>I heard
that nowadays even the head-held devices or laptops with premium audio
cards could do good 16bit. I heard that some people use even consumer
sound card or pro-video processing machines and get good 16Bit of them
Somehow I don't beleive that a high quality DAC can be implemented in computer enviroment.
> Max, perhaps I wrong but I do not remember you as a me-like-psycho who has interest in “abstract” audio.
I don't think you are privileged to call yourself a 'psycho', since you are a rational person and have very well defined goals and thats the oposite from the 'psycho' 
'Abstract Audio' - you mean an Audio you can't hear?
What you do is very practical audio (and I've heard your Audio result), and those on AA forum - they do Abstract Audio (afterall these are the same acronyms AA).
Anyway, I'll try to use my Creative digital out, if it gives fair results, then I'll upgrade to Lynx. Now I'm going to shop for a good DAC ...