more than 3 cats you may have animal hoarding tendencies.  If you are not familiar with this condition please do some research on the subject and consider that you may suffer from the syndrome.

2.    How is your income derived?  You stated that you were a software engineer, but your website is so large I question whether you have the time to hold a professional job while maintaining a normal social life, allowing time for physical exercise, etc.  Have you ever had your employment terminated despite your protestations that you were a superior employee?   Since you clearly have the funds to pursue the audio hobby I’m wondering if you are living off an inheritance or other funds while living a reclusive life in isolation of healthy human interactions and relationships.

3.    Are you able to review and understand your postings from the past?  You demonstrate an extensive body of knowledge regarding many aspects of music.  However, frequently paragraphs within your postings are incompressible despite repeated readings.  Some of this may be due to careless spelling and diction or English being your second language, but so much of it seems to be nonsense to those outside your world.  While you are demonstrably convinced of your infallible expertise, the truth is your statements often contradict the accepted and undeniable body of knowledge of physics, acoustics, electromagnetic and acoustic wave propagation, signal theory, and electronic signal reproduction.

4.     Are you generally happy?  Do you have hourly or daily mood swings?  I congratulate you on a very comprehensive website presumably dedicated to the enjoyment of music reproduction.  Unfortunately, most of your postings are full of virulent attacks on outsiders and attempts to prove your own omniscience.  A healthy mind cannot be so obsessed with proving oneself as the holder of all truths while blaming and lamenting the exterior world for being so inferior.  If music makes you happy, why are you so full of anger and resentment?

Again, I apologize for my earlier posting as it was an attack and I was wrong to send it without taking the time to better understand your situation.  I’m sure most of us in the outside world appreciate your monumental efforts in creating such an admirable tome.  I only wish it were more constructive and conveyed the joy of music instead of the wasted attempts of an obsessive compulsive to prove his superiority.
08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 13
Post ID: 11456
Reply to: 11455
Excessive Negative Feedback II
I see that my posting contains two emoticons with their tongues out.  I assure you this is purely accidental (perhaps my carriage returns were miscoded?).  Please ignore them.  I genuinely hope that my posting may be of some help to you.  I wish you only happiness and musical enjoyment.
08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 14
Post ID: 11458
Reply to: 11455
What a lying loser
 LossTangentZero wrote:
  FoxNews is just a biased as CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, or any other “news” of choice because they are produced by inherently biased individuals.

Now that is a lie.  FauxNews is not even news, nothing but propaganda catered to their hate-filled audience.  To say that they are as "biased" as CNN or BBC is a lie.

1.    How many cats do you live with? 

2.    How is your income derived?

3.    Are you able to review and understand your postings from the past?

4.     Are you generally happy?

Typical FauxNews and Republican tactic -- bring up irrelevant points to attack the messenger instead of the message.
08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 15
Post ID: 11460
Reply to: 11455
Excessive Negative Feedback III

