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03-07-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1026
Post ID: 17919
Reply to: 2931
Disgusting wave.
OK, I did found the pattern. Listening dally and monitoring the state of power I learns the there is a direct relation with very septic distortion of the wave that looks like impact the Sound even after PP3000. If the wave in the wall is clipped of distorted in any other straight way then PP3000 handles it very well.  However, sometime my power has a very disgusting distortion and it looks like PP3000 is less effective against it. Sure, the wave AFTER the PP3000 is absolutely fine with regardless what input wave is. Still if the PP3000 is drive by the disgusting wave like below than sound not at it has to be. PP3000 still hugely effective and Sound with no PP3000 is absolutely not acceptable during this type of wave distortion but even with PP3000 I do hear that PP3000 is drive by garbage power. Take a look at the image of the wave that drives PP3000.


We do learn before that the power that drives PP3000 does matter. When I use my isolation transformers or caps before PP3000 than it did kill sound, so we know that it is better to give to PP3000 better electricity. So, I wonder if it worth to put a PS Audio Power Plant before PP3000 to assure that PP3000 is driven by better wave.  I am not sure that PP3000 will cure the sonic problem of Audio Power but I am considering trying it. At this point I would like to try some other devises before PP3000 and to see what happens.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-07-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1027
Post ID: 17920
Reply to: 17919
Chaining devices
FWIW I got my own PP 1050 a week ago and am pleased with the sound. It is the first active device that sounds as good as or better than my jury rigged passive filtration. Thanks Romy. As for chaining devices, I tried plugging in my VPI SDS into the PP 1050 and got worse sound than running it through the wall on the same circuit. I found that passive filtration After the PP 1050 improved sound however. Its worth trying the PS audio before the PP3000 but I'm skeptical that it will produce better sound. I guess you are now getting what Paul S and others have warned about. I myself started to notice sporadic unusually bad days for sound a few months ago. I don't know the cause but it probably was Dumb Grid shenanigans.
03-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1028
Post ID: 17921
Reply to: 17920
Chaining might be a good idea with right devise.
 steverino wrote:
FWIW I got my own PP 1050 a week ago and am pleased with the sound. It is the first active device that sounds as good as or better than my jury rigged passive filtration. Thanks Romy. As for chaining devices, I tried plugging in my VPI SDS into the PP 1050 and got worse sound than running it through the wall on the same circuit. I found that passive filtration After the PP 1050 improved sound however. Its worth trying the PS audio before the PP3000 but I'm skeptical that it will produce better sound. I guess you are now getting what Paul S and others have warned about. I myself started to notice sporadic unusually bad days for sound a few months ago. I don't know the cause but it probably was Dumb Grid shenanigans.

Well, it is difficult for the people who do not know what I mean to appraise what I mean. When I said that bad power I depicted above do affect my sound even my playback is driven by PP3000 then it need to be understood what I mean. I do not think that “Paul S and others” with their warnings are meaningful as they do not use PP and have no idea what they are taking about.

The reality is, and since you begin to use PP, that it will be very difficult or even impossible to remove PP from playback. Give yourself some time and you will see what I mean. To me PP is not just power treating gismo but absolutely default pre-power supply devise.  We do know that it still affected by incoming power. Well, like anything else. The chaining devices do sound VERY promising to me but it need to be a right devise. Knowing what PP does compare to any other power devise I tried I think it would be very hard to find a right one and very hard test it as it need to be tested only during the specific bad electricity days. My playback still sound fines during those bad very electricity days even those I can detect the sonic difference. Also, I did not have such bad electricity days for 4-5 month….

The VPI SDS is just frequency stabilizing devise. I do don’t think it will be affective before PP as the PP’s PLL will take care about locking to the any incoming frequency. You found that passive filtration after PP improved sound; may I ask you what passive filtration did you use? The good part of it is that most of the power devises are made with 30 days money back, so I can try anything….

The chaining the PP themselves sound to me like a good idea but chaining switching supplies would drop the power of each supply very drastically,  so I would need PP5000 to drive my PP3000 in order to have my 1.5K of pure power…. There is no PP5000… yet but I will be working on it. :-)

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1029
Post ID: 17923
Reply to: 2931
A next generation of PurePower+ regenerators.

