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06-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 19559
Reply to: 19558
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Dear N-set,

I do not set out to copy Romy's speaker installation for a number of reasons, foremost among which is that I have not heard it. I'm sure that it sounds excellent in his room and with his ancillaries, but since mine are/will be different, I don't believe that there's any reason to suppose that Romy's system would be optimum for my environment, tastes etc.

Yes, this will be my first attempt at having such a system constructed, a system which will be put together more or less as Romy asserts in his post above. The reason that I do not simply buy a commercial system is that I have yet to find a single system that contains all the virtues I believe should exist in the accurate reproduction of orchestral and other music; I've heard several examples of excellence in one thing or another, but the whole package has proven to be spread over several systems. My proposal was to more or less combine the drivers from said systems in a single system, structurally similar to the Cessaro Gamma - since the spherical horns are vertically and time-aligned, this blueprint suits me above most others - but voiced for the listening room and ancillaries that I will be putting together. Of course, I now realize how much more there is to the issue than I had at first supposed, but this is all to the good since I had not anticipated the scale of the learning opportunity before me.

Yes, I well recognize that I'm utterly unequal to constructing such a system unaided, which is why I've elected to delineate my desires, form a few ideas as to how those desires might be realized, run such ideas before more experienced persons better suited to judge them, and then pass the affair to Jeffrey Jackson, or someone of similar stature and experience, to put them into practice. I do wish to involve myself as much as possible, since i see this as a stimulating intellectual exercise which will pay dividends of great pleasure for many years to come, both in the refinement of the system and in the music which will issue forth; however, I do understand my limitations, which is why I always accepted the need for third-party design and craftsmanship. And no, I do not find your questions insulting; they are questions that I myself have had to answer before setting out on the odyssey, and if it does end up taking years, then so be it; years of intriguing experiments with sound will render this an "end of life" project in additional senses.

Thank you for the post, and thank you, Romy, for all the interesting information that you have thus far provided; this thread has already proven to be a veritable font of information, and promises yet more. 

de Charlus
06-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 27
Post ID: 19560
Reply to: 19559
Topology & test
 de charlus wrote:
My proposal was to more or less combine the drivers from said systems in a single system, structurally similar to the Cessaro Gamma

...which is the Macondo topology only quite a few years younger. Either Cessaro reached the same logical conclusion (I very much advise making the exercise of point 1) from the above Romy's list, having Macondo axioms in front of you and witness how you gravitate towards the said topology) or perhaps they copied. BTW, would you share the dimensions and some construction details of your target listening space?

Sorry for a very shallow question, compared to the almost spiritual inputs of Haralanov & Romy, but have you anticipated what test equipment would you need to start gathering your sound-measurement correlation database? Romy uses some simple looking RTA, but when thinking of the subject myself, given the zero experience and training, I concluded I'd feel safe only with some heavy cannon like Adiomatica Clio.


06-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 19561
Reply to: 19560
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N-set, you have actually struck upon one of the difficulties of not being the designer and builder per se, only an actively interested commissioner of a bespoke system from a third party. I foresee logistical difficulties in building the system in a third-party location, when said third party will not be able to replicate the conditions of the room that will become my listening room. I am going from having a study/listening room housing a modest system purchased in the belief that consumer audio simply wasn't capable of doing what I wanted from musical reproduction, to a considerably larger (46'x22.5'x12') brick + plaster dining room with thick, hardwood floor that I am converting into a listening room exclusively - housing my "end of life" system, vinyl, other media and a loveseat, plus any room treatments that become necessary - retaining my small system in my study for when I'm working.  I have been reading about sound measurement et al on the site, but it's a colossal subject for a relative newcomer, so once again, I shall be more than grateful for any advice proffered.

de Charlus
06-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
United Kingdom
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Post #: 29
Post ID: 19562
Reply to: 19559
Design cycle
So if a third party is going to build it, presumably off-site, the necessary cycle of evaluation and testing will either have to be carried out by the third party, or else made impracticable by having to travel for each revolution. So you would still be better off copying Roman's design.
There is much talk here of tailoring playback to one's own musical tastes. But the reality is that the difference between commercial playback and Romy's implementations -- I can speak for the amplification and for limited aspects of the loudspeaker that I have reproduced -- is far greater than any personal nuance one might want to inject. So personalising from his position is likely to be far more profitable than personalising from scratch. 

Incidentally, I recall that Jessie was considering at some point making his speakers commercially...perhaps you could be his first customer though you'd have to change your taste to cool industrial.  
06-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 30
Post ID: 19563
Reply to: 19559
Everything is variable now.

I would like to point out that copying or not copying Macondo is kind of irrelevant. With proper assessment techniques any person who experiment with horn-loaded multi-channel pile of the horns would end up with the very same configuration – nothing else works.  I discovered and formulated Macondo topology but claim any invention of it would be stupid. The whole idea behind the Macondo after I discovered that does work was to share it and to advance the horn thinking out there. I know I did it.

It you would like to learn more about Macondo then you might read the Macondo page.


… that gives the historic parley into how it was. The core of Macondo destine is 4” throat on upperbass driver. I know that it sounds contra-intuitive but everything in Macondo derives from it. If I know nothing about Macondo and if you ask me to draw the most likely design for multi-channel pile of the horns where 4” upperbass is used then I would end up with identical to Macondo design. Charlus looks like have his hard set on Vitavox AK151 for Upper bass – this is very different driver and it will not work in Macondo- like topology. I personally feel that AK151 is more interesting driver for upperbass religion than hat I use in Macondo but I do challenge  Charlus or anybody to come up with interesting upperbass channels that would host this driver. You see to make upperbass channel is very intricate as it is not only about sound but about make other categories.  I would love to use this driver for upperbass but I do not know how if you do them God bless you. The way how Vox Olympian use it might produce good sound but I do not like esthetics – I wanted the pile of identical radial horns of different size. – I do not want to have boxes mixed with horns.   You might feel different but it will be your speaker not mind.

