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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
Post Subject: RN60 vs S102... leave it alone.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/25/2007
 jessie.dazzle wrote:
Romy, you may be right in suggesting that I am "going a little crazy in there" (I consider this a compliment btw)... so for now I decided to try some locally sourced precision metal film resistors (Vishays are not that easy to get over here in small quantities, even though I seem to remember the founder of Vishay being a Frenchman!).
I knew that what you solder the adapter accurately you will loose all noses. Anyhow, I feel that you might not need the S102 resistors and the RN60 will do just fine. If you decided to go for S102 then you might order them in any quantities and any values. The actual manufactures of S102 do them one by one, so it is not a big deal for them the small quantities. If the re-sales has no values that you need you might odder them directly from the makers (there are two maker as far as I know). The RN/CMF are available also by many re-sales (Mouser and etc) and they have no minimum. I would really stick with Vishay-Dale RN60. If you would like to make the things absolutely better then do not go for S102 but get ring the ML2 internals loading divider and substitute it with your divider. Stull, even as what you did it should be perfectly good enough.

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