Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Audio system: my path to dynamics
Post Subject: 3,600 Hours...Posted by Paul S on: 8/31/2024
People might want to put theĀ  "6 months" Romy dropped into perspective here, being sure to include the "20 hours per day" part. Using this "formula", if someone has 2 hrs/week for sharply-focused, applied listening and "system adjusting", they're looking at closer to 35 years. No wonder people roll their eyes back in their heads and go to the salons! And Romy did not mention the constant evolution of Musical Taste (and other "temporal variables"), ie, the Moving Target! Don't worry, I'm just messing around. Best case, hearing evolves and "progress becomes exponential", or something like that. The one thing that does not change over time is, one either hears something or one doesn't. Someone else might turn/tune ones attention, but in the end it is not possible to tune for what isn't heard, whether dynamics or the "related issues" Romy deftly touches on. This is one of many reasons why "copying someone else's system" NEVER results in the same sound, which takes us back, full circle, to Personal Sound, even when discussing objective matters, like topographic capabilities and related tendencies. For our purposes here, this is a sort of "guided tour" through the thinking and the trial and error processes behind a system that (ultimately) "works". IMO, to take this on faith and actually build it would be its own monumental journey, and no way to get through it without learning A LOT.

Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site