Well, here is good news:


Among many good improvements the bypass is there!!! Hallelujah!!!  Still, there is no remote control option for bypass, there is no distortion analyzer at input and output and there is no way order pizza from PurePower devise. The cleaner sine wave and tighter regulation are very significant accomplishments… if they are in fact cleaner sine wave and tighter regulation. Now I need to put my Cat in pawnshop to raise cash for the new version of PurePower.

Anyhow, it is very exciting news indeed.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1030
Post ID: 17924
Reply to: 17923
Competing pure power sites

 Are you aware that there is a new?! site for pure power -  (removed)  - which has the following statement on their site

A management change at the end of 2011 closed the Canadian office. That office can no longer supply authentic PurePower products and cannot provide service, parts, or support for current owners of PurePower products.  All orders, tech support, and service are now provided by (removed)  exclusively.

03-08-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1031
Post ID: 17926
Reply to: 17924
To the PurePower legal controversy.

 steverino wrote:

 Are you aware that there is a new?! site for pure power -  (removed)  - which has the following statement on their site

A management change at the end of 2011 closed the Canadian office. That office can no longer supply authentic PurePower products and cannot provide service, parts, or support for current owners of PurePower products.  All orders, tech support, and service are now provided by (removed)  exclusively.

Yes, I am familiar with the whole story. They are Chinese company that had been producing the regenerators for PurePower for years. I do not know what happened between them but in the end of the last year PurePower moved the production to Canada and the Chinese begin to market the PurePower regenerators as their own products. Up to recently they ran a web site that was a direst replica of PurePower site with juts change of company name. The sales for the Chinese is run but the Bob Rapoport – the former sales person for PurePower who insisted that he is inventor of PurePower regenerator, along with gravity, electricity and photosynthesis.

The whole story sad as I know who Bob Rapoport is, what he stands behind and if Taiwanese with their production facility desired to stake their reputation behind the Rapoport-like efforts then fuck the Taiwanese.  As I understand PurePower has judgment against Rapoport but the idiot acts in contempt of court as Taiwanese makers are not under US court jurisdiction. As the Purepower site said they sue their former maker in Taipei and I am sure they will close the case and the production of the counterfeited units.

I would like to warn you steverino, that I removed the reference in your post to the fraudulent site and the fraudulent company name as I do not want to give them any publicity. In respect to the US law judgment and elementary common sense the Stereophile refused to accept advertising from the forged PurePower, Google and Bing have removed all search results to the fake PurePower links.  So, I do the same and the fraudulent PurePower will not be mentioned at my site.  I think the whole story will be soon gone and the Taiwanese maker of PurePower-like regerenrators will be gone soon.

If the Taiwanese were not stupidly steal the PurePower regenerator but have own development done and produce own units then I would be kind of applauding to the fact as there is a competition and multiple choises are avalable for us, the consumers. However, it looks like Taiwanese do not care about anything else then to sell and few units until the old PurePower publicity last and the people get temporary confused. That is not right and nothing good will come from it.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1032
Post ID: 17927
Reply to: 17926
East vs. West in the PurePower front.
Since yesterday I have received a number a number emails regarding the recent PurePower organization events.  Some of them asked me why a post was removed from my site yesterday.  The post was from the user “Jorge “and it was deleted by request of the author. I uselessly do not do it but I did agree with his reasons. The emails that I was getting did share their concerns about the fate of PurePower and expressed concern that legal fights and ambiguity of ownership might kill the product. My opinion worst as little as anyone else but I decided to share my opinion publicly in order to stop the emails on the subject.

So, what has happened with PurePower? Ironically I do not particularly care as the fate of one or another company is the subject that I have no interests. If tomorrow I see 2346 PurePower-like companions and all of them produce contestable products then I would be hugely welcome to it as it will allow for us, the consumer to get better products as the result of the competition.  My agenda in this whole story is to get better Sound and I have absolutely no loyalty of support to anybody – whoever delivery better sonic solution is the winner in my book. Sure the subject of ethics is important but my experience indicates that ethics and ability to delivery better sound are unavoidable bound together.

