Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: What is wrong there and can my Third Way to help?
Post Subject: Slow and SoftPosted by Paul S on: 1/7/2025
Romy, this is only heard by me on YouTube, but you have pointed out before how uncommon it is for an orchestra to "project a message" softly. Musicians know about this, and it sounds on the computer like the slowly and softly played strings here do not contain the "latent energy" to "fill the void" that you observe. I am thinking that 3rd way efforts are more about finding what's there than adding what is not there to begin with. Cleveland has had its moments, for sure. But nobody I know of is 100%, no matter the price of admission. This is why I love having 100 years of Great Music on hand!
If you find a way to "fix" this, please share!
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site