You would not need any tools beside of very basic and very simple RTA, feel free to buy whatever else you wish but it would be unnecessary.

Yes, for sure the building the horns themselves you need to outsource.  It might be Jeffrey Jackson (very good souse) or some if yours more local guys but keep your design decisions belong yourself. Your horns makers shell not drive your specification – you have to do it. If the horn builder do not want to work under control of your requirements and insist to design for you’re an entire system then fire the horn builder. You will be surprised to learn that the more experienced in general audio the horn builders are the more accommodating they will be. BTW, posting here Jorge has in his disposal a horn-building shop and I know that he had built some custom horns. You might chat with his about what he might offer.

I think that if you willing to dive into this project then you need to find out what upperbass you will be pursuing. This is very fundamentally-important as everything else will be deriving from it. If you like the Vox Olympian upperbass then it might be very possible to meet with gentleman who is behind the Olympian to purposefully listening just the Olympian upperbass. With and without other channels and conclude for yourself that it is what you want.  I do not know the guy but generally I know that if you will be able to shape your inquiry in dignified and intelligent format then no one will refuse to help you.  I am sure that if you sight some kind non-compete agreement and buy to the guy as box of Dom Pérignon then he would help you. Do not treat anybody experience as some kind of fixed entity – you very much might improve upon what Olympian upperbass does….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 31
Post ID: 19564
Reply to: 19563
Some commentaries about drivers selection.

We understand that Charlus’ selection of drivers are not a selection yet but some kind of very preliminary idea of the drivers that he feels like he like. I said “he feels like he like” not accidently. I do not think Charlus, or anybody else in his place, would be able to evaluate the worth of the drivers in context of overall sound of somebody else installation. It is possible to do but only if you have a lot of experience with application of the specific driver, then listening the driver in context of alien installation it is possible to recognize it’s signature and to decipher how it was used. As I understand Charlus is not familiar with the drivers he picked and he was talking about them only because the systems that he liked used those drivers. Here is an interesting twist of the story: I can give you 95% that of the system owners of the installation that he liked did replace some of the drivers that Charlus mentioned (and made the needed adjustments of the systems) then… Charlus might still love the sound of those installations.

Anyhow, as few comments about the Charlus drivers.

 de charlus wrote:
Ale Acoustics 160 Super (15hZ-1000hZ, 110db/w)15hZ - 150hZ Lower bass
I do not even want to talk about it as it is WAY beyond anything sensible at this point. It is not to mention that I do not believe in closed-bottom lower octave channels and I feel that ”lowest octave horn” is an oxymoron. I wrote about it some years back:


Saying all of it I have to admit that to have a midbass horn around Ale Acoustics 160 is very interesting idea. It is VERY hard to make it properly as Ale bass drivers are not suitable for proper midbass application, or at least it is very very hard.

 de charlus wrote:
Vitavox AK 151 (50HZ-8kHZ, 100db/w)              150hZ - 350hZ Upper bass
This is for sure is VERY interesting idea but I would scope this driver from let say 60Hz to 500Hz. Show me the channel in which it will be mount and show me rest of the speaker that would be assembled around such a channel. If it done properly it mish be very interesting but I am not informed about the solution. I do think that to cut the driver like AK151 just at 150hZ is like to marinate $80 ribeye steak in chlorine.

 de charlus wrote:
Vitavox S2 (200hZ-16kHZ, 110db/w)                 350hZ - 1500hZ Lower mid
Possible but I very much doubt that one can make the S2 driver to go so much down. I would say that 450Hz is more plausible threshold. I also feel that as god as S2 at lower MF it does portray own thrill only of the same S2 driver care the upper range. If you hear the only one only 350hZ - 1500hZ channel without any complimentary upper range then you might feel that you wasted such an expensive driver to accomplish nothing.

 de charlus wrote:
Ale Acoustics 45Super (500hZ-20kHZ, 115db/w) 1500hZ - 6kHZ Upper mid
It is hard to say – I do not know ALEs drivers. Hey might sound wonderful in there. A word of warning, however. All of those upper ranges GOTO, ALE, YL, Condo compression drivers have very strong magnets and very flimsy voice coil. They do 2.4T in gap and they use very light VC. They save on VC mass and they do not use formers. They wind ultra light, self-glued turns with rectangular wire and their HF VC are very susceptive to overheating. If somebody like Charlus would use his ALE driver in closet then driving it with 1.5W of type 45 might be save. However, Charlus has 42 by 24 feet room and he would need more power. There are plenty of people out there who did burn the GOTO upper MF drivers with 300B amps. So, this I think need to be taken under consideration.

 de charlus wrote:
Acapella TW1S (5kHZ-50kHZ, 110db/w)             6kHZ - 50kHZ+ Tweeter
I do not buy it at all. With a good compression driver a tweeter need to just do artifacts. To cross a tweeter at 6kHZ in context of 5 way system is kind of ridicules. Do not forget: plasma tweeter (very much like ribbon) sounds worse with each Hz it goes down. Why to drive the tweeter so low?  I do not. Acapella, like all other companies, advertise the stupidly-low crossover frequency in order people feel that it might be suitable for 2-3 ways acoustic system. Many people do and they end up with quite crappy sound from Acapella. With 5-way system that is under discussion there is absolutely no need to use a tweeter where it is not supposed to be used.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-26-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
JJ Triode
Posts 101
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Post #: 32
Post ID: 19566
Reply to: 19553
Hajj to Horns Mecca
De Charlus,
Since you presently reside in North America, I really recommend you go to visit Romy and hear his installation.  The cost of the trip to Boston will be approx. 1% of your eventual total investment in this project, and what you learn there will save you costs or improve your outcome on the order of 10% or more.  I do not know if Romy still allows audio visits since he got married, but as you seem very serious about making a horns installation, and he is giving your project some attention, you should at least ask.  He might also set you up to visit the "NH guy" or others who could prove educational.
06-26-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 33
Post ID: 19567
Reply to: 19556
Building something like Macondo, check and balances.

