Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acoustic Systems
Post Subject: Doing MiniMe’s mid range.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/8/2009

OK, MiniMe now is up and running. It does what it does and I wonder if it can do better then what it does. The LF sections need to have ports fine-tuned but I do not particularly care about bass now. What I do care is MiniMe to have a certain quality of MF timbre at different dynamic ranges and how to let the MiniMe’s MF to engage room in the proper format.

MiniMe’s MF are very clean but not sophisticated. I was listening last night the Brahms’s Second Symphony live from BSO under Levine and I let the last movement to be cared by MiniMe. The MiniMe butchered it. The tweeters does fine but the upper range of MF driver I feel the screw the things up. I think it is time to look into it more diligently.

The MiniMe (monitor section) and room intersection is another very interesting subject. I do not have easy movable speaker for 9 years and I am not use to do it so simply but with MiniMe it is fun to “play the room” and it is incredible how much might be impacted in the presentation of speakers by just moving them for a few inches. I am not talking about DPoLF but about a simple lower MF’s knee shaping by catching the “Imbedded Macro-Positioning”, that for LF cut off of the MiniMe Monitor's is very narrow.

The Cat

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