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01-02-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
Posts 235
Joined on 01-15-2009

Post #: 76
Post ID: 21458
Reply to: 21439
I had tears in my eyes....
 Romy the Cat wrote:

.... after reading his product placement.

These speakers rewrite the rules just as surely as they rearrange expectations. They are a wonder, a triumph and proof that life’s not fair.

Well, Gregory became one more of those countless morons after his work for Nordost Cables... that "review" is a nice example when the price tag is high enough you can get the praise of the month. Maybe Gregory smokes the same stuff Valin does, don't know, but when I listened to them in Munich I probably did listen to something completely different... :-)

Kind Regards
01-03-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 77
Post ID: 21462
Reply to: 21458
Living Voice magic
Dear Stitch,
I don't know if you've heard that system or not. But it was absolutely perfect in Munich 2014.
01-03-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
Posts 235
Joined on 01-15-2009

Post #: 78
Post ID: 21463
Reply to: 21462
Joke of the Year?
 ArmAlex wrote:
Dear Stitch,
I don't know if you've heard that system or not. But it was absolutely perfect in Munich 2014.

May I ask, what was perfect?
The Woodwork?
The price Tags?
The weather?
Come on, I've been there multiple times and when it is enough for you to rate such an expensive System with a female voice and one guitar in the Background, I can't take you serious. Sorry. I think, everyone has his own sonic Standard and I demand a "bit" more for such price. Maybe that System can do something, but in Munich it was just one more expensive Systems among others. And for pling-plang-plong music...I think, you can have that in every demo all over the world..And physical Presence...that is something different. At least for me.
At the end of Day I may quote a remarkable analysis of the modern business
 Romy the Cat wrote:

You know, in high-end audio industry hierarchy there are different functional roles. There are people who think that they "design" something. Then, at the lower scale, there are people who build something. Then there are people who market the built to public. Then there are people who move boxes with packaged built and distribute the boxes to the end users. Then there are people who go to the users listening rooms and trying to do something there, mostly upselling them for new carp. Then, in the progressively lower hierarchical scale, there are temporary people that some companies hire to parch the production wholes after some blabbering reviewer publishes their propaganda pamphlets. Then, at the even lower scale of worthiness, there are all of that audio reviewing, publishing, writing and the rest of audio human waste. Going lower in the industry hierarchy you can even see the internet yahoos who perform public on-line hara-kiri with the names of a favorite brand, hoping to find among audio hoodlums some full-of-sympathy soul mates and do not feel lonely in their own aimless audio misery. Then there are audio-uninformed secretaries who do corporate spreadsheets and wash cars of audio makers. Going even lower you can observe the rats and cockroaches that live in the building walls of the audio manufacturers. Then there is a Black Mold‎ in the basements of psychologically disturbed Morons who sitting in their basement closets soldering new great "audio" each Saturday.  Do you think that mold is the lowest thing in audio? Nope, *name of a Fan*, you are wrong, after the mold there is you. 
.... Then you will be ending with something more lucid, something like this: " Hello, my name is *name of a Fan*, I am not qualified to be a Moron, I am juts an Idiot who have no understanding neither audio or music and absolutely clueless what I am doing. However, my *whoever* told me to upload the following text and I love to do it even though I have no cerebral capacity to transposition the posted words into anything sensible". Well,*name of a Fan*, the job is well done. Welcome to the GSC! Do not be discourages. In a few month you might be qualified to be editor-in-chieff of a main audio publication… 
Romy the Cat

Kind Regards
01-04-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 108
Joined on 02-15-2009

Post #: 79
Post ID: 21468
Reply to: 21463
LV sound
Stitch I can't understand why some people in this site are trying to be a mini Romy,you included. I read what Romy writes and you don't need to repeat it.It's very strange you KNOW what was playing in that particular room without being there. Anyhow I visited the room 4 or 5 times, classical music was being played and in two occasions Bartoli was singing Rossini if my memory is correct.I'm not a potential customer for that system nor I defended its price. What I say is the sound was absolutely good and way better from what was present over there. 

01-04-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
iWC Doppel
Posts 8
Joined on 12-13-2013

Post #: 80
Post ID: 21470
Reply to: 21468
The Industry
It was good at Munich, but for me assessment was difficult, I have heard them before at pre production spec and was mightily impressed. One thing was very clear to me at Munich was the issue with the industry, it's full of enthusiasts with personnel preferences that make equipment with low development budgets, limited experience and weak attempts regarding product differentiation. Then as many 'experts' criticising.....
One listen to the original WE system underlined the lack of real progress since then. It was the only system I wanted to listen to and had enthusiasm for tbh. 
At least the LV room was in the same ballpark 
11-24-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 81
Post ID: 22256
Reply to: 11332
A Polish Infomercial from Kevin Scott.
Some kind of Polish publication published some kind of interview with Kevin Scott, the owner and designer of Vox Olympian, translation is available via whatever translates it.  The questions to Kevin are unfortunately utilitarian- and the rest is boring but there is in all of it an interesting motive in all of it. Kevin Scott with his two short clips in this polish article raised the level of an industry guy talk about own products to the level absolutely unseen in high-end audio before. 
I always say that to a great degree, at a certain level of understanding, the physical expressions of our audio practice (what our systems or our products are) are just reflections where we are within this understanding. I always go further and insist that the way of talking/thinking about audio is the very same reflection. For instance I have no problems to deny my attention to audio-idiot after he constructed a question that indicate to me his intellectual or spiritual impotency. I do not refuse a person to be an idiot but I am absolutely insist that idiots built audio that reflects it. I do not do mistakes in this and I am an unfortunate expert in the field: I have observe all imaginable audio-idiots and all imaginable idiots-products and unfortunately I have too much training in the field.
The new Kevin Scott's 2 clips is a phenomenal testimony of my position.  The clips are VERY seldom coherent and inelegant talk about audio. The Result? The Vox Olympian is a direct reflection of Kevin's standing and his very much non-idiotic views. I can give you many reasons why the Vox Olympian is kind of odd acoustic system but it works beautifully, courtesy to who Kevin Scott's is. Anyhow,  our celebrated David Wilson's  infomercials got bitten up by a British guy.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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