Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Richard Wetz and Martin Scherber, composers influenced by Bruckner
Post Subject: Thread vs sitePosted by steverino on: 8/29/2024
The conversation here was about composers who were influenced by Anton Bruckner's music, so I actually started the conversation in this thread. Your posts had absolutely nothing to do with the thread topic obviously as even you admitted.  There is no Richard Wetz site as this is a thread on Romy's site, not it's own website. It's not my website either  but I made it clear I had no problem if you wanted to start your own thread whether it had something to with audio or not. I am a bit puzzled that you only talk about so called AI visual images rather than so called AI generated music that at least would have some mild relevance to the site. I suppose also that gargoyles are prone to speaking in expletives.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site