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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acoustic Systems
Post Subject: About me, MiniMe, love and anything else.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/17/2009

Well, the points you bring up are valid but as anything else it all highlight problems with people not with equipment. I am not sure that I am glad with my decisiveness and sanity in MiniMe projects. I was trying to rationalize the MiniMe idea in the post above:

… and did it and it sound sensible to me but my clear reasoning of MineMe concept did not bring yet any clear sense of accomplishment or even direction.

When I started the project I was under impression that whatever I will do will work or at least it I will be able to recognize as an acceptable for the given objective. However, if you look at the chain of mini-monitors that I in one way of another used over the few years for “all time all playback” then you see rather a chain of frustrations. The biggest problem is that even most of them are OK from hi-fi perspective but as soon they play classical repertoire (99% of my casual listening) then they begin to throw all imaginable nastiness that annoys me tremendously.  Then there is Macondo that is always a switch away…

If to call any of small speakers that I had in my room as MiniMe then it always well observable difference between Macondo and Macondo’s MiniMe. In trims of association I would call the difference is in perception of love. The Macondo has the perception of Florentino from “Love in the Time of Cholera”. It is idealistic but capable and faithful. The MiniMes are more in the line with Richard Sherman from “The Seven Year Itch” – it is self-delusional, malpracticing, contradictive and destructive. It is very indicative to have them side by side. The idea with my custom MiniMe projects is trying to leverage that sense self- destructiveness by letting MiniMe do not do anything specifically good but at the same time setting a base where MiniMe would not be doing the bad things. Well, it turn out that it is easier to say then to do.

Now I moved to another uncharted territory with F120A driver that would most like force me to use another enclosure for MF section (the bass section will remind as it is very good). I have no idea what I will be getting from F120A and this made me to plug the Planet10 guys into the game. From my experience with JBL LE8 I remember that the aluminum cone needed a lot of work, why do not let somebody else to deal with it who reportedly has this experience? About the “enable” – I do not know. I personally do not have experience, people swear that it helps and I also receive some warning from people that it also hurts. I have no idea how to intermit all of it, not to mention that I never heard anything TOGETHER with the people who support of deny the benefits of “enable” treatment. We can run out mouths on internet for year but until two people are sitting in the same room, demonstrating to each other the witnessable results and correlate own reference points about the heard then it is very difficult to find and subjective common denominator for sound assessments.

As far as I can see it the main benefit to have the Planet10 involve into the F120A’s saga is to have somebody to blame if the drivers will sound like crap. What do you expect – I need to preserve my ego.

Anyhow, let see how F120A will work in band-path. It is possible that it might be good enough (for MiniMe objective) without any tweeter – I will be only welcoming this news. I suspect that I would need to kill the F120A’s “resolution” with a very mind inductor but they are juts speculations at this point. Obviously I will listen to them before adding the RAAL. I wonder how low F120A goes without filter in open baffle or in open box that you proposed? It is can do 3250Hz-300Hz then 600Hz-700Hz might be a good crossover point trying to dive it hard.  The specks for his drive show very low response but I have no idea in which enclosure then measured it.

The caT

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