Hello Romy, Great video and I appreciate the description and discussion of the three approaches. Your 3rd way is one that seems more active. One where you can shape/tailor your listening experience for maximizing emotion, and if I understand you, this is based on recording, the music, and your mood. I respect that. I actually met you once about three years ago when I drove David Karmeli to you. You made us lunch and then played Bruckner symphonies on your system in the back room. This was your old house in Massachusetts. David was visiting me to fine tune the new system I bought from him. His family was staying with you also. Anyway, I invite you to visit any time if you want to hear the system for your self in person. Bring your records.
American Sound AS2000; Lamm LP1, LL1.1 Sig, ML2; Vitavox CN-191
DIY signal cables, rack, Ching Cheng power cords
System link: https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/natural-sound.32867/