In case of the Canadian PurePower and their Taiwanese former manufacturers something did not work for them. Somebody fluked up somebody and their ways went apart. It happened all time and business and I have absolutely no interest to research deeply who was right or who was wrong. Taiwanese claimed that Canadian did not paid on time but the amount that they claim is delinquent is absolutely laughable. Delinquency on payments is unfortunate norm and there is zillion of other ways to address it besides to that way how Taiwanese did it – begin to sell the PurePower products under own names.  The email that Taiwanese broadcasted (and I read it) with calls to take advantage of the short-term opportunity and to cash on the few counterfeited units did clearly indicated their long-term intentions. Again, I still have no judgment against Canadian or Taiwanese PurePower but I do care who is in position to delivery better sound.

Canadians did in my view very smart thing – they extended the production facility in Canada and took the production in house. They ended up with a revision version of the PurePower regenerator (was announced just yesterday) with many reportedly dramatic changes. I do not know anything about the new Canadian PurePower regenerators to bring the production and redesign the product in house is in my view an indication that they have money, engendering recourses and will to maintain and to improve the product. Taiwanese on another hand with not show up anything besides stealing the Canadian PurePower web site, ignore the US trademarks, disregard the decision of US court, and employing the dirtiest scams in the industry to distribute their illegal products. So, I naturally have no sympathy to Taiwanese former PurePower maker but I still feel that if they will be able to make the PurePower regenerator to sound better then Canadians than I am willing to close my eyes to anything.

So, I do not know if Taiwanese former PurePower makers even have any sonic objective. I did look at their material that they try to present as their “original” and it was kind of funny. They promised that their PurePower will be able to charge you iPad if there is no electricity. Well, I am sure that with this in mind then will go very far for people who are looking for better Sound.

I think that in contrary to the predication that I got in my emails the whole PurePower events are very positive. The Canadian PurePower were always very difficult with meeting any units delivery deadlines as they always were the subjected of the units shortage. Now they have everything built-in house and they presumably have no problems to get whatever they need. The need to compete with Taiwanese PurePower force the Canadians to make presumably better unit – they good for us! I wish Taiwanese come up with better unit as well and it would force the Canadians to jump out of skin again and introduce a remote control, IP management and on-board power analyses, something the PS Audio has for years and something that PurePower shall have in my view.

Unfortunately I do not think that Taiwanese PurePower might be any long-term challenger. It looks like Taiwanese are looking to sell a few units while the PurePower publicity still works for them. The time will show what the objectives they have but knowing who they are dealing with sales-wise I expect that the Taiwanese PurePower will be sold only from white vents as “fall out of truck” items.

I think that most interesting in the PurePower saga will be not what is going on now but what will happens with next release of PurePower, not even that one that they just announced but the next one, something that they will do in future. This will clearly indict the direction the company will go. My predation that PurePower of Canada will continue to develop their products but Taiwanese PurePower will fade out. For sure Taiwanese manufacture is a large production facility and the do lot probably good commercial and industrial products but they most like will lose any Sonic credentials very soon. Did you ray to buy Chinese high end-audio products that became very popular recently on eBay? They are beyond of being horrible not to mention that they last no longer then the Chinese shoes you buy for $7.99 and trash after the very first rain. Unfortunate it is a sad fact that Chinese makers without western managerial Supervision make crap. It is very mach not the racist statement but the observation of business executives I know who evolved in very serious commercial production in China.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1033
Post ID: 17928
Reply to: 17927
Intellectual input
Yes, but is not the real question *how* different from the Taiwanese company's standard double conversion UPS the purepower units really are. If they are effectively the same topology and components (http://www.winstream.com.tw/products/RHC.htm) but with a different fascia, what you are paying for is not western intellectual input, but western leverage of market psychology and illiquidity that we all know and hate.
03-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 1034
Post ID: 17929
Reply to: 17928
Mark Levinson syndrome
I bet Taiwanese got tired of getting paid cents on dollar (and usually late) for product they developed and manufactured.
The real guilty character in this all affair is Romy the Cat and his rumblings . Without it Pure Power would be selling as it was to satisfied morons and 
nobody would even think they have some golden eggs to fight for. Now, all audiophile world  who publicly despise the cat,  but secretly reads and
follows whatever he finds worthy attention rushed to buy Pure Powder and here you go.

(I bet the Lamm ML2.1 owners who can't sell that damn amps are begging secretly Vlad to change those fucken expensive speaker connectors to plastic ones)
03-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1035
Post ID: 17930
Reply to: 17928
Yes, this is very interesting question.
 decoud wrote:
Yes, but is not the real question *how* different from the Taiwanese company's standard double conversion UPS the purepower units really are. If they are effectively the same topology and components (http://www.winstream.com.tw/products/RHC.htm) but with a different fascia, what you are paying for is not western intellectual input, but western leverage of market psychology and illiquidity that we all know and hate.

