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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: Cessaro vs Living Voice or Real vs MusicalPosted by Amir on: 8/21/2024
 Paul S wrote:
Amir, I hope you will continue to flesh out your idea that hi-fi is not personal, especially as this relates to "accuracy vs. musicality". At this point it seems to fly in the face of my own experience, also widely accepted ideas about "experiencing reality". You did go on to say, "not 100% personal", so perhaps that 99.999+% qualifier gives you some daylight, or perhaps (as I hope) I can learn something here.

Paul S

I think audio is not about taste and the proper way is clear/specified but because of the limits come from audio parts (for example compression drivers) then we should choose between trade-offs .Imagine if Cessaro Omega I with TAD drivers in proper setup give you real sound with wonderful dynamics and very good tone (not better than tonality of vitavox s2) and you compare Living Voice vox olympian vs Cessaro. Imagine Living Voice has perfect tone and very good dynamics (not as dynamic as Cessaro) so The result may be affected by music type.Both are very good playbacks but because of some limits in compression drivers you will decide about it. I think comparing these two speakers is not about the taste it is about the limits of each compression driver.

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