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2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Golovanov Get |
2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
Viewing Home Page |
2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
Reading Post: Nicolai Golovanov |
2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:20:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Print post/thread: 1812 is what I look for |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Print post/thread: The 6e5p as driver for GM-70. |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Print post/thread: 6e5p-GM70 |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Print post/thread: A TV single in SET amplifier. |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Amazon France |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Golovanov here we go. |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Sorry, I do not believe in it. |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Print post/thread: If not then all bets are off |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Reading Post: Something does not click in here. |
2/22/2025 9:19:00 AM |
Reading Post: Multiple drivers |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Reading Post: Arc de Triomphe |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Reading Post: The old WCRB just signed off forever. . . |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Viewing Home Page |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Tao |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Reading Post: Mid-bass horn observation |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Reading Post: Benz Gullwing and Hi all |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Drz |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Good Point |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Print post/thread: I do not like this basic concept of PP amp. |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Print post/thread: That strange Golovanov.... |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Hopefully this weekend... |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Try this |
2/22/2025 9:18:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Big Thrill |
2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Warner 16 CD INTEGRALE on pre-order in the UK |
2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Still interested Clarke |
2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Me too... |
2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
Print post/thread: It has nothing to do with Brucker or anything else |
2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Too late |
2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
Reading Post: Hope this works |
2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:17:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Shostakovich‘s "Suite on Verses of Michelangelo Buonarroti" |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Reading Post: a possible contender |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Shostakovich vs. Shostakovich |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Print post/thread: SQ vs Large scale works |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Viewing Thread Getting Started with Myaskovsky |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Yeah - OK ! |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Print post/thread: A good driver is a fragile driver… |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Print post/thread: The Testimony, the Mccarthyism, the republicans and the Halliburton |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Viewing Home Page |
2/22/2025 9:16:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Delay of LF |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
Print post/thread: I begin to hate Asahina |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
Print post/thread: PD.2150 ? |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Is anything specific that you would like? |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Re: Aura 1808 and Wilsons |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
Reading Post: The wasted Denon traffic. |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Exceptional loudspeakers drivers: 10-inchers |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Cigars and divinity |
2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:15:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
Searching Site |
2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
Reading Post: Where? |
2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
Reading Post: A wakeup call for seemingly dormant manufactures. |
2/22/2025 9:14:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Compression tweeters |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Cinema/PA type drivers |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Reading Post: My implementation of ULF channel. |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Not necessarily. |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Print post/thread: HiVi D10G |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Print post/thread: One good 10" midwoofer driver |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Focal tweeter |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Print post/thread: It Makes Me Want to Buy His Speakers! |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Reading Post: Use of Multiple PurePower units. |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Reading Post: Air |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Location is not available |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Searching Site |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Print post/thread: The random Asahina and Slovakian Bruckner. |
2/22/2025 9:13:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Romy is right - and he will get some nice surprises too |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Viewing Site's Links |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Yeah - OK ! |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Reading Post: In this case voltage and current are the same |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Reading Post: There are millions of those examples |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Pease, leave all that politically-sentimental sensationalism alone. |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Coercion in DSCH orchestral works |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Reading Post: This is my position on the subject. |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Reading Post: Keeping It Real (Safe) |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:12:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:10:00 AM |
Print post/thread: DSET without DIY |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Indeed so |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Indeed so |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Difference between electricity and non-electricity: some summation. |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Reading Post: In the dragon's lair |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: "HF attenuation" ? |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: There are useful HF and there is garbage. |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Reading Post: Familiarize yourself with Milq full-range sound. |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Trust me, I do not worry. |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Searching Site |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Reading Post: Do not built LF Melequiades. |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Reading Post: Brewing, thinking and heating |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: And what is wrong with that? |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Damping |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Location is not available |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Free audio psychiatrist |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Reading Post: Continuation request |
2/22/2025 9:09:00 AM |