Yes, this is very interesting question but the question is not between regulars WinStream double conversion commercial UPS and PurePower units. I am very sure that WinStream double conversion UPS are no different from any other On-line UPS that are available from many companies. The interning question is how the PurePower units are different from other On-line double conversion UPS and this is very good question.  I think PurePower started years back by juts marketing a commercial On-line UPS for audio use. Was it special UPS or not it is hard to say but it looks like with time they did work deliberately refine this unit to be more and more successful for audio applications.  If you tried some of the commercial On-line double conversion UPS then you know that they do not sound near as good as PurePower, go figure why but I think THIS is why we pay for PurePower more then we pay for regular commercial double conversion units.

Decoud, to be honest, and I did express this view many times in the thread I do feel that PurePower in the way how it exists now is crap as it has legacy of being a regular commercial double conversion UPS. If it was design from ground up and by people who do have strictly audio and sonic objectives then the  PurePower would be much simpler and with much better performance characteristics. If to insulated and compartmentalize the sections and stages of PurePower like HP and Tektronix made measurement equipment in 70s and 80s then the unit would have no own nose in circuit and it shall be able to deliver the distortions at sub 0.1% level.  Years back, when I discovered that PurePower significantly over-performed the Power Plant I did propose to Paul McGowan to make class D regenerators.  I told him that with resource of his company and the expertise that they have in house then shall be able to come up with a phenomenal audio-dedicated class D regenerators. Paul did not believe that switching are better than his analog regenerators, so he still producing his “no-bass with compression” regenerators. Good for PurePower but bad for us the consumers.

Who knows, it might be the new PurePower+ that they juts announce will be not just a “face lift” but purposefully designed units. I do not know how it was made and who made it. I do not think that they have in-house expertise to design such machines from scratch but nowadays everyone use independent contractors to design the thing and set the production and then just keep manufacturing the things.

So, Decoud, answering your question: what we pay for? I do not think that it is western intellectual input or western leverage of market psychology but rather an assured quality of sound. Otherwise you can keep buying regenerators unit one of them accidently tunrn out to sound good…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-26-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1036
Post ID: 18006
Reply to: 17930
Purepower plus
Romy   Do you plan on trying the new PurePower Plus and if so when? Maybe they should send you a loaner to try for a decade or so. 
03-26-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1037
Post ID: 18008
Reply to: 18006
Did you pray to your power outlet yet?
 Canuck wrote:
Romy   Do you plan on trying the new PurePower Plus and if so when? Maybe they should send you a loaner to try for a decade or so. 

Canuck, I do not know. I am for sure would like to try it and I most probably will. I have seen that some people have mention on-line that the have, or expect to get it any day, it means that PurePower have shipped them. The new unit will have voice-activated bypass but I am afraid that it will not recognize my British accent. To be more serious – I would like the new PurePower Plus units to get more maturity on the field. Some functionally are very promising. The separation of battery and regenerator is very cool but the question is where they located the charger circuit? If it is on battery side then it is wonderful as the noise of the charger PS will not affect the regenerator anymore – this is HUGE. The tighten stabilization of voltage is also very good and might be a sign of better new design. The increase of power handling is also huge. The move from PP2000 to PP3000 was superbly positive (am am not kindling) for my playback and if the new PP3000 will have even mode power then it will be only beneficial even more. 

 My main concern is the lower distortion that they claim and elimination the “fuzziness”. This is very good sign but the question is the sign of what might it be. They might eventually have addressed whatever problem created the “fuzziness”. That would be very welcoming news. They might just defeat the “fuzziness” by adding more capacitors after the output stage. It will make the “fuzziness” gone but it will kill sound along the way. I do not know what they did and I do not think they will tell but the result whatever they did has to be well auditable. I do know that I will keep my wonderful working PP3000 with death grip and when I get the PP3000 then will compete with my PP3000.