 LossTangentZero wrote:
  We must accept that the human body is equipped with very poor measurement instruments in the form of eyes and ears, etc.  Fortunately, the human brain is exceptionally powerful in compensating for this poor signal quality.  If you doubt this, please let me know and I can provide you with some experiments to prove how your brain fills in the missing information and vainly attempts to correct for errors in measurement (negative feedback if you prefer).  The downside is that this correction process is so automatic that we grow to ignore it and some would even deny it exists.  As our measurement instruments age or we suffer from mental illnesses the brain must apply even more corrections and the overworked brain is further stressed.  In order to maintain the self esteem required to prevent breakdown the conscious mind often compensates for incorrect information by externalizing the sources of the errors.  In other words blaming the world for ones ever increasing biological shortcomings, inflating the ego, and convincing oneself that the rest of the world is wrong, deaf, stupid, or whatever.
What particularly interesting in this view is that you put yourself outside the pattern that requires mental corrections…
 LossTangentZero wrote:
  Subsequent to my initial posting I have spent a couple of hours reviewing a small fraction of your nearly 5,000 posts.  I am sincerely concerned about your state of mental health and hope that you take some time to consider that you may be in need of a slight “tune up” … 
Yes, you are right. Are you selling bibles, cocaine or the erectile dysfunction medications?
 LossTangentZero wrote:
   How many cats do you live with?  Have you ever had complaints from neighbors about your animals?  If you have more than 3 cats you may have animal hoarding tendencies.  If you are not familiar with this condition please do some research on the subject and consider that you may suffer from the syndrome.
I have 17 cats. I do not know what the hoarding tendency is but each of my Cats has very cognitive function. 3 of them I use to bite of my neighbors. 2 of them I use for sex. Another 5 are my private security team – they keep Jews, Negros, Mickey Mouse’s dolls and Homosexuals away from me. 3 other cats care my guns with me when I leave my house to make my annual trip to pharmacy. Another 4 cats I use for my weekly reinstating the Pharsalus battle on my kitchen floor… I hope you understand me, brother
 LossTangentZero wrote:
    How is your income derived?  You stated that you were a software engineer, but your website is so large I question whether you have the time to hold a professional job while maintaining a normal social life, allowing time for physical exercise, etc.  Have you ever had your employment terminated despite your protestations that you were a superior employee?   Since you clearly have the funds to pursue the audio hobby I’m wondering if you are living off an inheritance or other funds while living a reclusive life in isolation of healthy human interactions and relationships.
Income!  What income? The employment terminated? Is any other ways possible? Do people in your part of universe merry a job?  
 LossTangentZero wrote:
     Are you able to review and understand your postings from the past?  You demonstrate an extensive body of knowledge regarding many aspects of music.  However, frequently paragraphs within your postings are incompressible despite repeated readings.  Some of this may be due to careless spelling and diction or English being your second language, but so much of it seems to be nonsense to those outside your world. 
Not always.  
 LossTangentZero wrote:
     While you are demonstrably convinced of your infallible expertise, the truth is your statements often contradict the accepted and undeniable body of knowledge of physics, acoustics, electromagnetic and acoustic wave propagation, signal theory, and electronic signal reproduction.
….and something suggests me do not have curiosity in your point of view regarding your “undeniable body of knowledge”… 
 LossTangentZero wrote:
      Are you generally happy?  Do you have hourly or daily mood swings?  I congratulate you on a very comprehensive website presumably dedicated to the enjoyment of music reproduction.  Unfortunately, most of your postings are full of virulent attacks on outsiders and attempts to prove your own omniscience.  A healthy mind cannot be so obsessed with proving oneself as the holder of all truths while blaming and lamenting the exterior world for being so inferior.  If music makes you happy, why are you so full of anger and resentment?
I think if I talk with you about music then I might tune to be suicidal 
 LossTangentZero wrote:
      Again, I apologize for my earlier posting as it was an attack and I was wrong to send it without taking the time to better understand your situation.  I’m sure most of us in the outside world appreciate your monumental efforts in creating such an admirable tome.  I only wish it were more constructive and conveyed the joy of music instead of the wasted attempts of an obsessive compulsive to prove his superiority. 
There is no apology necessary. I have a demand however. The only one regulation that gardens this site is that posts must be in relation to the subject of the thread’s topics.  I agree and appreciate your initial post – it was in subject. Then you went soft on me and I do not think it related to SS amps anymore. I have no interests in your psychological confessions. Really is the subject of beholder’s eye mindset. If your perception does not fell belong this site a valuable for youself level of “advanced audio and evolved music reproduction techniques” then feel free to move on.  Let see how “psychologically attached” you will be to this proposal…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 16
Post ID: 11461
Reply to: 11460
(800) 981-4357
08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,296
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 17
Post ID: 11463
Reply to: 11461
Your welcome.
Great, I presume that your “undeniable body of knowledge of physics, acoustics, electromagnetic and acoustic wave propagation, signal theory, and electronic signal reproduction” has exhausted with it. It was luminous, very constructive but indicative and highly predictive. The simplicity in predictability of your case is the only thing that annoys me. I have however to admit that I do watch sometimes the Fox New. It really helps with recognizing of the typical delusions and anxiety disorders that the Fox-watch type of people are demonstrating.  You were just too simplistic case.   

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Joined on 09-14-2008

Post #: 18
Post ID: 11468
Reply to: 11463
Please forgive me, I do not put nothing to the subject. But I couldnt resist myself:

"I have 17 cats. I do not know what the hoarding tendency is but each of my Cats has very cognitive function. 3 of them I use to bite of my neighbors. 2 of them I use for sex. Another 5 are my private security team – they keep Jews, Negros, Mickey Mouse’s dolls and Homosexuals away from me. 3 other cats care my guns with me when I leave my house to make my annual trip to pharmacy. Another 4 cats I use for my weekly reinstating the Pharsalus battle on my kitchen floor… I hope you understand me, brother."

08-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
South Africa
Posts 80
Joined on 07-18-2009

Post #: 19
Post ID: 11475
Reply to: 11468
OK, I hope you done...
pissing each other off by now.

