Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Crane Radio CCE2
Post Subject: Drink DeeplyPosted by Paul S on: 10/6/2024
Well, Robin, you are in the Music Business, and I suppose you are privy to what's available in terms of FM programming at any given time. It seems like US Public Radio has had its ups and downs over the years, in terms of both programming and broadcast quality, with local stations having a lot of autonomy, and there is a resultant nationwide patchwork in terms of "listening experiences". I can tell you, for most of my life, wherever I have lived, I have "turned the knob" and listened for stations, and I have taken note of and tried to develop anything I deemed to be worthwhile. I hope you are in a position to drink deeply of the quality Music that's available to you at this time, and know that I envy anyone who can sit or lie down and just relax with good FM. The only rule here in the 'States is there are no rules as far as programming and broadcast quality, as both are subject to change on short or no notice at any time. I have enjoyed for years what I thought were stalwart FM stations only to have them suddenly go to pot or go dark. This CC2E radio is just a very hedonistic and partly cynical approach to quickly take advantage of what's available while it's available with minimal time, effort or expense.

Best regards.
Paul S

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