There is another “ugly” subject. The new PP3000+ might have the “fuzziness” fixed in the right way and to be a wonderful unit but it might not sound as good as old PP3000 juts because it has no “fuzziness”. It is possible that the “fuzziness” in fact create some kind of virtual dither that makes the line noise less auditable. Sine I have no idea why the PurePower sound so good I do keep all options on the table. I am sure that in one way or another I will try it but I do not know when and I am not in harry to do it as my current unit works fine. There was a few weeks back some not as good “electricity sound” but that period has gone, knock on wood. I have sacrificed a chicken and donated a dozen of bagels to a local synagogue.  I hope God will recognize my deeds and so not send the electricity plague to my town anymore… A friend of mine advised me that the yoga position in which you plug your power cord is very critical to sound. So, I bought a fresh copy of Kamasutra and study all different positions to deal with power cables. I can already plug the power cords with my left paw… 

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-26-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 1038
Post ID: 18012
Reply to: 18008
And there you have it.
It is possible that the "fuzziness" in fact create some kind of virtual dither that makes the line noise less auditable.

'Tis a conundrum.

03-27-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1039
Post ID: 18014
Reply to: 18008
Where are you?
Just last week I was looking online and at some kind of forum that I did not bookmarked I saw a guy who claimed that his PurePower + is shipped to him and that he is very much look forward to try it.  I was kind of interested myself to read what he said but with all my search today I was not able to find neither his post nor the entire thread. I do not remember where it was but the guy had PP3000 before. So, if you meet that guy somewhere or know when he posts then post the link as I think it would be fun to hear his comments.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-29-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1040
Post ID: 18021
Reply to: 2931
Solar sit down…

I had yes today a meeting with a rep from out local solar company. I am kind of greenish pussy and have a house with a big rood turned to south – so I was wondering to put in there a large array of solar panels. Massachusetts has a very wide collection of solar rebates and solar tax incentives:


…personal Tax Credits, property and sales tax exemptions, Massachusetts manufactured equipment bonus and etc. I do not mind to do it but I am a bit afraid that the solar inverter will screw up the sound of my electricity as it will be effectively multiple PurePower running at the same time…

 I found a local company that has a bit different business model. They do not sell you equipment and let to you store the electricity but they rather lease you the inhaled panels (no money out of pocket), install a separate meter that re-sells the energy to my utility company. So, the whole ceremony costs absolutely nothing to me and I effectively just lease my roof to them, in exchange to the profit sharing for the sold energy.  They claim that they have 12c per kW, while my utility company changes 17c, so effectively it will lower my electricity bill by 1/3. Not much but it is $100 a month with no investment of any kind.

Well, naturally what I worry if that type of regeneration and injection of contra-current into the grid will not screw up Sound. They allow me to go to one of their local clients and to measure the harmonics with their solar panels on and off, something that I am contemplating to do. Still, I am very concern that the cheap micro-generators that they use will do very bad sonically. I do not even mention that if Obama will not be reelected then all those companies might go down….

Anyhow, did anybody have any experience with sound from the renewable sources or how the presence of the renewables impacts Sound of the grid?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-29-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1041
Post ID: 18022
Reply to: 18021
Just a suggestion. "Greenish pussy" sounds like a disease. You might try something like "enviro bunny". 

You didn't specify where all the solar devices are being hooked up? Are they hooked up to a junction After the drop to your house or Before the drop to your house?

Also these kind of solar panel companies predate the current administration therefore I doubt they are totally dependent on political situations. Anyway you are in Mass. so I would assume the state would continue to support them. What you are describing though should work without subsidy as long as the power company has to buy your excess electricity. Many states have the same provisions to make power companies buy excess electricity.
05-07-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1042
Post ID: 18144
Reply to: 2931
Synergistic Research’s “filtering” platform.

I do not know what they do and the story is a bit murky but still it would be interesting to learn what they are dealing with as it might be very much related to the problem I am familiar with.


if the concept and the solution that the Synergistic Research uses works then it not suppose to be a “platform” for an indivisible devise but rather a global solution for while installation.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-09-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1043
Post ID: 18148
Reply to: 2931
Liquid filled fuse.

John Hoffman published an article in positive-feedback about the Liquid filled fuse:


… from audio-magic company.


The whole story a bit controversial of cause but since my old POD cable I’m kind of a bit sucker for using liquid with electric conductors…

I did look at the audio-magic site. The make some power conditioning devises but I am a bit confused by their overly-liberated use of the word liquid. I was expected to see some kind of new power treating devise submerged in liquid but instead they use “Liquid Air” whatever it means. Would it be the same as manufacture who use “nickel-core transformers” made from iron? Anyhow, I juts would like to pay attention to the company.