First of all this is not a post about somebody replicated Macondo. I use the colloquialism: “Building Macondo” as a reference to building any “end of the life” acoustic system. Building the proverbial Macondo, going multi-ampling , arranging power, cables, frond-end and  the rest components of the inhalation for the most case would constitute a life time achievement. Not because it is terribly difficult but because sane people do it mostly once a life. Well, this brings a very important from my point of view but much neglected question: what worth of this activity?

I would not hide from you that fact that build good audio is wickedly fascinating ceremony and it might sponge in all your time, energy and attention. During the design and construction of Melquiades I took a few months off (!) and good 16 hours a day was experimenting with amplification. Not that it is right or wrong but at $100 per hour that I bill I am sure that I have invested into Melquiades more money than all Mass high-end stores would ever charge to buy amps.

So, approaching the project that de Charlus implies I would strongly encourage defining to yourself: how much would it worthy for you to have the proverbial Macondo installation? It is not easy question and in most of the cases the person in begin and in the end of proverbial Macondo processes would have very different assessment scale and very different reference points.

Generally is much, much, much, much more advisable to buy instead of build…. If you know “where” and if you know “how”…. The people with brain and years understand that glossy  public “critically acclaimed”  audio is crap, but unfortunately many “alternative” audio branches crap as well. Navigation in the realms of audio opportunities is very complex and even people with a lot of money are at lost if they have brain and ears. Build sounds like a logical solution but the people with lot of money have money because they are very good in what they do. I assure that is audio was not the occupation why they do well…

So, before to dive in an expensive and demanding audio project ask yourself if you do want to get another full or part time job – to become your own audio designer, reviewer, tester and etc.  You might like it but you might also find that golf or boating is more interesting for you. To a degree, like anything else, to do audio seriously require some sacrifice. How much sacrifices will you willing to invest.  Will you be able to check and balance your audio investments, sacrifices and justifications? They are not bogus questions and I do recommend anybody who jump from  TV speaker bar to the proverbial Macondo projects to boil the thoughts in own head.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-28-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 34
Post ID: 19572
Reply to: 19567
Why Upperbass is a key

When many of your will experiment with building and listening your own horns and spend countless amount of time by sketching a configuration of your new horn assembly you then might come to an observation that Macondo Upperbass topology is very slick solution that is very hard to beat sonically and practically impossible topologically.  He key to everything is 4” throat that this upperbass horn has. The whole idea of Macondo is based upon that 4” throat.

If you go for larger driver, let say 12 or 15 inch then you can’t not use 4” throat as the compression will damage the small sounds. So, you do it then you end up with let say 6”- 10” throat. However the size of the Upperbass mouth is restricted by elevation of your MF driver that has to be more or less at easy level. If the bottom of your MF horn will be higher then let say 40” then whatever Haralanov’s “gravity” you will be using you will be forced to  till your head up to listen your installation. It is acceptable to a minor degree but only to minor degree. So, let presume that we have even an elliptical horn and small MF then we have let say 45” space for Upperbass that would make a nice 90Hz-100Hz horn. It would go bigger, to let say 85Hz, if you do non-spherical, if you like how they looks like. So, now we have a big mouth under your MF channel but the problem is that this big mouth projected to the big throat does not give to you necessary LF horn equalization. With 38” mouth that Macondo has and 4” throat the upperbass has 9.5 time size difference between throat and mouth. If you use let say a moderate 8” throat with 12” or 15” driver then in order to get the same equalization you would need 76” mouth for your upperbass. For sure you have no room to use that mouth and what everyone does is making mouth smaller, therefore reducing the horn LF equalization. As the result the LF does not produced as much by horn but rather produced by exertion of LF driver. Which is called a direct radiator operation: the picture does look like a horn but the horn equalization in such a horn is very inadequate.

On another side of spectra we can arm the Upperbass with super duper compression drivers from GOTO, ALE, YL Acoustic, Kondo or whatever else exotic it might be. They do spectacular compression drivers that have 70-80 Hz own resonance frequency. They do not have barbaric compression, they have phenomenal diaphragms and suspension, high sensitivity, and for all intended purpose they are the best in the game for this application. Let look for instance this driver:


It is perfect and it costs near what it has to cost. The problem is that is has somewhere near 2.5” throat that would require not 38” long horn (now I am taking not about diameter but length from mouth to throat) but rather 2 -3 times longer. It would be superbly impractical to have 70-80” long straight horn and it would be absolutely impossible to time alight it. So, what people do is shorting the horn and doing for 1/8 or 1/16 of horns and running some VERY fast opening profiles.  This is not good as all those  GOTO, ALE, YL Acoustic, Kondo and other drivers are made to be load to very slow opening exponential horn and the do need a very strong throat reactance.

