Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: It's a Long Way to TipperaryPosted by Paul S on: 8/23/2024
Amir, I think “dynamics” are very important, too, but I have to say that dynamics are just another “aspect” of electro-mechanically (re)produced music, and there is plenty to consider in addition to dynamics before “accurate sound” comes across as Music. From attending shows and listening to demonstrations it seems like plenty of people get stuck in “sound as opposed to music”. More power to them, and I have actually gotten some ideas from gear/systems that I would never choose for my own. But I repeat ‘til I drop that your system ultimately reflects your (personal) Musical Tastes (or the lack thereof). I will share (yet again…) that I have expanded my system’s “range of musical expression” over many years, in order to “expand my Musical repertoire” and “accommodate increasing Musical Awareness”. Basically, I have re-visited and adjusted/tweaked different parts in order to avoid narrowing my musical choices down to just a few “good-sounding” recordings. Saying this I realize it seems like I’ve “dialed back accuracy” like turning a squelch knob, yet I assure you this is not the case, as I currently have more “Musically Relevant Detail” than ever before, including dynamics. To my ears and taste, “not all detail is created equal” where Music Appreciation is concerned. As ever, YMMV, since – I repeat (yet again…) – it’s Personal.
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site