Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Crane Radio CCE2
Post Subject: GenauPosted by Paul S on: 10/7/2024
My first German teacher was from Hamburg, and the second was from Hannover. To call them "language snobs" would be an understatement. You can bet that Bruckner would keep his voice down in their presence. Still, I know what you mean, Romy, even though the evil Nazi officers in the movies often speak very perfect German, to chilling effect, IMO.

It seems odd, looking back, that I first heard a GermanĀ  broadcast via a crystal radio that I built at about age 8. I could only get the broadcast at night, and I loved falling asleep to Wagner, etc.

Sure, US broadcast standards are variable (mostly bad) to the point where it angers me, but the matter of programming is actually at least as important to me, as I just can't relax for long hearing things I don't want to listen to. So, it became a particular frustration to set and trim and re-set the tuning and fiddle with adjustments while listening to stuff I don't like. Now it really is a matter of turning the radio on or off, and that's it. I push a button to turn on the radio and another button for a pre-set station. If I hear something I like I relax for a symphony or listen to a set, and I push the on/off button again to end the session. Not a Marantz 7 or TU-X experience, but it cuts the crap part to a minimum. Does this mean I'm finally softened up for streaming?

Best regards,
Paul S

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