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09-12-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 1
Post ID: 25935
Reply to: 25935
I think it is the end.
There is something horrible that happens in my life: we got a dog. It is not that I hate dogs, I do not particularly care about them and everything that I know about this life is how to be or how to be-with Cats. Today I have a horrible alien life-form entered my home and I am obliged to take care of him as neither my wife nor my kids will do it. I am very disappointed that my wify chose to amuse herself for a few days by binding a dog to our family. Why she did not buy to herself another pair of shoes or another never to be used kitchen appliances? Why it has to be a dog, a SKU that has feeling and expectations? It could be a cactus and then I would water it dally but a dog needs so much more and I do not feel in me the feeling to give it to dog. I kind of feel betrayed and neglected. The rhetoric was that it is “for kids” but we all know that kids are just a selling point for uninformed or dishonest perception. I was asking Amy for years do not bring any dogs in my life and we even had it in our prenuptial agreement that we virtually formed. Now all of it gone and that harry and drooly mozerfaker is running across my home, inspiring in me fear no less than the Baskerville Hound. What will be next when my wife get bored and need to consume another “action item”? To rent a room of a nice boy with Nazi’s tattoo?  To re-paint house in red with green poky dots? To sell all my records and to donate proceeds to one the idiotic political parties? To sigh me to sing for heavy-metal band? I will probably barricade myself on my side of the house, that was not exactly how I envisioned a marriage.   My Koshka is turning in her grave and laughing. I wish to be with you now, my kitty…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-12-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Posts 454
Joined on 07-05-2012

Post #: 2
Post ID: 25936
Reply to: 25935
Maybe not the end, but a beginning?
A dog is much more like audio. In the beginning, it is not trained and pees and bites, jumps up - all sorts of primitive behaviour. BUT, unlike a cat and very much like Audio, it needs to and can be trained. In fact, a new dog MUST be controlled. It must know who is boss.
I strongly recommend that you get a professional trainer (something that we are missing in Audio). Barbarian DIY training leads to a barbarian result. Romy, you have the skills from another discipline, apply them and the dog WILL be for the kids.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
09-12-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
JJ Triode
Posts 101
Joined on 09-12-2007

Post #: 3
Post ID: 25937
Reply to: 25936
Dogs and things
There is a saying in my family "two removals (moving house) equals one fire" (no joke right now out West!). Similarly we say "two dogs equals one child" in the amount of care and feeding needed. So you went from three children to effectively 3.5; not a huge increase.

Of course wifey should be taking care of the dog she brought but I have seen it before that females insinuate a dog into a house and make others responsible for it. Well, if your kids like the dog then in a few years taking care of it could become their first job in life to start learning responsibility.

I hope she got a puppy that will be more trainable. If it is a grown dog then Rowuk is right that professional dog training is called for. Some friends of ours had a very ill-behaved dog that got much better after just a few weeks training (and a little snip-snip operation at the vet.) There is also a good dog training book by the monks of New Skete (Greek Orthodox monks I think) that basically says dog and dog owner must become disciplined together. So think of it as another opportunity for "personal growth."

You also have two allies in your Cats who will not allow the dog to take any liberties, at least with them.
09-13-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 4
Post ID: 25938
Reply to: 25937
Dog Daze

Sounds like there’s more going on here than a dog… My wife was never a physician, but she was a teacher, who became an artist, who became… a dog breeder, about 20 years ago. We have lots of dogs around now, including old ones, little Maltese. My expectations for them are low, and I love them, but not wandering through the listening room, and they are fenced out of there. However, way back when we only had a few dogs I let the one who liked music sit with me when I listened. We still take them in a couple at a time and dance with them sometimes; they love it. I imagine that your kids will be as smart as their parents and, in all likelihood, you will be snookered again before the kids are on their own, and probably thereafter, too. Sure, it’s annoying when you could predict it all and then no one listens or cares about that. Love is a verb. A good dog will give back the love you give it. Good luck if it’s simply a bad dog.>>

Best regards,

Paul S

09-16-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,296
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 5
Post ID: 25939
Reply to: 25935
Another day....
Henry Longfellow use to say “your fate is common fate of all”, as long as I live I was always confirming that, mildly was fighting it but always was losing. This happens at in this time as well.

I was in love 2.5 times before I met my wife at 42 and experienced with her something very different. Longfellow said that is was a common fate. At 46 we had a child. With all drama of his birth and upbringing it was also very much the “common fate of all”. Then there were marvelous twins that raised the happiness in my life to unimaginable level. “Just a common fate” Henry retorted yawningly. Last week I posted a morbidl-depressing post in here because my senseless wife decided to get a smelly dog, witch brutally violated my very strong life-long feline inclinations. “Deal with it” - Henry said, “you are not the first and not the last, it is just a common fate. Women hardly ever think about your comfort, this is why man invited cigars and the rest of the world” Wify was working over weekend and left me with 3 kids and the dog. The Result? Yesterday I was hissing on my kids because they were speaking too loud that could wake up Pippa. I have no idea why I so instantly fall in love with this dog. I still absolutely indifferent to all other dogs but Pippa is very special. I my huge surprise I find her smell superbly pleasant. She in in so many ways betters then any other members of my family. She loves hour-long hugging, something that I never can get from my kids. She loves super wet kisses, something that never can get from my wife. She loves to sit with me and to listen my “wisdom” for very long time, some that I never can get from most of humans. She adores whatever I cook for her, something that I seldom get from my family. She needs me and wiling to show it, something that any typical nurturing cancer, like me, always is craving. So, by the power invested in me, I officially declaring myself stepping out from a dog closet….

Henry loudly gasped air and exhaustingly said: “Here is come again, oh well, Mazel tov, looser….”

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-16-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
Posts 2,727
Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 6
Post ID: 25940
Reply to: 25939
Life Is What Happens To Us...
while we are making other plans. I  am pleased that you've wound up pleased. Let's hope this is typical of all the "setbacks" you're faced with.
Dog photos draw happy lookers in droves.

Best regards,
Paul S
09-17-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Austin TX
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Joined on 10-17-2010

Post #: 7
Post ID: 25941
Reply to: 25940
Evolving Dogs
Dogs are not what they used to be, I remember they used to lay and eat and not require too much, now they get jealous, they bark back at you and the will shit in front of your speakers if they are not happy, at this point in my life I love my kids, love my wife but I am not ready for another lifeform in my house...  Congratulations Romy, it takes a wise man to change his mind!
10-18-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
Posts 235
Joined on 01-15-2009

Post #: 8
Post ID: 25949
Reply to: 25939
Born to suffer
Harry & Pearson rate the System ....


Kind Regards
10-22-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 377
Joined on 05-23-2009

Post #: 9
Post ID: 25952
Reply to: 25939
Round and round

Prenez sur moi votre example amoureux, Commencement d'amour est savoureux, Et le moyen est pleine de peine et tristesse, Et la fin est d'avoir bonne maitresse - Mais au saillir sont les pas dangereux.
10-31-2020 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
Posts 2,727
Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 10
Post ID: 25954
Reply to: 25952
Circle of Circles

Paul S
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