So, what I am saying is that 4” throat that Macondo has is a very intelligent balance between everything: esthetics, sound, system organization, configuration option and many other reasons.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-28-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
United Kingdom
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Post #: 35
Post ID: 19573
Reply to: 19572
Multidriven midbass
is the compression driver problem not solved by using multiple drivers all feeding into the same, relatively large throat, eg four 2.5 inch drivers into a 5 inch throat? The idea is that sensitivity to reactance will be much less at lower excursions, which is what you will gain as you have  a greater total diaphragm area to play with. Obviously it would not be cheap but it is end of life solutions we are talking about here.
06-28-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 36
Post ID: 19575
Reply to: 19573
No one does them.
Hm, Yes, I kind of forgot the idea of multiple compression drivers blowing into the same throat. I never was too warm to it but I do admit that it would minimize the length of the horn. For sure the right solution would be to make compression driver with let say the same 4” throat. This is kind of tricky as this driver would have at least 6” diaphragm and it is problematic. By using a multiple compression drivers we get rid of the problem associated with bending of super light metal diaphragm but we do pick up problems with individual driver integration, differences in exertions, curvature of the knees that form the multiple compression drivers assembly and the rest problem, not considering the price of cause. I do not know if the use of multiple compression drivers would be preferable instead of use of one larger compression drivers. I would certainly bet for use one larger driver. The biggest problem is not placing of non-educated bet but an absence of large compression driver with resonance frequency of sub 70Hz. There is a 4” exit compression driver - 4M but they use a second suspension in the middle of the driver to keep diaphragm firm. Because of this or because of any other reasons the driver sounds horribly and shall not be used for anything else then to make public speeches during those RNC conventions.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-28-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
Posts 94
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Post #: 37
Post ID: 19584
Reply to: 19575
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Dear All,

Thank you all for your assistance, especially Romy, whose information has been particularly interesting. I have been in contact with Jeffrey Jackson, with whom I have discussed my driver preferences, and arrived at what is essentially only a theoretical starting point in terms of drivers and X-over points;

Lower Bass 160Super 15-100hz
Upper Bass Vitavox AK151 100-500hz
Mid Vitavox S2 500-2000hz
Upper Mid 45Super 2000-8000hz
Acapella 8000hz+

Such X-over points would appear to address some of the concerns that have been raised above, but all remains to be seen when things commence. As I said, this is but a hypothetical starting point. Jeffrey apparently is working on an installation in Northern New York State at present, making it a more practical concern for him to work n Toronto; he too regards my project as "interesting", but this is not to suggest that some or all of my driver preferences will not change in the future, since I did illuminate him as to how it was that I arrived at these notional preferences. He is perfectly happy not only to design appropriate horns to mate with such drivers, but also 5-way crossovers and DSETs for each channel, although I myself had particular commercial SETs in mind, then to be modified appropriately. Anyway, I will keep updates coming when the project commences; I am working on a "real work" project for the next few months that will prevent me from commencing any assembly/testing work on this system until approximately the end of summer/beginning of fall, but I thought that it might take this long to obtain and take receipt of the drivers, that is if I elect to go this route. Jeffrey himself is also engaged for the next few months; he has had to actually move house in order to work on the aforementioned project.
Etiquette prevents me from attempting to wangle an invitation to listen to Romy's Macondo system, since this to my mind is not how invitations are come by; in any case, as I said, I have doubts as to the usefulness of listening to however wonderful a system wherein inordinate variables different to those found within my own residence/system are to be found. Secondly, I am engaged in a work project for the next few months which prevents me from traveling to anywhere aside from L.A. for more than a Saturday/part of Sunday, a tall order when the redoubtable Macondo is to be found in Boston.
Romy, in answer to your question, I am prepared to do pretty much whatever's necessary to attain what I want here; as will have become obvious, the majority of the actual, physical work will not be performed by myself, and since my chief leisure pursuit has been, for perhaps the last twenty-five years, concert-going, not only in North America but in Europe, an investment of time and money commensurate with the immense pleasure that I derive from this seems to me reasonable. And as I said, if learning opportunities present themselves in the process - and they undoubtedly will - so much the better, even if it takes many years. It is not as if I will be without music in the meantime; I still have my "little" system to fall back upon.

de Charlus
06-28-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 38
Post ID: 19585
Reply to: 19584
It is kind of odd ballet.

de Charlus, I still do not think that there is such a thing as “ the only a theoretical starting point”. Perhaps you were inspired by Jeffrey’s recommendation that has more experience in it then you. Still, the compression drivers loaded into given horn exhibit sometime very peculiar behavior and to have a specific aim of where the channel will be operating is not always possible.  I still feel that idea to use plan 15-100 Hz channels from beginning of project is faulty. I also feel that use S2 between 500-2000hz is kind of problematic. The S2 driver has a secondary resonance at 1250 Hz with a good 8dB bulge, how will you deal with it in 250hz horn? Will you use a notch filtration? That will kill the whole S2 sound.  Still, this is your project and you very much free to do whatever you wish. 

The reasons why I used word “ballet” in the subject of the post because the section of crossover points leads to the selection of the horns side.  Ironically you would never know the final crossover points unit you put the drivers into the horns and put the horns together. This is the chicken and egg story… That is why I advised to start from upperbass and MF and THAN expend the system. You might make a MF horn with interchangeable back plate init winch you will be able to screw any driver with any throat with no damage to horn geometry. Jeffrey is a resourceful fellow and he will be able to advise to you options, if not then I can pitch the ways how I did it.

An invitation to listen to Macondo system is not a problem and I have no idea why my marriage (as somebody advised) might affect my audio interests.  You might enjoy result of the listening but I do not think that you will advance yourself in your project by listening my installation.  Jeffrey with his experience would rather get the idea of what I do if he hears Macondo. I think you might get better feeling about Macondo sound AFTER you finish your project and spend some time with your playback. Nevertheless, if you or Jeffrey feel that you need either Macondo or my assistance then we would be happy to facilitate it.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-29-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
Posts 94
Joined on 06-11-2013

Post #: 39
Post ID: 19586
Reply to: 19585
Knowledge Tree
Romy, do you have first hand listening experience of these YL drivers? If so, in what sort of installation?

Doubtless you will refer me to an extant thread, but how is it that you dealt with the S2's secondary resonance? "Killing the S2's sound" in any way, shape or form is the very last thing I wish to do, since of all the drivers alluded to above it seems to me the most organic and fluid, if that makes any sense. The last thing I would wish to do would be to compromise this driver in a clumsy fashion, especially considering the fundamental importance of the frequency ranges it occupies.