Print post/thread: PP3000 in house but the side handles are missing! |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Reading Post: thank you, so far. |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Yes!!! |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Location is not available |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Reading Post: Dvorak Cello Concerto in B minor; Kubelik/VPO/Fournier |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Reading Post: Unexplained haunting experiences in audio |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Reading Post: Listening playback with my wife. |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Bad, bad, bad 1812 Overture |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Print post/thread: The realms of possibility |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Unexplained haunting experiences in audio |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Listening playback with my wife. |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Dedicated line problems |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Line, fuses and breakers |
2/22/2025 9:08:00 AM |
Print post/thread: The Sound of Better Power |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Viewing Site Forums |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Instant power transfer switches |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Print post/thread: A second PurePower for PC? |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Print post/thread: A new dedicated power line |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Unexplained haunting experiences in audio |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Reading Post: Lost in translation? |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Some thoughts about dedicated lines. |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Not only |
2/22/2025 9:07:00 AM |
Reading Post: SUT:cart impedance match 1:1 ? |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Too late |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Bad, bad, bad 1812 Overture |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Reading Post: And the point of it is…. ? |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Isolation transformer and PP3000 |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Oh and while you're at it... |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Location is not available |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Print post/thread: AC polarity and Bybee crap. |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Reading Post: I didn't have to seal |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Clarifications |
2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:06:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Purepower battery pack |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: I am familiar with internal aspect, do you? |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Two tier topology |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: LAST CART |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Nice System... |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Searching Site |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: OK, acoustic polarity is something that makes Universe to expend, are you satisfied? |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Spinning towards more meaningful music |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Not quite sure what you are saying Romy |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Look at the record |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Accuphase PS-1220. |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Off by factor of 10 |
2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:05:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
Print post/thread: The RMAF 2008 pictures + a few comments. |
2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Placette vs. the World. |
2/22/2025 9:04:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Yes and no. |
2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Gearheads beware? |
2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
Location is not available |
2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Spinning towards more meaningful music |
2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Medici TV |
2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:03:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Popular Fare |
2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Horn-loading and compression had no direct relativity to tone |
2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:02:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:01:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Silent record cleaner and some further attitude. |
2/22/2025 9:01:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:01:00 AM |
Viewing Home Page |
2/22/2025 9:01:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:01:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:01:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:01:00 AM |
Reading Post: Caps at high frequencies... |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Reading Post: Lamm ML2 is like a PhD in sound. |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Reading Post: I would not go there…. |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Reading Post: Building, Lurching and Leaps of Faith |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subscribed |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Reading Post: DHT Meter |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Reading Post: Transient effect and DSETs |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Location is not available |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
Viewing Home Page |
2/22/2025 9:00:00 AM |
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2/22/2025 8:59:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Belief systems? |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Minimum power |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Damping thin horns + exterior reflections |
2/22/2025 8:58:00 AM |
Location is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Manger dirver in a horn! |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:57:00 AM |
Searching Site |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Sort of retraction and some VERY interesting experiments. |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: "romantic" illusion... |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Thinking about 120V and 240V difference. |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Some practical observations. |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: If it was that bad I would not keep using the PP |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: YMMV |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Dimmers are not subject to me anymore. |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Reading Post: The PH-77’s curves selector is done properly. |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Dimmers and bad power |
2/22/2025 8:56:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Some thoughts about dedicated lines. |
2/22/2025 8:55:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Altec 3000H |
2/22/2025 8:55:00 AM |
Print post/thread: I hate those people. |
2/22/2025 8:55:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:55:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Something in Common |
2/22/2025 8:55:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:55:00 AM |
Print post/thread: House Inspections & Warranties |
2/22/2025 8:54:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:54:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:54:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:53:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:53:00 AM |
Print post/thread: The small thoughts. |
2/22/2025 8:53:00 AM |
Print post/thread: To shunt or not to shunt. |
2/22/2025 8:53:00 AM |
Print post/thread: PurePower 3000 vs. PurePower 2000 |
2/22/2025 8:53:00 AM |
Print post/thread: Do not trouble troubles until troubles trouble you…. |
2/22/2025 8:52:00 AM |
Print post/thread: I told you " G O O D B Y E " |
2/22/2025 8:52:00 AM |
Print post/thread: And what is wrong with that? |
2/22/2025 8:52:00 AM |
Print post/thread: …even more about the Hi-Res files. |
2/22/2025 8:52:00 AM |
Print post/thread: There are useful HF and there is garbage. |
2/22/2025 8:52:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |
2/22/2025 8:52:00 AM |
Reading Post: Subject is not available |