There is one more thing that I would like to pay attention.  The company and the users claim improvement while using the fuse after 60 hours of break-in. That is good but I have a question to ask: how methodologically, theoretically or even hypothetically they were able to lock the normal change in greed electricity that took place over 60 hours if they do not use any means of power quality stabilization?

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-14-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1044
Post ID: 18178
Reply to: 18144
Synergistic Research Powercells

Synergistic Research looks like has a product that deal with electricity:




To grant to the product Tesla name is a bit… stupid but I guess this is how the industry feel.

I read the description of the theory and the way how they plug the Big Bang and the String Theory into the game. Sounds incredibly brainless, the explanation sounds brainless, not the way how the Powercell units sound themselves. I have no idea how the Powercell units sound and the reason I post it is to ask if anyone dealt with them.

Whatever subatomic, String of voodoo concept they use it for sure does not deal with fix the waveform clipping, this is what PP does but I wonder if it might be beneficial to try these  Powercell AFTER PurePower and to see if Synergistic Research “quantum intelligence” will be able to handle, or perhaps even to capitalize, the sound that PP does. My former experience with people who claim any dealing with quantum was very non-satisfactory but I did not deal with Synergistic Research’s power devises.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-01-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Honolulu, HI
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Post #: 1045
Post ID: 18233
Reply to: 18178
PurePower, http://www.purepoweraps.com/, just updated their site and have some interesting videos on the new PurePower+ products.

06-02-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1046
Post ID: 18235
Reply to: 18233
The time will show.
 ricksmet wrote:
PurePower, www.purepoweraps.com, just updated their site and have some interesting videos on the new PurePower+ products.
Yes, thanks, ricksmet, it does sound “updated”.

I am not sure that the better box shall have as much attention as it was. The old “deep” was uncomfortable but it was fine if you flip the box over, or use it on side. From the picture is looks like that they have some charger or at least some part of it in the battery chassis. That is very good but I do not know if it is the whole AC/AC down-converter and charger or only the last filtering part. It looks like the parts too small to be the full converter and rectifier but who know…

For sure the true question is how it sounds. So far I did not see any comments about it neither from PP not from users. Also, it is very interesting how the new PP+ will maintain own operation and performance status while the quality of the incoming electricity change.
I think that in couple months the feedback will come through, as it go we just need to distinct the typical sophomoric excitement that many audio people have after they got a new audio toy from reasonable feedback. I would be particularly interested to hear a feedback from the people who use PP3000 and who upgraded it to PP+…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-13-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1047
Post ID: 18385
Reply to: 18235
A year wasted
About this time last year I decided to stop using my PP2000. It has been sitting in my basement gathering dust all this time. I even put it up for sale last year but only received stupid offers for it, so decided to keep it.

I've been having problems with some humming transformers in a pair of gainclone amps I bought for my study/office system. The manufacturer sent me some new transformers to try and a couple of days ago I was all ready to get them soldered into place. But I hate soldering, and to delay the almost inevitable I thought I'd try the amps with the PP2000 and see if I could eliminate the humming with its anti-humming pot. Well, it worked. But what I really wasn't expecting was the sound to become far more 'musical'. It just started 'making sense' more. Music that had previously annoyed me now started sounding intriguing. I took the PP2000 out and the 'musicality' disappeared. But it back and it returned. I listened to music well into the night - something I've never done in my study/office before. Yesterday, I placed the PP2000 in my main system. Although the difference wasn't as marked as in my study/office system, it same effect was there for sure. Without it, the sound is a bit dull and boring. With it, there is some 'life' injected into the music - far more interesting.

So why do I now prefer the sound with the PP2000 as opposed to last year when I stopped using it? I think it's because last year I never plugged all the components into it. Playing around with various configurations these last couple of day, what I've learned is that everything has to be plugged into the PP... even the PC. Otherwise the sound is too bright, forward and edgy, my main criticisms. Last year this was easily fixed by running from battery, but now with all the components running off the PP, the PP sounds very similar running from AC or from battery.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
I would be particularly interested to hear a feedback from the people who use PP3000 and who upgraded it to PP+…

I've just ordered a PP+3000 for my main system - the PP2000 will feed my study/office system. I'll report my thoughts on the difference between the two when the new one arrives in a few weeks' time.