I thank you kindly for the invitation, but as you say, to listen to the Macondo in an unfamiliar room/system would be an exercise in curiosity rather than anything that could usefully benefit me much in terms of the speaker stratagems that Jeffrey and I end up fleshing out between us. It would certainly be more useful for him to listen thus, since persons of such experience can seemingly to some extent free their listening experiences from context - a little.

As I said, it will be a few months before work permits me sufficient leisure to approach this project in earnest. After further dialogue with Jeffrey, plus the invaluable advice that you, Romy, and others continue to provide, I will at least be able to commence gathering materials, so that by the time Jeffrey has completed his extant project, my own will not be delayed by shipping matters. I will keep you all informed as to what transpires in the processes leading up to the point of construction and installation.

It would seem that Jeffrey errs on the side of building DSETs from the ground up; I do see the many virtues that this route offers, but I had previously thought it a good deal simpler, and possibly cheaper, to buy commercial SETs and modify them as necessary. Have you ever costed out a Melquiades, Romy, in terms solely of materials and the labor involved in construction of a unit? Call me a heretic, but I like the GM-70 tube best of all those that I have thus far encountered in the SET topology - and I am the first to admit that these encounters have been far from exhaustive; that which forms the basis of the Melquiades, for instance, remains obscure to me - and cannot imagine that a custom SET employing that tube would differ radically in price from one using the 6C33C. Given that I shall be needing 10 of these, price must be considered.

de Charlus
06-29-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 40
Post ID: 19587
Reply to: 19586
Some answers.

 de charlus wrote:
Romy, do you have first hand listening experience of these YL drivers? If so, in what sort of installation?

Nope, I did hear neither YL drivers nor ALE driver, as least consciousnessly.

 de charlus wrote:
Doubtless you will refer me to an extant thread, but how is it that you dealt with the S2's secondary resonance?

Yes, there was information about it in S2 thread. Basically I begin to role the S2 driver from 3.8kH and at 1000Hz it arrives flat, including the secondary resonance. It has been explained in details. In your case, since you are planning to use the Vitavox S2 at 500-2000hz it will not be too useful.  You will need to use custom resonators that will, in my estimation, ruin sound even those they will flatten the frequency response. If you insist to do what you are planning to do then I would advise to find old Vitavox diaphragms with metal suspension. The drivers with those diaphragms do not have such a hard secondary resonance and they might be more or less be used flat. The problem with those diaphragms that they are very harsh upper region …but you will not use them in there as you will be having ALE driver taken over at 2000Hz.

 de charlus wrote:
It would seem that Jeffrey errs on the side of building DSETs from the ground up; I do see the many virtues that this route offers, but I had previously thought it a good deal simpler, and possibly cheaper, to buy commercial SETs and modify them as necessary. Have you ever costed out a Melquiades, Romy, in terms solely of materials and the labor involved in construction of a unit? Call me a heretic, but I like the GM-70 tube best of all those that I have thus far encountered in the SET topology - and I am the first to admit that these encounters have been far from exhaustive; that which forms the basis of the Melquiades, for instance, remains obscure to me - and cannot imagine that a custom SET employing that tube would differ radically in price from one using the 6C33C. Given that I shall be needing 10 of these, price must be considered.

I seriously do not feel that you near anywhere to start to think about amplification for your projects. I love to run my mouth on audio subject but to discuss the amplification need for the project you are planning at the state you are is truly pointless. Have one SET amp of 8-12W that you like and run from it the whole system with passive filtration. As the additional benefits you will be able to play with channels loading in this configuration. Going DSET in smart was is way more complicated and I very strongly advise you for now to stay away from it. Jeffrey does make a mistake feeling that he can at this point to force what amplification you would need. BTW, GM-70 is very fine tube but this tube is to drive 92dB sensitive direct radiator. What will you do with your 110 sensitive acoustic system and 30W? As you have an  acoustic system that will be able to react very “nuancely” to very delicate minimal currents you might find that very low power vintage triodes are more interesting then the “elephant touch” of high voltage GM-70. Melquiades is not expensive, neither in parts or build but I do not think that you need o be attracted to it. If I had your (proposed) set of the channels (with obvious exception of Lower Bass channel) then I would be looking for some kind of DH DSET with probably GM-70 on the AK151 driver (wich I am sure you will be driving lowers then 100Hz).

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-30-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
Posts 94
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 19588
Reply to: 19587
S2 Operating Frequencies?
Ok, understood, at least somewhat. Are you suggesting that the S2 operates at the frequencies between 1000hz and 3.6khz? I am not insisting upon using the driver at the frequencies that I was initially suggesting; far from it, actually, as these were simply a hypothetical starting point with the purpose of eliciting the sort of information that you are so ably providing. I am not insisting on anything aside from excellent (at least, from my perception) results from a 5-way, largely spherical horn configuration, since it is this topology that has challenged my long-held cynicism about the capabilities of "high-end" audio. That this has already turned out to be so much more involved than I had at first thought is far from disappointing, as a matter of fact.

That YL driver looks interesting; I will check it out insofar as is possible..

