Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo Alternation. Extending the LF line-array
Post Subject: Macondo positioning?Posted by Ronnie on: 8/27/2006
I'm curious about how you set up your horns in the room.
From photos it looks as if they are fairly close together, compared to the wide setting you suggested I try, while our room dimensions are fairly similar?

When I started pushing the horns apart as you suggested, I didn't notice a point where midrange would thin out, but the whole picture would certainly open up and become clearer in every way, like a painting on the bellow of an accordion as it's opened.
The stage/sound-landscape would sort of overtake the room, or become one with it... As if the room no longer had any chance of compromising it (although there were of course still room mode problems with my single woofer per side!).
Unscientifically it seemed that every room-induced reflection-problem would become percentually smaller, because the stage was life-sized. Like spilling a drop of paint on a 1x1 inch picture is worse than on a 100 x 100 inch one.

I noticed you wished for a bigger room after finishing the 250Hz horn, but it looks to me as if there is room to push the speakers 1-2 meters more apart. Perhaps not related to the width dimension?

Would be interesting to know a little more about your chosen speaker positions, and perhaps see what it all looks like from the listening position.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site