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08-11-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post ID: 19914
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SCAM! Horn - Academy Phil "Mundi" Schaheys vitavox RIP OFF ARTIST, THIEF and FRAUD !!
!!! Phil Mundi and Horn academy are a SCAM!!!

THIS IDIOT DOES NOT produce any horns at all! ... (you will be ripped off just like I was (US$400+) ).

I feel this guy needs to be exposed for the fraudster he is, More warnings should be posted about this guy so that "newcomers" or people who are new to horn speakers do not get taken advantage of.

What Phil S. Mundi does build , is a very lousy immitation of iwata horns made out of wooden IKEA salad bowls !
...then he procedes to sell them on e-bay and else where as "authentic Iwata" or other well respected brand of horn.
(look here for more evidence and information about this THIEF!)

These may already be well known facts now, but:...
He uses and posts falsified, copywrited information that is stolen from other web sites as if it is his own.
You will also notice he primarily uses discussion forums and blogs as his own  tool to freely advertise or push his shitty "product" and web site.


!!!!! DO NOT buy or send any money to the following !!!!

" horn-academy "
Philippe Schaheys

Sint Stefaanstraat #6
1932 Zaventem Sint-Stevens-Woluwe

Telephone #: (011 + 32) 2 725 8519
International #: 32 0479 540 373

Bank name: ING
Account #: 310-0876173-58
Code IBAN #: BE95310087617358


F%$# YOU!!  Phil S. and F%$&  your dirty whore mother !!      (PS.I realise insults are not the answer here, but in this case, it's better than if I were to pay him a "visit" Wink

To anyone reading this or to those who have dealt with this douche PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spread the word and help keep the HiFi Audio World as clean as we like our music to sound.
08-11-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 2
Post ID: 19915
Reply to: 19914
You got bargain
Mars, yes, there are manufactures who do more or less honest business and there are manufactures who do bad job and do not provide a mechanism for customers to remediate the claims. Interesting that quite a few manufactures do during the long career conduct perfectly ethical operation but as they get closer to retirement than then  realize that it is profitable for them during the last few year juts cash the reputation, rip off the clientele and then  go away to shadow.

Over the last few years I have seen few extremely negative comments about Phil Mundi, The very same people talk about another famous German maker – Oleg Rulit. I do not know how accurate all of it but for sure anybody who intends to deal with them have to take the information under consideration. I personally never dealt with Phil Mundi as he hardly does anything that attracts my interest neither he ever expressed any interesting idea. A few years back he used my banner at his site. I contacted him and asked him do remove it. In response the Phil Mundi informed that he design that banner himself. It happened that my banner has a lot of sentimental values to me and his response very pissed me off. Somebody who use this site and from his country did intervene and he did take my banner off. For sure since then he is in shit list and if you decide to meet him and very slowly run him over with asphalt press then I would donate gas money for your tuck.

Sill, you are adult and for all intended purposes you need to know how to protect your orders. For whatever it worthy the US$400 is not a huge sum of money to lose virginity about the world. Life is about learning how to live. Do you think your $400 was bad investment into learning? I paid once $12K to “learn” the very same thing, you got bargain. Be happy with that.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-12-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Joined on 08-11-2013

Post #: 3
Post ID: 19918
Reply to: 19915
SCAM! Horn - Academy Phil "Mundi" Schaheys vitavox RIP OFF ARTIST, THIEF and FRAUD !!
Hi Romy.
That's an interesting "retirement "plan" you describe, perhaps you are right but you never know!? Criminals/crime rings sometimes acquire a huge fortune in exactly that way, a little ($400) at a time.
I know $500 (shipping) is not a HUGE price to pay and it could have been worse, but does that make it OK to steal? I almost wish that somebody else had this problem and "warned" others saving us the grief.
Obviously doing nothing and just "taking it" does not help anything, so now there's a little extra information regarding Mundi and horn academy for others to consider.

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