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Horn-Loaded Speakers
Topic: Mount Everest

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Posted by N.B.C. on 03-08-2025
Hello All,

I have analyzed literally Thousands of Horns and Transducers in my as-comprehensive-as-possible-quest to obtain as high fidelity as possible as quickly as possible. The more I kept at it, the smarter I became and, importantly, the more rarified became my Gestalt for conceiving of what is possible for my personal multiway horn system design process trajectory.

In that context, today I found an obscure horn I have named the "Ramayana Horn". It is found in this YouTube video at 12:40 on the far right of the screen as a double vertical stack of smaller midbass horns for a single 12" woofer. This is a very high resolution horn flare with all of the design qualities I need to reproduce in Japanese hardwood, for use singly or arrayed with the right transducers, and there are many options from within my Library of Horns & Transducers for Ramayana Horn scalability and regarding optimal transducer synergies.


"Harmonic Twins" LP by ELEH - Ambient Drone Music Preference

Posted by N.B.C. on 03-08-2025
Believe it OR Not, the Cogent DS-1448 2.0T OEM FC Midbass Compression Driver (FC-MCD) was actually a phenomenal device. I have developed a substantially long list of horns to synergize with the DS-1448. I will however boost it to higher than 2.4T through motor design modifications, improved metallurgical qualities, metal diaphragm and redefined phaseplug improvements. 

Now what does one ponder I will be doing with the Ramayana Horns, for example?


Posted by N.B.C. on 03-08-2025


I will be rescaling (1.25", 2.0", 3.0", 4.0", 5.0", 6.0", 8.0", 10.0" and 11.0" throat exit diameters) and manufacturing the BMS 4599ND into a 2.4T FC.

I have various metal film choices for the rescaled BMS 4599ND integrated diaphragm phaseplug assembly for revolutionary private personal use in my completed multiway horn systems. 

I have dozens and dozens of correctly proportioned dedicated audiophile listening rooms.

Mind Body Integration Skillset.


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