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02-07-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 6573
Reply to: 6573
Polarity Tester – a must have for any horn person

Srajan La Pergola just announced that Danish company “FMJ Audio” began to make an acoustic phase tester. An acoustic phase tester is absolutely mandatory thing for anyone who uses horns. If a person use horns and has no ways to objectively recognize acoustic phase then any conversation with that person is off the table.

Since 90s I use Gold-Line polarity detector combined with the track #23 of the Sheffield Lab’s “My Disk”


In the past Gold-Line sold the tester for $50 but recently they developed what I call “fucking attitude” and almost insist to sell you along with the phase tester their crappy TIF packages and absurd voice analyses software. Anyhow, I do not like last years nether their attitude, nor the service from Gold-Line and I stooped insist people to buy this phase tester from them.

Here is another player in the game:


I do not know what is the frequency respond of the thing and what is the sensitivity of the unit but if everything is made as it should be then with the price tag of $100 it is an absolutely mandatory devise to have.


For the folks who use compression drivers who have no physical access to the driver’s diaphragm there is no easer way to say what polarity the channel is connected (there are other ways to measure polarity of course but they are more complicated and troublesome). I know that 90% of Audio Morons ™ do not even care (!!!) about the phase of thier channels but there is a reason why I call them Morons. Over the years I do not really care where were the red or black building posts, what is the red or black speaker cable…. When I open my drivers to clean them it up (compression driver people unfortunately need to do it once in a while) I never care to mark plus and minus as I can always verify after all  ther acoustic polarity for a given channel.

It is hard to imagine how much time my phase tester saved to me and from what kind stupid of accidental mistakes it prevented me. It was one the best $50 that I ever invested in audio.  Please, if you are in malty-channel world then do yourself a favor and get an Acoustic Polarity Tester for the prices of 7 sandwidges… BTW, I did experience a few commercial loudspeakers with WRONG polarity of the connected drivers… So…

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-07-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,296
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 2
Post ID: 6575
Reply to: 6573
Polarity Tester: actually…
Actually, the above mentioned “Phase-it” devise has on-board “generator” that sends out the pulses and they it looks like the pulses of the high voltage, the speaker level pulses. I do not find it convenient and I do not know if the “Phase-it” devise will react to pulses generated externally. I would still prefer the phase pulses come right from sources and after the measurements nothing should be connected. The way how the “Phase-it” unit does it I found is a little bit inconvenient (if it can’t react to external pulses)


The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-24-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
New York
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Joined on 12-18-2007

Post #: 3
Post ID: 6994
Reply to: 6575
They will sell the the APT Analyzer separate
Though the APT Analyzer alone is not listed in their online store, they will sell it to you separately. I emailed and asked if they would please sell me the APT only. They replied yes for $195. Not the old great price of $50 - $60, but a bit better than $300. When ordering, fill out the form as normal but type in "APT Analyzer only - $195" into the textbox, then send the order and you will get an order confirmation via email.


"I'd rather know than believe." - Carl Sagan
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