Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: "It" Thread
Post Subject: How Low Can You Go?Posted by Paul S on: 1/9/2025
It's great to be talking about involvement with Music as something other than a "physically/audibly exact replica/reinactment" of a live Musical event. One hopes that a live Musical event provides whatever is necessary to engage Musically, providing a sort of "sonic archetype", but my own experience has been that live Music itself is not always enough, or it might be that whatever is necessary for engagement can be missing from a live musical event at any given time. Which again begs the question, what  is the minimum needed and what can be dispensed with in home audio? I think (but I'm not positive...) I would quickly gravitate to a minimal delivery system if I had good (to me) reason to believe I could get Musical satisfaction with it. There is good reason for me to believe there are things I do not understand about the home delivery of Music, and what a Beacon to gaze toward, that in the foreseeable future an iPod-alike is all I need! And I am not kidding...

Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site