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11-08-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 3105
Reply to: 3105
Haliaetus: Dick Cheney’s audio?

Q: What happens if Dick Cheney decided to buy loudspeakers?
A: The US Force attacks Arctic Poll, US Congress declares South California as “axis of evil”, Halliburton order from Haliaetus HA-325 speakers with 5400% mark up and re-brand them into “Horn-Liberator - You know... For Troops.”

The French company Haliaetus makes some very bogus climes about their loudspeakers:


As far as I understand their speakers are box-reflex design with multiple ports where some kind of bogusly shaped horn attached to the ports.

The Haliaetus suggests that it “help”! I was not relay “got” how the “literature” about the rocker boosters that the French guys spread on their site has anything to do with sound. Perhaps I need to get those speakers and listen only the “Dark Side of the Moon” crap? Well, whatever….

I did not heard the Haliaetus but everything that I know about loudspeakers suggests me that the Haliaetus should be very laughable Sonic crap, worthy only for using for sound reinforcement of those "worthy" Bush speeches. You, European guys, did anyone hear the Haliaetus?

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-09-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Antonio J.
Madrid, Spain
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 3106
Reply to: 3105
Hell no!
If I brought a pair of those into my living room my wife would put me out of the house.
That design makes no sense to me either, I wouldn't be jumping on a plane to France to pay a listen. There are other more interesting manufacturers over here.

11-09-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
guy sergeant
United Kingdom
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 3107
Reply to: 3106
Re: Darth Vader Acoustics
I heard the top parts played on their own as compact monitors. As such they are sold here for something like £6000/pr ($11000)  It is an exercise in Star Wars inspired industrial design and not really for listening to music. As a result I'm sure they'll do very well in the US.
11-09-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 3111
Reply to: 3105
Re: Haliaetus: Dick Cheney’s audio?

hi romy

roole number one : before critic someone's product, hear it first. these french guys did not think 5 minutes, to come to their design. they are very high skilled acoustic scientists and engeneers , and if they came to this result, there is a clou for that. certainly these guys did not think first of all abought to make a money machine, as their design is very uncommon, different, and they know how difficult to be accepted on the market. there is need exactly  people like this, who are not concerned abought to make a product, that may not be well accept, because differs too much on what a average costumer is used to see , and to buy, but want to get new solutions, find new ways , better ways of sound reproduction. i admire them. it gives the impression, that your goal is that only you have the right solution for good horn reproduction, others are only morons. i admire your skills, knowledge and experience, and learning a lot in your site, but give others more credit, as there is much more good people out there, as your feeling is.


11-17-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Toronto, Canada
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 3164
Reply to: 3111
Advanced science
You morons, can you not see that these speakers are designed by some of the best aquanautical and aeronautical engineers around?  As a result they can play and continue playing music even in the loudest jet fighters and submarines without any problems.  Why do you think they have that polished metal all around?  to make sure that they won't rust if exposed to water, to continue playing for animals on land and sea. Go buy them quickly, I hear that their price just went up by 200% and that soon it will double again if you don't buy them... I also hear the Vladimir Vissotsky just got himself a pair, so they must be damn good.  What are you WAITING for? Go get them boys.

They sound best in Framer's room though with the Continuum table ... both taken together are lightyears ahead of the competition ... literally!
11-17-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 3168
Reply to: 3164
What is important to understand that...

.... the Haliaetus people did not even back-loaded their driver. If it was a horn loading then I might criticize the horn profile that they selected (and I do have quite a few arguments). However, those speakers are not horn loaded at all. They are regular bass-reflex enclosure with those horno-appendix attached to the multiple ports. With the very same success the Haliaetus “scientists” might put a crucifix into a port or stick seven candles around the speaker. Do you want to talk about the ridicule? The Haliaetus got some kind of medal form some kind of reviewing guild for “innovation”!!! Anyhow, stand by. The 6th moon guy is “composing” a review about Haliaetus. I am sure It will be fun to read it.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-21-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 3328
Reply to: 3105
How Haliaetus screws horn-loaded rep.

I always said that the only goals that audio-reviewers is to drive the perception of their readers to the level stupidity or primitivism of a given product. As an illustration here is the Srajan Ebaen’s site. They came up with the Haliaetus review… it was almost ironic that a person who is able to use Avantgarde Acoustic Duo decide to express judgment about Haliaetus:


Anyhow, I do not want even waste my time commenting on it. They invented a false, simulated problem and then they butter up the gullible audio fools with their irrelevant solution. Anyhow, whatever they do and whatever they say is out there… I read 4 paragraphs and baled out. I hope you will be able to read more.

