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12-11-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 17513
Reply to: 17513
Used car salesman as a dream job? Those people are hallucinating.

In the flowing article:


Doug Schneider writes:

“Most audiophiles would agree that I have a dream job. My position as publisher at the SoundStage! Network allows me to request review samples of audio components of all shapes and sizes, at any price, and mix and match them to create the best systems possible. It’s an opportunity few have. But I don’t abuse the privilege; instead, I use it to assemble systems that I can reference in my reviews and write about in order to educate and inform our readers.”

 Doug Schneider is hallucinating and by writing the idiocy above he effectively admits how ignorant he is in his understanding of what audio is about and how primitively he aim. The dream job? I am truly sorry for Doug. Doug perhaps sees his as some kind of Mahatma Gandy of audio but I see in him an unfortunate victim of his his “dream job”. It is up to you to figure out why.

Mr. Schneider is not just a used car salesman. He is the used car salesman who has no driver license, who has no car, who blind and can’t see road, and who believe that buffing the car improves car performance. Oh, yes, he also believes that he is a Godfather of automotive industry. What is fool!

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-12-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 2
Post ID: 17515
Reply to: 17513
Who wouldn't dream of possessing such power?
It's funny you mention The Godfather; the methods are enourmously similar:



"Science draws the wave, poetry fills it with water" Teixeira Pascoaes
12-12-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 17516
Reply to: 17515
Money makes the world go round
 tuga wrote:
It's funny you mention The Godfather; the methods are enourmously similar:



Yes, this "business" is horrible. Advertisement in the regular mags (for example Stereophile or TAS) can be too much for some manufacturers, or they are afraid to give their units for free to some of these "reviewers" (JV from T*S is well known for this kind of additional favors..).
Some former writers  discovered very fast that the Internet gives them a chance to create a own "Magazine" (of course, only for serving the discriminated Audiophiles with real true "information"), but here we have an example how it works. You find a lot now, tone audio is such a time waster publication (from the newer ones), I don't know all, but it is more or less always the same story behind.
Those manufacturers who know this kind of game and its rules, play that game when they can afford it. Some refuse. The loser is the interested customer who wants something serious, but at the end of day it is always the same sirup (see tone audio for example - but you will find similar in Vinyl reviews for example, never read that a reissue is bad and to find bad reissues is really no big task -, no matter what nonsense they "review", it is always great, nice, recommended). Romy has written a lot of great comments about those guys, unfortunately nothing changes.

Kind Regards
12-12-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 17517
Reply to: 17515
It gets better then this.

 tuga wrote:
It's funny you mention The Godfather; the methods are enourmously similar:


Tuga, yes,

this is very typical for the industry. I am not taking about the Stereo Times vs. YG Acoustics conflict. Do not forget that this type of conflict is kind of public and the parties are trying to be dignified. In the industry there are manufacturers /reviewers, manufacturers /dealers, publishers /reviewers relationships and they periodically get broken. I witnessed numerous of relationships like this went south and you could not believe how low the parties involved go in order to expose the “truth” about the former associate.  I am kind of in unique position as everyone know my religion independence and loyalty only to myself and my own Sound, so thy quite frequently share information after the business relations were severed.

If you want to know a “truth” about a brand, model, company, reviewer or reviewing hour then get in touch with a person who juts was fired from there. You will suddenly learn that a “celebrated designer” is a drug junky who for 10 year can’t even talk intelligently, not to mention to think, that a “celebrated dealer” just returned from jail for beating shit out of 7 year old child, that a “celebrated reviewer” has no own playback for years, I can continue this list infinitely but you get the idea. It is very nice if you would like to but a product A for instance to call to former distributor and that idiot will give you a detail download to all horrible problems that might be with this product.

It even gets better then this. A few years back, when I was looking for a new cartridge I was interested about one Japanese-made cartridge. I called to the US rep and  he informed me that he is not rep anymore but he very much discourage me to get involved with the company because the horrible problem with the company and very many problems from the cartridge sound. I decided to play alone (the idiot on the other side of the line had no consciousness anyhow) and told him that it would be my second cartridge from this company and I had my doubt is I need to by another one. He asked me what kind doubts. I never used or even seen this cartridge but for fun I begin to give to him the details explanation of the problems with the cartridge Sound. He very much confirmed it and we lest best friends.   In two week I made a friend of my to call to the same guy and the former rep begin to use exact my words and even exact my somatic to explain all horrors of the cartridge sound and persuade the caller never look in this direction again.

This is extreme case but still, a guy who use to be with a women, and if you respect the guy, most likely give to you quite accurate assessment of the woman’s capacity. The very same with audio industry entities – the former associates do the best critics with only one exception: no one in the industry deserves respect.  Any industry-involved individual is an ultimate whore who has no integrity but only the fear to protect his/her own status-quo

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-12-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,076
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 5
Post ID: 17518
Reply to: 17516
…and who are the losers ?
 Stitch wrote:
The loser is the interested customer who wants something serious, but at the end of day it is always the same sirup …
Yes, it is a good angle – who are the losers. I do feel that there are some interested customer who wants something serious and there are interested manufacturers who wants something serious to make. I truly do that there are some (very few, not a lot of them but they exist) manufacturers would like to do and even have capacity to do, some VERY SERIOUS things. They do not do as industry does not support it. So the, truly serious thing were always are in the shadow of the industry, sort of underground of the industry – where the truly High-End live not the expensive BS Audio that industry keep pushing.
Rgs, The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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