Back to the subject: How is it, that according to plenty of more recent commenting on 'hollow state' vs. 'solid state' the two are getting closer, and in some cases are hard to differentiate the sound?

This would either mean: Both are getting now SO bad that they sound the same FoxNews like - or both are getting at least somewhat better in loosing some of their 'flab' for hollow-state and losing some of there coldness and uninvolvedness for solid-state.

Also, was it just accidental that PassLabs did not come up in your list of horrors? Further, you are onto PP when grinding down SS, but did not touch on Class-A, PP or SE -- another oversight devoid of meaning? I guess so, but just wanted to make for sure.
08-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,296
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 20
Post ID: 11477
Reply to: 11475
It shall be vice-versa
The powerful PassLabs are incredibly bad amps and Mr. Pass well knows it. PassLabs has a series of very low power, SS, class A, single-ended amp and they might be interesting. I personally never had them and I do not extend a lot of trustworthiness to other who tried them. Mostly the folks I heard feedback about the PassLabs SS single-ended were the “single-driver intellectuals” and I do not extend a lot of credit into their findings. Theoretically a SS devise shall be a good current source but in practice it is only at very low level of signal. It looks like there is good SS line level electronics but very sad power level electronics. It shall be vice-versa but in practice it is not the case. Very strange…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-19-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Post #: 21
Post ID: 11487
Reply to: 11477
Low Power Class A Solidstate Design
I think low power ss design is the only way we can make ss to sound good. in my idea all high power ss design i heard had no emotion in their sound in comparison by good SET designs like AN UK Ankoru.
the first SS design that make me happy in comparison by other ss designs was Vitus SS-101 integrated amplifier. vitus is 50 watt Class A push pull design.
Vitus micro linearity was exceptional in comparison by other so expensive high power ss design but i should add even vitus micro linearity is not in the league of good SET designs.
vitus was even better than many tube designs i heard in iran.

I should say 90% of tube amplifiers in market are not my favorite (i do not like to describe them crapy) and 99% of ss designs are like their tube brothers , this means that design in my idea is more important than components though i agree the best result is given by SET amplifiers.

I listened to Pass labs 100 watt amplifier and it's sound was like other high power designs. never heard first watt project.

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
08-19-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
South Africa
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Post #: 22
Post ID: 11497
Reply to: 11487
50 watt class A, PP...
well fine, my X350.5 does 50 watt class A, and of course in push-pull. I use it with 120 watt max rated 3 way speakers of about 87 dB efficiency. You can see on the 350.5's  centre instrument dial if you go out of class A. If I go out, I usually fear for my 8" bass drivers first so it actually NEVER happens during 'normal' listening.

Any tube I have heard trying to satisfy a 4 - 6 ohm box-speakers ~ 86 - 88 dB just doesn't get there without going soft in the bass, loosing some control. Some like this effect, I don't. That leaves horns --- and THEN we start talking issues aplenty.

4 to 6 way, phase tracking of each horn!? how?, active amping with 8 to 12 tube monos, just for a starter.
My Pass is pulling ~ 670 watt in idle and it's giving me heat exhaustion in summer, no way I'm gonna survive with a stack of tube monos. So, it's horses for courses and I try to get the best from what I can live with.
08-19-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 23
Post ID: 11503
Reply to: 11497
The First Watt shall be better then Second Watt
I do not care about all of Nilsson Pass amps; I feel that all the same and all are very sub-qualified.  A few years back Mr. Pass went for his low-powered SS single-ended amps and they might be more interesting.  I do not have them and I never seen anybody with sanity or good speaker used them, so it is hard to say what the “First Watt” amps do.  BTW, there is a “might be interested” thread at AA about the subject.  I hope it will not be vandalized by the typical AA sewer’s intellectuals.


The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-20-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Post #: 24
Post ID: 11504
Reply to: 11503
Pass labs
In my idea pass labs high power amplifiers are in under average even in comparison by market average standard.
it's sound xa1000 was not good and i think when a company accessed a good market for his products then start to making crap products.
in my idea pass labs now make bad components like many other famous brands.

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
08-20-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 25
Post ID: 11505
Reply to: 11504
From A to AB
I never listened to Pass amps, neither class A nor class B, but I think I know a counter-example:
The new powerful AB amps from Martion in my opinion play in the same league as the small class A amps in the Orgon active horn system concerning freedom of any coloration. The sad thing: I could afford them, but a highend amp alone doesn´t make a highend system and I don´t know components with similar cost-benefit ratio in other categories.
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