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01-12-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 176
Post ID: 22915
Reply to: 22913
Show must go on :)
I didn't give up, of course SmileI'm constantly improving my system without having any boundaries (including components cost).At some stage I build something similar to this site owner:


It was a learning curve.Bass is still most challenging and now I have 3 ways below 300hz.2 of them is GOTO 146. Very pity that GOTO is not producing them anymore.
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Post #: 177
Post ID: 22916
Reply to: 22913
And result is audible
And result of my journey is easy to evaluate:http://tempuri.org/tempuri.html
01-12-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 178
Post ID: 22917
Reply to: 22913
This all just a terrible non-consequential waste.
Dominic, there is no right or wrong about it as Murat unfortunately in this project not trying to peruse some kind of audio truthfulness but rather he is rendering the wretched fall out of his own psychiatric disturbances. The only truth in the whole project was my absolutely accurate prediction from the very beginning who he is and what he is building. This is unfortunately the realty of the beast.

Regardless the bass hardness-softness and whether it's truly a question of magnetic hardness. Sure that is an interesting subject, there are something that might be gone in there and that why I initially extended some credit to Murat as I thought it would be possible to play with the magnetic hardness problems vicariously. Observing the level seriousness he tackled the subject I understood that even talking with Murat is a laughable proposition and the zillion clips he uploaded everywhere is just an illustration of it. So, as far as I concern what he does with playback is not different then a monkey scratch his testicles in cage while somebody is calling it love.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-12-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Montreal, Canada
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Post #: 179
Post ID: 22918
Reply to: 22915
Maybe we'll agree to disagree
Do you have a website or blog where you write about your project? And the way it has been evolving?
In the sense that videos and sound clips with no explanations are pretty much masturbatory, i think i see why the cat thinks you're an idiot with no direction.
Buuut I see the acoustic logic in the overall format so I'd like to know if there was anything i can learn from your experiences (romy's opinion not withstanding)

I also agree with him in that you were maybe a bit quick to proclaim success, as i'm sure by now you have come to understand, seeing how much your system has evolved since. And considering the total span of time since starting this thread and the number of variations you've tried, are you maybe just throwing money at the problem and hoping it sounds good?

One thing I've noticed is that you've got almost no room treatment, that definitely sounds like you're trying to get lucky!

01-12-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 180
Post ID: 22919
Reply to: 22918
My way
I definitely know my direction and each step is logical. If someone can't understand, it is not my problem.But I'm always happy to answer any question.
I've ended up with 4 way system.
1. 20-40hz ported 21"
2. 40-100hz GOTO 146 in 25hz spiral horn
3. 100-300hz GOTO 146 in 120hz LeCleach horn
4. 300-20000hz AER BD4 in 650hz LeCleach
All amps are single ended pentodes without any feedback.
Whole story is here:
03-30-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 181
Post ID: 23082
Reply to: 21848
Murat 2017 (Martch)
It is not a secret that my short interaction with Murat and my observation the progress he has with his playback made me to feel that his is an idiot. There is nothing new in it, most of accidental audio people are idiots. Nevertheless, I think it is warranted for me to make some observation about the installation he “ended up” just for sake of general audio education. I use the phrase ended up as a colloquium because he ending up for this audio person is a transitional stage before his absentminded compulsiveness unleash him to dig into a new bogus project. 
So, after all parley into multi-channel last year Murat ended up with something like this: 
1)      Upper Channel:  400Hz and up viaAER BD4 in 650гц La-Horn, firs order subtraction filter.
2)      Upper bass 100-400Hz, GOTO-146 in half of 120гц La-Horn, 4th order low-pass
3)      Midbass 40-100Hz GOTO-146 in a spiral horn
4)      20-40Hz is Velodine DD-1812, 4th order low-pass 

As you can see there are plenty of typical slips expected from a person who has no cultural ears, a lot of attitude about himself and away willing to go extensivly over his filed intensive tasks. 
The selection of BD4 to cover upper range is OK move in my view. You lose in dynamic range and pick up some typical Yellow driver compression but you gain in upper drivers integration. To do the integration manually with multi-channel require some actual skills and time, so a wide-range driver might be a good helper in there. I also think that BD4 might be a fine sounding driver, I very much do not think that it might be used at 400Hz and first order but it require some ears and listening intelligence to understand. 
The Upper bass in a Muslim horn. On a picture it looks like elegant solution but looking one layer deeper the ridiculousness of it is popping up. The  channels is not high-passed, the driver is not tuned to horn, the LF gain in Muslim horn is much lower than horn rate would suggested, so in many ways the channels is acting like a direct radiator, the need of using of 4th order from top only confirms it. It is kind of ridicules that a person had brain to make money to afford GOTO-146 and in the same time do not have brain to put it in a reasonable use.
The Midbass is spiral horn. The spiral horn is an old story and the lowers of sewer sound do love them. It is ironic that “sewer sound” from those type of the horns was not invented by me but shared with me by one of quite reputed horn maker (including spiral) who was laughing with me and told me that his customers thankfully are deaf idiots who love “belching sound from sewer horns”. 
The lover channels with Velodine DD driven crap I do not even want to discuss. I am sure it is a comfortable solution but it has nothing to do with Sound. 

