Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Omni-directional 'horny' speaker from RAAL
Post Subject: Indeed it is so. that product hasn't got much to do with it at some point.Posted by Dominic on: 10/29/2008
And it makes me so sad too.
I'm just glad I'm not the only person to have noticed that no matter where you start, some laziness, if i can put it that way, takes hold and the lofty goals fur further products start to, not just be less feasible, but worse, they matter less and less as time and circumstances take their toll. I've experienced it myself in my very own commercial ventures.

I love how some outfits are so profitable and able to be run by playboyish types who retain the same verve and interest in the product/market, without needing to care about marketing in some ways.
A nice example is Teres, while they've kind of abandoned the hobbyist, they have constantly tried big new steps, despite those being more expensive.

This is really an off topic comment altogether but this point just jumped out at me.

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