Yes, the issue of amplification is premature, to say the least, but it resulted from a conversation that Jeffery and I had been having. It had always been my intention to obtain 5 pairs of commercial SETs (to me, it has always been the loudspeaker that has been the most inherently disappointing element in the audio chain, although each element has its bugbears) such as Lamm ML2s or Shindo Labs Lafons to power the drivers, but Jeffrey seems to favor the custom route, and you seem to have arrived at superior results through your own efforts. Any route other than this appears to be the very Pandora's box that might result in the "years of refinements" that so may on this thread have cautioned against, but that in itself does not deter me. Ultimately though, however long this takes and however costly it might be, I want to do this only once, wish to learn as much as possible in so doing, and wish to be content with the results for the rest of my life - this is how invested I am in this process.

de Charlus
06-30-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 42
Post ID: 19589
Reply to: 19588
It is not what important.

 de charlus wrote:
Ok, understood, at least somewhat. Are you suggesting that the S2 operates at the frequencies between 1000hz and 3.6khz? I am not insisting upon using the driver at the frequencies that I was initially suggesting; far from it, actually, as these were simply a hypothetical starting point with the purpose of eliciting the sort of information that you are so ably providing. I am not insisting on anything aside from excellent (at least, from my perception) results from a 5-way, largely spherical horn configuration, since it is this topology that has challenged my long-held cynicism about the capabilities of "high-end" audio. That this has already turned out to be so much more involved than I had at first thought is far from disappointing, as a matter of fact.
de Charlus, I think you have a slightly wrong perception of this conversation. I do not use S2 driver at 3.6khz but I use two 2 drivers below and after secondary resonance (1200hz) as I feel that correction of drivers by LC electrical resonators damages the drivers sound. However, I do not recommend using any driver in any range. If you pay attention during reading my site I very seldom recommend anything specific but instead I advocate a methodology to find your own answers. You looking for results but I do see audio as cookie cuter results but rather as a possess. You feel that 5-way, largely spherical horn configuration is very effective? I do not disagree. There are many passes to take and you might use any drivers you wish. Take a driver, load into channels and play with it. Slide the crossovers up and down, change slope and types, change horn loading and driver loading. Soon or later you will end up with the configuration you feel correspond to your level of objectives. If you wish to use the drivers that I know I might assist to a degree but if they are the drivers that I never used then whatever I say or think is worthless. It is however is not about the selection of drivers or their bandwidth but rather to understand what you want from a particular channel. Read the last sentence again – it was very important.  It is not so simple right the way to grasp what your objectives and expectations are. You might do it but generally it takes time, at least in my case. It would be nice if you fry to meet Jeffery and he will demonstrate to you a performance of a few drivers in equitable configuration. I do not know if he offers such a service. Without it I would get Upperbass and MF and do not do anything else unit I develop an acquired taste in the way how the drivers perform.
 de charlus wrote:
Yes, the issue of amplification is premature, to say the least, but it resulted from a conversation that Jeffery and I had been having. It had always been my intention to obtain 5 pairs of commercial SETs (to me, it has always been the loudspeaker that has been the most inherently disappointing element in the audio chain, although each element has its bugbears) such as Lamm ML2s or Shindo Labs Lafons to power the drivers, but Jeffrey seems to favor the custom route, and you seem to have arrived at superior results through your own efforts. Any route other than this appears to be the very Pandora's box that might result in the "years of refinements" that so may on this thread have cautioned against, but that in itself does not deter me. Ultimately though, however long this takes and however costly it might be, I want to do this only once, sh to learn as much as possible in so doing, and wish to be content with the results for the rest of my life - this is how invested I am in this process.

A custom route is fine but do you know what you want?  Tell me: do you want to driver your MF channels with AD1, RE604, or PX25 tubes? How you would like to load them? How would you implement the filter in the amps if you do not know what filters they would be? How you preference of the amplification would change in context of associated channels?  How much power would you need?  Can you drive S2 and ALE drivers from the same amp? I can ask you another 100 questions that would impact the design chooses for your DSET but neither you or Jeffery or anybody else for that matter know the answers. It is not about the selection of brand or DIY vs. premade amp but rather about tailoring your amps to the need of your acoustic system, non existing acoustic system I have to say.

One more thing, If you deal with Jeffery then you can explore one more direction. Jeffery is close associated with WE people and you might explore their drivers. Not all WE driver are interesting but some of them are. You might look at Western Electric 594 drivers with better concentric phasing plug or the contemporary Japanese GIP equivalents. I did not see or heard of any worthy or serious installation with WE drivers but it does not mean that it might not be made. The people who experiment with WE are no different than the people who excrement with ALE/GOTO/YL drivers – a lot of snobbism and pretentiousness but not a lot of actual results. Still, if you can stomach to deal with them then you can fish something in the murky water of contemporary proper WE application.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-01-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
Posts 94
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 19591
Reply to: 19589
Romy, whether intentionally or otherwise, "murky waters" is a beautiful metaphor for the Western Electric route, in my experience; that said, just because something does not exist, does not mean that I might not be made so with a less hidebound approach. Alas, I am too young to have that whole "Mirrorphonics nostalgia" coloring my taste in sound reproduction - still, this is not to say that it cannot be investigated.

As for the amplification issue, I take your point; at this stage too many variables have yet to be fixed to render such discussion productive.

Have you, or anyone else on this site, had experience with such things as "double throat adapters"? Goto offer such to marry with their SG146 bass drivers, and if there are no inherent difficulties arising from such a configuration, it would be nice if the bass horns in this installation were not positively gargantuan.


de Charlus
07-01-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 19592
Reply to: 19591
It takes time.
 de charlus wrote:
Alas, I am too young to have that whole "Mirrorphonics nostalgia" coloring my taste in sound reproduction - still, this is not to say that it cannot be investigated.

