Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo Frame modification.
Post Subject: Macondo Frame modification: six month later...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/25/2007
OK, the new Macondo frame is over as well. Eventually after 6 years of learning how to make the damn horn speaker to sound good, after numerous incremental successes and failures, stupidity and brightness, moves to wrong direction and mistaken assessments, after quite a lot of money and time invested and after quite many interesting and exciting discoveries the Macondo is shaping up it it’s new and hopefully it’s last apostasy…
I very much like how it feels now. In particularly I like that a one person could easily (despite of the total mass: 250 pounds upper bass horn, the 80 pounds upper bass frame, 150 pounds MF + HF + ballast assembly + 60 Pounds Fundamental Channel assembly and 120 pounds of frame = 660 pounds) slide the entire speaker across the carpet in it’s search for DPoLS. The only next step that I will consider will be budding inside the frame between the MF horn and upper bass horn a 4 channels single-stage Melquiades (thank God all 4 channels are 109dB sensitive) It will be fun to plug the RCA form my preamp right into the Macondo’s frame….However, it will be another thread….
In the end I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who provided help and advisement in conception of the idea of a new horn for Macondo. “It is raining in Macondo.” sent the comendant the telegram… So, it is in Boston….
The caT

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