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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: If I were a High-End Audio Tsar...
Post Subject: Recomposition as creativityPosted by Romy the Cat on: 1/21/2025
Romy the Cat wrote: |
Thank you very much for your reply. I am stealing from you your quote that natural music ignites creativity. I never formulated in this way and I always advocated that natural music ignite recomposition. Or natural music create artistic endeavors in other form in art. You put it in much more genetic and perfect way: creativity. I think the key here i where I am comfortable is the adjective natural. Certainly the result very produced with our playbacks are not natural music, but a reproduce surrogate. And we generally in audio, are trying, irrelevantly foolishly in my view, to make reproduce music to sound like live music. I feel it is a gross fellowship, fallacy in the efforts and the fallacy in objectives. Playback system should not produce the sounds that match the sounds of the original music. This is where I greatly deviate from majority of audio practitioners. I feel that playback supposed to produce "something" that should impact a listener in a listening room, witch will ignite creativity in the listener. The protocol of interaction between orchestra and the stage and listener and a person in a listening room in my view are different. The simplistic imitation of a sounds by playback is not correct because playback has its own expressive mechanisms. I do not presume that I know them, I might accidentally stumble upon of some of them which work better on worse but we still have no unified theory of audio reproduction. Ironically, the more accepted by high-end industry, the more celebrated names, as the most self pompes fools produce more important audio equipment. Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site