Actually the "Mirrorphonics nostalgia" that some people squirt all over themselves is not necessary an attribute of western eclectic drivers. Some of WE drivers, not all of them but some, do have exceptional dynamics and very interesting tonal character, no different from RCA, Vitavox and other vintage drivers. If they properly implemented it might be very worthy direction to do. Yes, it is given that most of people who deal with WE are just brainlessly mimic inferior WE solutions but it not suppose to be this way.
 de charlus wrote:
As for the amplification issue, I take your point; at this stage too many variables have yet to be fixed to render such discussion productive.
Well, Charlus, I took interests in your project as I find it very interesting (for myself) to think how I would do it, knowing what I do know now, if I did it from scratch. Of cause my experience might be completely neglected. Still, in expression of my experience I do something that I much appreciate about myself - I provide my reasoning. Use or do not use my reasons is irrelevant to me but I feel that it is better to be informed about reasons, then you can evaluate yourself the reasons and chose to yourself whatever course of actions you wish.
 de charlus wrote:
Have you, or anyone else on this site, had experience with such things as "double throat adapters"? Goto offer such to marry with their SG146 bass drivers, and if there are no inherent difficulties arising from such a configuration, it would be nice if the bass horns in this installation were not positively gargantuan.

Yes, double throat adapters are common. Pretty much any of older compression drivers companies did them. I would obviously stays away from them for MF and HF application but for LF then could minimize the horn length. Feel free to discard me but for fifth or so time I do advise you do not think and stay away from LF projects at this point. I can provide you with multiple reasons why it might be a topologically faulty solution; in fact I have it already at many locations at my site. The biggest reason however is different. The cost, demands and complexity of let say 30Hz horn implementation will be easy 60-70% of your whole project. It is not to mention that whatever you do with30Hz horn is non-reversible. I am sure that Jeffery would love to play with this opportunity but in my view the thing need to be made not because it is possible but because it is necessary. No one knows what is   necessary in your case. Complete Upperbass and MF channels, get some kind of chip boom box for LF, get accustom with Sound and then play with your nuclear tweeter.  Then, after the system is operational and installed into your house, move up and down, integrated with room décor and so on, than you will see what space you have for LF horn if you decide to build it. No one say that you do not need to get your LF horn if you want. All that I say that you might consider to compartmentalize your project by multiple deliverable stages. I suggest that as you will be progressing across those stages your expectations and your references will be altered.

Rgs, The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-01-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
Posts 94
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 19593
Reply to: 19592

Please don't think that I undervalue your advice; as a matter of fact, I have gleaned more knowledge from tooling around this site generally, and from your contributions specifically, that I've been able to amass through all other sources combined. Your reasoning has in fact been invaluable, especially to one such as myself who has only very recently taken an interest in this tier of audio, a tier very much marginalized by those in whose interest it is to be pushing the latest tech at all times. After all, if the notion that the audio "magic beans" are held not, as most believe, in the hands of a couple of dozen uniquely gifted oligarchs, but are instead available to any and all who would sufficiently inform themselves, the streets would soon run red with the blood of slain Sacred Cows, their death throes just as tuneless as their life's work!

Once again, thank you; it is obviously most necessary to approach the conception, construction etc of horns with a set methodology, and without your assistance I would have had no idea what this would have been. Admittedly, when I commenced with all this I was most excited that I'd heard two or three speakers which, if their virtues could have been combined, would have been - to my ears - audio perfection, and naively thought that this could be as simple an undertaking as employing their drivers and (loosely) topologies in a single configuration, but I now know better; horns are far subtler beasts...

de Charlus
07-01-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 19594
Reply to: 19593
The cost?
Charlus, it is not about an expression of gratitude, trust me, I am very indifferent neither to criticism or appreciation. Ironically what you are trying to do is in a way an organic holding a touch of a few audio ideas that I happened to advocate as they turned out to be successful in my case. I naturally would be pleases if large knowledge base that was formed by my public dairies would  be beneficial. I learned from others and I feel that “data” have to be passed over. I hope what you build whatever you build you will publicize your experience; this is the way how “knowledge” is being preserved. If you build what you intend to do then invite as you will be done. I would not mind to stop by for some listening. I estimate that if you eventually go for your bass horn project then to build, calibrate and setup the whole system would take for you 1.5-2 years. I do think that if you go for serious result then your bass horn will not be the last channel. Most likely you will eventually get a moderate Midbass horn of let sat 45Hz and then a dedicated channel for lower octave. The reason I am sing it now is because the high power amplification that your ULF might require need to be equated into your amplification planning.
If you do not go for crazy expensive bass compression drivers then I think your project would not be too expensive. I would estimate somewhere around $40K. I know it sounds like a lot of money but nowadays it is a cost of an industry promoted single-driver monitors that some kind of big shot audio reviewer marked as “recommended components”. I wonder what other would estimate the cost of the project might be? For sure you might make it as expensive as you wish by wiring everything with luxury cables, using Wehrmacht tubes for amplification, utilising medieval-made replica of “The Hunt of the Unicorn” tapestries for room sound treatment or employing wet-pay on your turntable by squirting Hennessy Beaute du Siecle on the records.  BTW, if you do then I probably stop by earlier to help you to setup the thing…

:-) Romy The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-02-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 19610
Reply to: 19594
Cost projection

I merely thought that you felt I was riding roughshod over your advice, when it was in fact a degree of naivety requiring extensive clarification that may have made it appear thus. Regardless of your indifference to praise and/or criticism, I'd hate to be perceived as ill-mannered and unappreciative. Your efforts, as well as those of others, in expounding upon my little project have been unbelievably useful; sure, I could have put myself fully into the hands of Jeffrey Jackson - and as far as I've been able to determine, those would indeed be safe and informative hands - but forewarned is forearmed, and in any case, the learning process is one of the chief attractions of going this route. As for the passing on of knowledge, bravo; this is seemingly a rarefied little field, and were it not for the transmission of knowledge thus, it might scarcely be transmitted at all. Yes, having considered the appropriate methodology, plus the obtaining of materials and custom fabrication, I do see this being a project lasting perhaps a year or two; during all key points in the process I will upload pics and commentary as appears fit.

