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In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Crane Radio CCE2
Post Subject: Crane Radio CCE2Posted by Paul S on: 10/4/2024
I got this heavy portable multi-band radio when I had a lot of down time and no energy, just wanted FM that was easy to turnĀ  on and off, mostly to listen to in my bedroom, including at night while I lay in bed. In particular, we have a local no-ads jazz station that was pretty good to begin with and it keeps getting better, also our local NPR station broadcasts recordings of our local symphony orchestra for 2 hours every Sunday night. The radio only has one built-in speaker, 5", but it receives stereo FM and it outputs good stereo via its headphone jack. I started out with Panasonic Ergo Fit IEMs, then I "moved up" to Sennheiser HD650 headphones. These headphones notoriously trail off at LF, howver the radio has "tone controls" for HF and LF that actually "work" pretty well with the HD650s. Setting aside "headphone issues" we all know about, I am able to get involved with the Music with this very simple set-up, and that's all I ask, so I am very happy with it. I can't and won't speak technically to the radio's reception capabilities, but I can and will say I am able to get both FM stations I want despite I am nested in a big patch of hills and valleys, and I have so far only used the built in telescoping antenna. I was able to mitigate minor "rushing" by putting di-electric grease on the headphone connectors. Anyone who has fiddled with FM knows that reception is a big (and variable!) issue, and that electrical cord orientation or anything else might affect it. Well, it has not been much of an issue for me for months now, since I found a good spot and orientation for the radio.

Paul S

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