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07-26-2004 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 106
Reply to: 106
The funny Internet audio freaks

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A few days ago I showed up at the some kind of forum where the audio-teenagers drooled about the Altec products and toped each other on thier shoulders with Altec tattoos. You may familiarize yourself with the context of the thread and with the progress of THE audio-argumentation.


In a few days after I initiated the thread I decided that I prefer to be banned from THAT forums.

Here is my one before last replyes to the owner of the forum.

-----Original Message-----
From: Romy
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 6:16 PM
To: Todd White

Relax! You did not send me any privet emails. You sent an official warring as an administrator of this forum to the register member of this forum. I did not see in your email any privet context and I do feel very comfortable that I made it publicly available. At the personal level, looking at your sick reaction of a teenager on its power trip, I find that you did go far from the Morons you bread at your forum.  I sure and hope that along with banning me you will remove all my posts from your forum.

-----End of Original Message-----

What could be easer? Get rid of me and my data - nope, not so simple! Instend the moderatos sends me email informing me:

“I will edit out your inappropriate comments, but will leave the rest, as they did serve to enlighten and enhance the overall audio experience of the Altec User's Board.”

After that, I certainly sent the idiot-moderator to f-u-c-k himself along with his board members and declared him as an officially dead waste, however his next actions were truly remarkable. The guy was going over my posts and added to my original text the “***” signs (Note: he did not replace the alluringly bad words but he just added his own), claming:

“Truthfully, I did NOT want to ban Romy. …I do NOT allow profanity on my board. Fortunately, the "nawty word filter" pulls them out, but you know what is going on when you see a word bleeped out. Romy's posts became more vulgar and vitriolic even after I tried to reason with him.”

This is so pathetic that even become funny. Dose this idiot really take himself so serious that he need to do so? Dose he really feels that he is entitled to edit my posts or to use me as his publicity gamble? What a dirty scam!

The Press Secretary C.J. Cregg from the ‘West Wing” was thousand times correct teaching Josh Lyman:

CJ: The Federal Page from the Washington Post just called Carol to confirm that you are the Josh Lyman who posted on an Internet website that the White House could order a GAO review of anything it wants.
Josh: Without threatening the separation of powers is what I was saying.
CJ: You posted on a website?
Josh: . . .C.J., it a crazy place. It's got this dictatorial leader. . .
CJ: What did you go there for in the first place?
Josh: It's called LemonLyman.com.
CJ: Let me explain something to you, this is sort of my field. The people on these sites: they're the cast of 'One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest.' . . . I'm telling you to open the ward room window and climb on out before they give you a pre-frontal lobotomy and I have to smother you with a pillow. . . . I'm assigning an intern from the press office to that website. They're going to check it every night before they go home. If they discover you've been there, I'm going to shove a motherboard so far up your ass --- What?
Josh: Well --- technically, I outrank you.
CJ: "So far up your ass!" she says raising her voice ominously.
Josh: Okay.

Actually the Josh’s previous convention with his secretary about the intent freaks is quite indicative as well:

Donna: Are you sure you want to sign-off like that?
Josh: It's playful.
Donna: Okay.
Josh: You could get more in the spirit of this, you know.
Donna: The people.
Josh: Yes.
Donna: What Josh doesn't know is that some of these people haven't taken there medication. Let's watch what happens now.

(In a few hours when he was misquoted and ridiculed)

Josh: Something weird has happened here. They don't seem to be taking my response in the spirit in which it was intended.
Donna: Yeah.
Josh: Seems to be a very unusual social structure. For instance, there is leader who seems to pride herself on her organizational skills and a certain amount of discipline.
Donna: Right. That's what's called a control freak.
Josh: [getting visibly upset] Well, she does seem to do an awful lot of scolding. "You've posted in the wrong place. Stay on topic people. Don't use capital letters. I don't have time to tell you twice," when clearly, she does have time to tell us twice. But that's not the problem.
Donna: No

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-26-2004 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
New York
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Joined on 06-13-2004

Post #: 2
Post ID: 107
Reply to: 106
Lemony Lymaning LF Losers

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i just joined that board like two days ago looking for altec info and found their bass allergic to cat dander as well...

unfortunately, this sort of group blowjob mentality really exists in all forms of hobby/interest/lifestyle....my gf teaches yoga at a studio nearby...she's fairly normal but what with eating all that tofu and cheering about it, those people scare me as much as audio freaks.

btw, i asked one of those yoga types last night what she thought of round tantric horns and she claimed she would weep for the desecrated fallen tree later that evening.  of course i immediately told her the best wood for the job would be endangered african wood with sap that cures children from bites from the Tse Tse fly.

