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01-25-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,103
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 1
Post ID: 15475
Reply to: 15475
The List: Let age publicly

As a few weeks back NYT published an article about 10 greatest composers that made any forum on web to come up with own list. I do not want to propose my own version of the List; I am interested in a different aspect. I post sometimes at Google Classical Recordings newsgroup and once I read in there an interesting post. The post was from a guy that I do not like but the point he expressed was very fascinating. He was 72 years old and he said that what he was in his 40s he was listening a lot of Rachmaninoff but nowadays he was listening mostly baroque and juts sometimes he does as “hard” and Haydn.

This is not first time that I heard that that with age we lose desire for spice of food or spice of composers and learn to find satisfaction in more subdued and miniature expressionism. If I sound critical and judgmental about the subject then I assure you that there is nothing in me negative about it. I take it as “it is what it is” and I would like to play along with it.

So, I come up with my List. This is an interesting List. This List is my most frequently intentionally played composers from 2010. The “intentionally played” is the key. I listen a lot of FM with “accidental” selection of composers. I subtracted my FM listening from the list. The List is not a pure objective statistic – I do not have this date. The List however is a list of composer in ascending order that gave me max pleasure in 2010:

1. Bruckner
2. Bach
3. Tchaikovsky
4. Beethoven
5. Mussorgsky
6. Brahms
7. Mahler
8. Verdi / Puchini
9. Rachmaninoff
10. Liszt

So, I am 43 and there is my List, I am palling to return and to post a new version of the list each year… I am interesting to see how it will go…

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-25-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
Posts 298
Joined on 06-02-2004

Post #: 2
Post ID: 15476
Reply to: 15475
Interesting. While I'm not going to compile one myself, certainly Schubert would be high up on my own list.

As for older people's changing tastes... I am told on good authority that as wine lovers grow into their golden years they tend to go for stronger-tasting stuff, like port.

07-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Joined on 07-05-2012

Post #: 3
Post ID: 21129
Reply to: 15475
Late 50s and still spicy!
I agree with the notion that with age our tastes change, I also listen to and perform a lot of classical to baroque music, mostly with historically correct instruments and with attention to different temper.
I do not consider Bach or Vivaldi any less "spicy", "deep" than Bruckner. The dynamic of Bachs Mass in B minor grabs me in very similar ways that Bruckner 8 does. Beethoven for instance has taken some very interesting twists in the last 10 years or so.
In any case, I am 57 and here is my top 10 for the last 18 months:




C.P.E. Bach







This represents not only what I listen to, it also is the balance of what I have performed.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
07-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
Posts 298
Joined on 06-02-2004

Post #: 4
Post ID: 21130
Reply to: 15476
Franz, yeah!
That's exactly what I was going to say.
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