07-13-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1048
Post ID: 18386
Reply to: 18385
PurePower vs. PurePower+

 manisandher wrote:
So why do I now prefer the sound with the PP2000 as opposed to last year when I stopped using it? I think it's because last year I never plugged all the components into it. Playing around with various configurations these last couple of day, what I've learned is that everything has to be plugged into the PP... even the PC. Otherwise the sound is too bright, forward and edgy, my main criticisms. Last year this was easily fixed by running from battery, but now with all the components running off the PP, the PP sounds very similar running from AC or from battery.

I've just ordered a PP+3000 for my main system - the PP2000 will feed my study/office system. I'll report my thoughts on the difference between the two when the new one arrives in a few weeks' time.

Mani, it is hard to say why your results last year were unsatisfactory. I do not believe that people with properly operating PP would not acknowledge the difference and I do not believe that any sane person who even once heard playback running from PP would image do not use PP. The unsatisfactory that you had I attributed to the presumption that you unit was broken. Whatever it was you unit was 220V and I do not know if the 220V unit are the same as 120V units. They shall not be but I do not trust to anything that I did not hear personally. It is hard to me to say why you suddenly fallen in love with PP. You claim that it was “everything plugged” syndrome but I was writing about it years back and I thought that it was what you were doing. Even if you did not then in my view the superbly positive contribution of PP was still very observable… Anyhow….

It is interesting that you went for PP+3000. I very much consider doing the same but I would like the PP+ to age a bit. As I understand PurePower made kind of new regenerator and I would like them to filter out the bugs that they might have in this first version. I do not say that they have any bags but it is what uselessly happens. Were you able to upgrade your PP2000 to PP3000+ or you just got another unit? If you have both of them then it would be very interesting to hear your comments about Sound of PP vs. PP+.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-13-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1049
Post ID: 18387
Reply to: 18386
Ground loops?
 Romy the Cat wrote:
You claim that it was “everything plugged” syndrome but I was writing about it years back and I thought that it was what you were doing. Even if you did not then in my view the superbly positive contribution of PP was still very observable…
Well I can pretty much replicate the sound I was getting last year - simply have the DAC and power amps plugged into the PP and the PC plugged into the wall socket.  The sound becomes brighter, thinner and more edgy. This is eliminated immediately by switching to battery and taking the power cord out of the PP. This effect is consistent and repeatable - I tried many, many times to be sure. I suspect that some sort of ground loop is introduced via the USB cable linking the PC to the DAC when the PC is connected to the wall socket, but who knows.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Were you able to upgrade your PP2000 to PP3000+ or you just got another unit? If you have both of them then it would be very interesting to hear your comments about Sound of PP vs. PP+.
I will have both a PP+3000 (for my main system) and a PP2000 (for my study/office system). Yes, I'll certainly compare the two a report back.

07-13-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1050
Post ID: 18388
Reply to: 18387
From beginning?
 manisandher wrote:
Well I can pretty much replicate the sound I was getting last year - simply have the DAC and power amps plugged into the PP and the PC plugged into the wall socket.  The sound becomes brighter, thinner and more edgy. This is eliminated immediately by switching to battery and taking the power cord out of the PP. This effect is consistent and repeatable - I tried many, many times to be sure. I suspect that some sort of ground loop is introduced via the USB cable linking the PC to the DAC when the PC is connected to the wall socket, but who knows.
The fact of connecting everything to PP is valid but what you describe ALSO an indication (at least to me) that your system is not organized properly from perspective of grounding. If I do not plug everything to PP and live a few elements outside of PP then I will have “some” worsening of sound but it will not be nearly as dramatic as you described. From what you describe I conclude that you have ground loops regardless of the PPs and the PP juts highlights the problem.
I run single-ended playback, it means no symmetric interconnect and negative lead of the interconnects is ground. All my power using playback (21 elements) has ONLY ONE connection to ground, from the chasses of my preamp. There is absolutely no explicit path from individual components to ground, only via interconnects to programs and then to ground in a single location. So, if I unplug any single element from PP and plug it to wall (via ground lifter only) then I will have “some” brighteners, thinner sound and more edgy result but it will be VERY minor… That what you had to do from very beginning and then you would not be “wasted a year”. 

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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