Whatever they said I know the result. The Idiotism will listed those speaks then will be complaining that “all horns sound like crap”. That fact that Haliaetus has as much relation with horns as a turtle with space shuttle is not well advertised…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-21-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 3329
Reply to: 3328
Reading between the lines
    I have followed the comments on this speaker and have been quite amused with the whole ridiculous concept. 
The theory they sell on the port or horn or whatever you call that aluminum contraption is more consistent with water flowing out of the "nozzle" rather than sound WAVES passing through an orifice. 

I think the whole "review" can be seen as positive or negative depending on how eager you are to buy into their theory.  Personally I saw very little in the way of any substance and perceived the reviewers as being somewhat cryptic.  There was a lot of theory and little commentary on performance (which is on par with 6moons).
Ultimately the goal of the reviewer is to remain a reviewer.  That is how one gets to play with the most toys.  And so one learns to be flowery in their writing so that readers can take whatever they wish (as their predisposed bias) to accept the review. 
12-21-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 9
Post ID: 3331
Reply to: 3329
I found the write up ("review") a bit obscure...
... and incomprehensible. Also, there seemed to be a lot of theory about amplifiers.

I listened to the upper/main part of this speaker. There is a woofer of sorts also --but it strangely wasn't connected.

The thing looks quite industrial & if it weren't for the plasticky /polymer enclosure it would have a Bauhaus look to it; of course that Scanish mid also spoils the utilitarian look.

Basically, what I heard was a scanspeak 4" aided by a tweet. Unusually, there is a prodigious amount of energy probably emanating fm those port-pipes (it's not a horn -- they say it's a aerodynamically shaped pipe...) -- much of which is felt (not heard). Also, to give an automotive analogy, it has good acceleration and very good brakes (unexpected, given those space-cadet port pipes). Roadholding was also good.

Amazingly, taken as the top part of, say, a four-way system, it would sound quite good. Alone it did squawk a bit. The midbass btw, seems to be trying to come out of those exhaust pipes.

I can't comment on how well a thing like that plays complete music; the part of music I could hear was at least interesting: the soprano was up front with the violins and some cello was placed well behind. So what would it be as a full speaker? I don't know.

I was in a big room and there were no side walls near by, for example, so I can't correlate what I heard to any possible design characteristics... I can't access their site either (flash) for info.

By the way, it doesn't play very loud; and the things it could do well (I felt) were softened by the lack of ultimate "dynamic" contrast (for wont of a better expression). I think it's insensitive anyway --or at least that's the impression I got.

Anyway, subjectively speaking, there seems to be an idea there -- as to the implementation and further development, I can't say. Maybe try with different and more drivers? Maybe push that upper mid higher and, specifically cross the tweet higher (DOn;t know where they cross it, just judging by the squawk)??
12-21-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 3332
Reply to: 3331
It's the clan of a typical Srajan’s employee.

Well, what all those audio-teenagers with their PhD tittles next to the manes are forgetting is that by designs speakers we do not design speakers but we design Sound. I do not know what qualifications or credentials those two dentist or pediatricians have to talk bout Sound but surely they said or learned nothing valuable while they were auditioning of those Haliaetus. I generally have problems when people preface own names with titles were it is not necessary (like Dr. and etc), but in the cases when people do it, while expressing bogusssnes, then I feel particularly “gratified”.

From other side: why should we be surprised with other foolishness from 6moons? This Haliaetus “review” is no better then 99% of what is being published in there. Srajan’s site is an affectionately-sentimental cheap-thrill for a typical “audio-yurodivy” that mostly courtesy to the low-demands of thier target visitors. Also the Srajan’s site has good graphics. If I’m not mistake the graphics for 6moons is handled by the one of the AA administrator. I dealt with that women very briefly a few years ago and I really hate her guts (I think her moniker AA was "kuma"). The bitch was caring her “administrative duty” by violently deleting any AA posts that questioned the value of any audio component that she had managed to wrest out of the industry. What a pathetic character! As I see, then Srajan found for her better job at 6moons where she could render her idiotic ambitions by the means of a “real job”.  Anyhow, Srajan news section is quite good…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-21-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Jim Smith
Atlanta, GA
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Post #: 11
Post ID: 3334
Reply to: 3332
Not exactly...
Srajan's graphics are actually his own these days, afaik. 

I think he and "kuma" have not collaborated for several years now.

Jim Smith
12-21-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 3335
Reply to: 3334
Good for Srajan.
 Jim Smith wrote:
Srajan's graphics are actually his own these days, afaik.  I think he and "kuma" have not collaborated for several years now.
Sorry, my mistake in such case. I was told that she does the 6moons. Anyhow, good for Srajan. Now return back to the Haliaetus’ bitching…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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