Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
Post Subject: I would loose it in no timePosted by Wojtek on: 1/5/2008
if there was any taker not even mention for oportunity to get ML2 . It's not going to happen in this life though Wink
I'm pretty sure that in writing the whole setup/tube procedure seems more tedious than in actual use. Sorry , I didn't want to be a pest again-sick slavic sense of humor .I assure you that in real live I'm a lamb and wasn't even bitting my wife (every week) and I'm feeding stray cats (only because The Cat tolerates still the nonsense I'm wrting on his site)

What do you mean I did not get back with Budification story ??? I shoot you and email months ago and offered drivers for extended trial period -no response.
Please contact Retsel (AA) also Basszilla user. I'm leaving on a trip and dropped the drivers at his place today.
Regards, W

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site