Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: A longer turntable belt.
Post Subject: Everything points that I need a longer belt.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/26/2006

Yes, the theoretical static from the slipping ferromagnetic tape it was always that did not like in the tape idea but I always thought that the effect, if it ever take place, would be absolutely negligible, partially considering that I use conductive players the are grounded. I do not know if it was it, I do not think that I ever will and obviously if it was the static then I was absolutely beyond of something that I might detect.

I still would like to return to the rubber belt as I use to but unfortunately I have no idea what to get longer belt (I think it was 65” or 85” … I do not remember already). I was thinking to get the obtainable 35” belts and to glue them but I doubt that I would be able to do it well enough. There are people who can do long rubberish plastic belts, and I have them, but I do not like them – they are too heavy and too stiff.

The Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site