Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: Buying a last cartridge.
Post Subject: Tape versus LPPosted by Paul S on: 9/12/2008
Romy, what you describe is exactly what motivated my own decision.  This was the main thing that bugged me when listening between master tapes (and careful 1st dubs) and the LPs made from them, meaning the way the LP (and presumably the cartridges, too) stretch and thin things upward.  The Ortofon MC2000 and 3000 were the ONLY cartridges I found that kept everything pretty close to the tape, not only in terms of balance but in terms of "attack", etc.  I went for the 3000 because the output on the 2000 is so low that it winds up creating extreme noise problems.  Neither of these cartridges are top-of-the-heap trackers, but the 3000 will track very decently in a nice, damped arm set at the top of its recommended tracking weight.

Given good electricity and front end, the bass is there, and the "body" is there.  This guy will not break free of bad electricity, but it will do the best known-to-me rendition of master tape, FWIW.  At its best, the Jubilee is "glorious"; very nice, but it is "nice", if you know what I mean; it is not a "hard tracer", and I do not think it was meant to be.  I have thought that it might fare better with bad electricity...

Best regards,
Paul S

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