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In the Forum: Audio News
In the Thread: Michael Fremer Continuums…
Post Subject: If Michael Fremer was a filmmaker…. Posted by Romy the Cat on: 11/11/2006
I do not want to dive seriously into discussion about Continuum turntable. I have not reasons or interest, not to mention that this thread is not about the Continuum turntable but rather about the primitivism and idiocy of the “gantseh makher” Fremer.
Clark Carpenter, in his brilliant film review "Simplistic Schlock for the Simple Minded" said:
"Saving Private Ryan" is typical Steven Spielberg fare: a big budget spectacle, bereft of style, filled to the brim with childishly heavy-handed moralizing and peopled with facile "characters" who exist only as cardboard cutouts for the ensuing morality play.… The problem with Saving Private Ryan is the problem with everything Spielberg touches. More broadly, it is the problem of the American commercial cinema. Lacking the courage of any real conviction, it cannot offer any challenge to its audience. Instead, it panders to that audience with easy answers, impressive effects, a soundtrack that booms and tinkles in all the right places and a nice mom's apple pie pat on the back for every red blooded American. What's missing is even the faintest glimmer of awareness that the world doesn't break down neatly into heroes and villains, cowards and the courageous, us and them. In the place of subtlety, it gives us spectacle, in the place of art, it delivers technically proficient propaganda."
The Cat Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site