07-26-2004 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,296
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 3
Post ID: 108
Reply to: 106
... drifts over the Cookoo's Nest.

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After I post my above message “The Altec Idiot” deleted one of my post (perhabs more, I did not check) within the thread claming that “it had no intrinsic value whatsoever”. Ironically, I personally believe that that the deleted/vandalized post was not only extremely valuable for the subject but was the most precious post in the entire thread. I have no idea what idiot-site-owner is so desperate to exercise his ability to castrate somebody else’s thinking and place his own labels and his own highly ignorant vito to somebody's else motivations. The deleted post had no violations of any imaginary rules, did not mock anyone, had no satire (the Yankee-junky ordinary are disabled to stomach) and was exactly within the subject of the thread.

I informed Todd as soon he initially contacted me that this is his personal site he is perfectly entitled to prohibit me posting there.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roman Bessnow [mailto:Romy@GoodSoundClub.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 3:20 PM
To: Todd White

Tod, my reaction is just mirroring reactions of the behavior and the attitude of the cretins out of there. Read my last reply within the thread. If you fell that my initial message deserves me being labeled as drag junky then it is fine with me. I have been OFFICIALLY labeled by them as 13 year old with a keyboard, a retarget IQ challenged adult, conical alcoholic, disabled to control myself drugs addict, menacing boys-raping homosexual, secret audio dealer, member of Russian mafia, famous intentions terrorist, Bin Laden’s associate, fat couch-potato…  and so on. Do you recognize the signature? I too much know the dirty methods of those Morons to perceive them serious. Anyhow, I am not wiling to argue about it, this is your site and do whatever you want.

-----End of Original Message-----

I do very much the same and I do not allow the ToddWhite-like-Morons and the rest of the audio junk to post at my site. All that I asked Todd was that  if he wiling to prevent me to express my opinions on the subjects or disabled me to protect myself against the humiliation idiots who crow at his site then he must remove from his site all my context. It was my data and I would like do not expose it to the ridicule of the Altec's site foolishness. In response, instead of deleting me and my context, he EDITED my posts and collected the publicity among his giggling Altec militia! How recognizable!

In all probability that admin-idiot on his power tip is so desperate to castrate somebody’s thinking that he should start to exercise his desire for castration on his own children. Perhaps if he grandfather would start on his father many years ago then today the Altec people would have a free opportunity to learn something about the performance of the Altec products? Dose my views sound too ridicule to you? Pay attention I DID not propose anything new but just reflected the initial behavioral I was expose, slightly amplifying the amplitude.

Russians say: do not plant wind - you will harvest a storm. Today’s idiots deleting my posts on Altec forum is tomorrow’s psycho-Bush screwing us in our White House. Anathema not to them personally - they have already been dead – but to the puritanism-screwed and fear-controlled consciousness that drives them.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-26-2004 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,296
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 4
Post ID: 109
Reply to: 107
Horns of the tantrix profile...

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Actually, you are the only know to me person who understood my “misuse” of word “Tractrix”.

The Altec metal horns are a nightmare and that is one of the reasons I can’t even remotely approach any default Altec installation. I addressed it in here:


Also, surprise-surprise, at the same Altec forum, in the highly ignorant and of-the-wall Altec vs Avantgarde  thread, somebody “GM” nailed it down quite correctly in his post posted July 26, 2004 01:38 PM:


Anyhow, I do not think he will be able to explane anything to that crown.

The identity and sense of values of those people are based upon something that has no relation with neither musical nor audio reality and they are juts a sad fiction of inflammatory awareness. It is just near audio noise that the unfortunately pollute the subject of the Altec products.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-26-2004 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,296
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 5
Post ID: 110
Reply to: 106
Prozac vs ProAc... according to Altec

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Actually I just went to the site and I can conform that the cretin removed form my posts some of my explanations of the Model 19’s shortcomings but explicitly kept my replies (edited!!!) to the idiots who suggested that I am not familiar with Altec because I forgot to swallow Prozac and because I misspell something over there.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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