I do admit the there is some element of elegance and simplicity in Murat’s new playback but at the same time the installation screams: “My owner is a Moron, I hope he will change me soon”. Do not worry, he will…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-30-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 182
Post ID: 23083
Reply to: 23082
Why yellow driver and horns only for bass
Romy, I'm very proud that you are following me and commenting my achievements.I just don't understand why you are doing it in a manner that you are the one and others are idiots and morons. If you don't understand others, you can ask them questions. And this will be wise. Thinking that others are idiots makes you an idiot. This is just my thoughts about your behaving style.

Regarding my system. You are right, that it is very elegant solution. Not every Yellow driver works for me. AER BD4 is absolutely amazing. And it works perfectly in any range. You never had it and never will, so your assumptions about performance of this driver is useless.And I switch to it not because of difficulties with integrating 2-3 horn channels, but because I realized that I don't like horn coloration.And I didn't loose in dynamic or resolution. Moreover I got better resolution and at least the same dynamic. At middle and high frequencies you always has reflections from horn surface and I just don't like it. At the same time using horns at middle and high frequencies gives absolutely no any advantage!In bass region we need horn to increase efficiency of driver because at this frequencies displacement of cone is significant.At mid and highs no need. Displacement is very small and there is nothing to improve by horns.

Regarding GOTO-146 is the same, you never had it and have no any idea how it works and sounds to comment it.LaHorn makes it to work perfectly from 100hz and no any other enclosure can make them work from 100hz at 110+db. This is also the fact. And it is as short as possible, to have no horns coloration! And 4th order is only for this.I'm using horns only for bass, because there is no any other ways to dramatically decrease displacement.40-100hz is also horn and driver for the same reason. It is really stupid to have horns everywhere (your case) and than use direct radiating for bass!I'm using direct radiating only for one octave 20-40hz which is not music, but shaking and I use Velodyne, because of DD technology - feedback which controls position of cone eliminating inertia.
I'm sure that with current configuration I reach maximum that is possible to get from acoustic system.And sound is really amazing. I'm not hesitating to demonstrate this sound. I don't need the listener to be educated (your case) to here that I reach live music in my room. With your approach it is impossible. Normal people always hear horn colorations and intertia of direct radiation in bass. In my case I've solved all this issues. Hope you'll understand one day what I'm saying Smile
03-30-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 183
Post ID: 23084
Reply to: 23083
Your 15 seconds were up long time ago.
Well, Murat, this is the whole idea to declare a person as an Idiot is it eliminates any further interest of what the Idiot does or say. The only reasons why I commented upon your “achievements” is a clinical illustration of what audio idiocy might lead to. Do not worry, you are not in the end of the tunnel, there is no end to you.  I do discard your “thinking” as I know that besides your picking up of audio jargonisms at different web sites you are a complete buffoon and I hope one day you will understand what you were saying. Demonstrate a self-control and do not reply. You have plenty of idiots followers who consider that conversation with you is stimulating. I personally recommend you to spend more time with Angelo, the Great Speakers Designer from Brazil, he should be you twin-brother. 

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #: 184
Post ID: 23085
Reply to: 23084
What do you want from me ?
I can see your interest in what I'm doing, so your declaration is false.I also see that you want to talk about myself, not about my system.I absolutely don't need your attention and I don't understand why I have it.Whom you want you impress with your "thinking" is also an interesting question.You really think that your followers like you rush at me barking ?Am I somehow make you envy ?I just don't understand.
03-31-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 185
Post ID: 23086
Reply to: 23085
Kids need to be learning.
Yep. This is like to explain to a swine the nature of casting those pearls.... You were looking for a publicity and you got it. Deal with the consequences of own Idiocy. I am too experienced within audio idiots to demonstrate any empathy to them.  Do not feel bad about yourself. Tomorrow you will dig out another shiny item from audio waste land, bring it home and your sense of self-worth will be reinstated. This is how your type of audio idiots are running. 

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #: 186
Post ID: 23087
Reply to: 23086
Your messages are empty...just barking!
Still don't understand why I have your attention.
03-31-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 187
Post ID: 23088
Reply to: 23087
It is time to you to get a new hobby.
My message for people who have own awareness and not running from web site to web site, picking up quotes that they have no intelligence to understand and  then spread the misunderstood quotes as own "pearls". It would be OK if you just repeat the messages like a monkey but the Idiots like you are always trying to brand the message with own interpretation and you end up with… what you end up – an ugly engineered and performing playback, a complete lack of understanding/direction of what you are doing and with an army of similar to you audio retards who are so lost in audio that are willing to vicariously enjoyed your pathetic audio strip-shows. What you do is an unfortunately a common thread among denied by creativity men, it is for sure is better than shot heroin or to drink vodka but it still has nothing to do with Audio. Stop to practice what you think audio is and get involved in cultivating cactuses. You already have cactus-like Sound and some  posted pictures of you next to a large Ferocactus will make the Russkies audio-housewifes to get wild. You will be happier...

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-31-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 188
Post ID: 23089
Reply to: 23088
No need your "valuable" opinion
Bye, russkie cat Smile
04-04-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Arno P
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Post #: 189
Post ID: 24792
Reply to: 23089
Anywhere where we can follow the progress of this project?
04-05-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 190
Post ID: 24795
Reply to: 24792
Thread moved
 Arno P wrote:
Anywhere where we can follow the progress of this project?
Yes. I’ve moved to http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/multi-way/282736-goto-6-timealigned-horn-system.html
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