Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: It's might be another project...
Post Subject: An acoustic bass is NOT a dipole and can not be!Posted by rowuk on: 10/20/2024
Conventional string instruments are a special form of Helmholz resonators not dipoles! The strings that are supported at two ends in free air are mostly "audible" as articulation. The resonating top of the instrument, the bridge and the specific enclosed volume and shape, all add to create the complex resonances that make the tone. These forces are additive.

Dipoles only work if we can limit the subtraction of out of phase elements - mostly by giving them a lot of room to breathe. The room resonances are minimized as is the LF extension and LF linearity.

In the case of your corner horn speakers, we have a resonant chamber feeding the corner and that is very much the antithesis of a dipole. There are a couple of companies in Germany that have designed Horn Resonators. Hans Deutsch had speakers commercially available according to this principle. Chapter 2.1 talks about this.

There are also some DIY documented efforts also of interest. You will have to use Google Translate or similar as this is only in German. They also discuss how to match the resonant volume to the room.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site