As for expense, I had not anticipated it being nearly as reasonable as $40k; that, after all, is roughly the price of that Silbatone, single-driver monstrosity to which you allude. I will be needing to build an entire system from scratch, from naked Polynesian virgins to rotate my 1500lb, depleted uranium platter - and let us not forget that they will have to be worked in shifts - to 10 SETs (most likely Jeffrey's own, with some mods) phonostage (probably a used Boulder 2008 unless Jeffrey wows me with one of his) to cables (high-purity silver, but not Kondo or anything so glamorous) to custom crossovers, power refinement (perhaps a battery pack a la Definitive Audio) to digital (a CEC TLOX, but with what DAC?), computer audio and FM, with all the supports, interconnects and knick-knacks that pad the pockets of our friendly local audio dealers. I think that I'd be lucky to get any change out of $150k, altogether, although the fact that this will be more a gradual, two-year drain than an avalanche in my bank account will make things easier to bear, as will the fact that I already have a small system to listen to whilst this work takes place. Also, while I'm full of enthusiasm for the speaker project, I'm less enthused about venturing once more into the domain of consumer audio for all the other things that are required; my last experiences proved that it was seldom possible to compare apples to pears - let alone apples to apples - in Toronto, where we are not exactly overburdened with quality audio outfits. For example, as far as turntables go, I'd like to audition that high-mass Audio Tekne one - fat chance of that up here - the Kondo Ginga with 12" SMEV - equally impossible - and, going the other route, something like the Bergmann Sleipner, something that sounded as good as it had any right to in a friend's system in New York. As far as I've been able to ascertain, the only "quality" turntable that may be auditioned and purchased in Ontario is the Basis Inspiration, not a design that fills me with confidence. If one doesn't live in New York, London, or any of the other truly "major" cities, such things can be as unattainable as those proverbial hen's teeth.


de Charlus
07-02-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 48
Post ID: 19614
Reply to: 19610
Hm, I do not think that it all might be as expensive. If I rebuild Macondo now from scratch then it will be probably around $10K-$12K. The cost of midbass horn will be we around $15K and the 12ch DSET would be around $18K. So the number of $40K does sound reasonable to me. Saying that I do not include into the calculation the cost of exotic drivers but only the construction of horns, harnesses, frames, logistics, regular drivers and etc.
I excluded also the whole “new system” that you appears look forward to get. This is completely up to you and this is very different subject.
Two advise (advise must have a dam plural form!!!) that you might find worthy.

If you like so much your ALE MF driver then you might consider GOTO as well as they are “close”. In your case it might be convenient as your Jeffery build a setup to a guy from Ohio who is (or at least was) USA GOTO rep.  You might get options to experiment with them before lay a lot of cash and if I am not mistaken Jeffery did have good GOTO exposure.

If you do willing to get those bass ALE drivers that would cost dozen of thousand dollars then do pursue them in North America. They are sold with good 60% mark-up and no one will offer you any service for this mark-up. Get ticket to Japan and gat your ALEs in there. If you were be accompanied by a Japanese industry person then you might get then for Japanese “street price” that would be good 75% off from the USA retail. 

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-03-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
de charlus
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Post #: 49
Post ID: 19620
Reply to: 19614
Thanks Romy,

I particularly appreciate the advice on the Goto issue, although a sojourn in Japan would be delightful too, come to think of it; in my experience there's no better place for culinary and audio tourism combined. "Local" support in the case of technical issues is not to be undervalued either. It doesn't sound as if the supports, harnesses etc to which you allude will be terribly costly via Jeffrey, so maybe I am overestimating things rather. That said, I haven't seen a contemporary price for the CEC TLOX, and this, I imagine, will be substantial; I also have no idea what DACS I should even audition, since it has been so long since I've had a need to. People have recommended DCS, Orpheus, Weiss, Audio Aero; probably something that I should ask in the digital forum at any rate. It's a bit of a grey area for me really, since I don't actively want to seek out second-rate sound when putting so much effort into the rest of the system, yet no more than 25% of my listening is via CD; that said, I do want to investigate "high-res" computer audio, and that too will require quality processing, so perhaps pennies are not to be pinched here. Oh, since writing yesterday I came across a new (at least to me) place in Toronto where I can audition the Kondo Ginga, which may go some way towards solving my problem, the need for a high-quality, high-mass record-spinner with local support, something which I have overlooked at my peril in the past. Now I only have to hope that I like it.

Do you really think that the 12 channel DSET would be that affordable? If so, I'm delighted, since i had reckoned on at least thrice that sum. There is, of course, the preamp and phonostage to consider too; I was thinking of a preamp from Jeffrey for synergistic purposes, and the aforementioned Boulder. Even if one does bank on $150k for the lot and is then presently surprised, one must remember that this is less than a pair of Magico Q7s - this can surely be a batshit crazy pursuit, can it not/

de Charlus
07-15-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 50
Post ID: 19685
Reply to: 19536
ALE 45Super
 de charlus wrote:
In short, the driver units I allude to above are the best I have heard within their frequency ranges

De Charlus, would you please share how does ALE 45Super sound? I’m interested in several aspects: Does it change its ability to express the musical messages when listened at low volume in comparison to high level listening? Does it have the ability to play soft and crispy sounds at the same time without compromising any of them? Does it have enough neutrality in context of the musical tempo of different recordings or everything sounds too fast with explosively released energy?  Does it have the ability to isolate the parasitic sounds of some recordings, not allowing them to pollute the timbre and shape of the instruments? Does it have thickness in its upper midrange tone? Does it sound faster and more charged/energetic at the upper part of the upper mids compared to the bottom of its working range? Does it allow you to hear the contrast between different recordings or there is characteristic similarity between them? Did you feel any lack HFs or “air” in its sound when its complementary HF channel is covered with something (for example your hand) and does not contribute to the overall sound of the acoustic system? And so on and so on…

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." -A.E.
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