Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Summary: my/your audio: year by year
Post Subject: Summary: my/your audio: year by yearPosted by Romy the Cat on: 12/29/2006
The good thing of having own dairy-oriented site is that I can look at what I was positing during the year and to have good grip of what was going on over the passed year. Still, although everything is on the surface, I would like to bring up few brief observations about what was not reflected within the site’s articles. Those observations will be about my audio occurrences and thoughts during the year 2006.

First off all, (and it is applicable to me personally, your mileage might wary) sumizing what happened in 2006 in my own audio world I would not consider recordings, musical discoveries, read music books or interesting performances that “evented” in 2006. When I talk about audio I’M TALKING ABOUT AUDIO and I’m not wiling to mislead myself with substitution of audio events with musical progression. As I told before, I have no interest in “Hysterical Audio” where a person, sells to himself/herself musical ideas recognizing them as audio accomplishments (and vise versa). I practice audio more on the pure (“abstract”) side where audio has honest audio values and honest audio methods. If does not mean that in my world the audio values are not evaluated by their musical merits. I juts know precisely the methodology and the patterns how exactly it should be done and therefore I do not need to sentimental, overly-romantic or hyper-spiritual over the trivial audio tasks. Let live this duty to the dirt like John Marks who gets paid to misquote “big” composers in order to sell crapy audio. In my world, with a lack of better name I call my currant outlook on audio as “Abstract Audio” and I’m fine with it. There are musical merits and musical interests in my life built they, although they are “extentuatable” within the scope of audio, are NOT based on audio and would stay alive if I never even did audio at all.
Anyhow, you might call my view of the subject as primitivism or maturely but I care less as call it “whatever I feel”.
So, striping out from this thread any musical content let see what was the most prominent in my audio views during 2006? Within a next few weeks I will come up with a few summarizing articles with my observations. If others have anything to share about your audio happening in 2006 then please post with. Please do not REPLAY to the post in this threads but only “create new”. If you’re desperately would like to discuss the mentioned in this thread then go to other peaces with this site or wherever else. This thread I would like to keep only as set of dairy-compilations with impressions about my (or perhaps yours) audio experiences in 2006.
Romy the caTRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site