Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: Cost vs Complexity vs SOTA vs PersonalPosted by Paul S on: 8/20/2024
Amir, I suppose there are audio products I have not heard that do a good job, especially when we're talking about someone else's idea of a "good job". Speaking for myself, I would not be loooking for power and range from 2-way speakers, because my experience strongly suggests it doesn't work. I am willing to re-think this idea as soon as I hear the exception. I have accumulated notions like this for different components and for component matching, based on personal experience. A lot of ink has been spilled at GSC about another of my fairly-fixed notions, that high cost and/or complexity are not guarantees of good sound, no matter the blurbs that accompany the product. Rather they are what they are, simply high cost and/or complexity. Back to speakers, I still think it takes (the "right") big speakers to effectively make big sound, especially Big Sound for Big Music. Though I would be delighted to hear an exception, I have not heard an exception to this in over 60 years at hi-fi. Sure, there are plenty of audio products, most of them, in fact, that don't "live up to their price", and the same could be said regarding size and/or complexity. I certainly sympathize with dealers who honestly want to offer either "the best" or "best value" in audio. I suppose "best value" is easier, but it appears that the endless parade of products claiming to be "the best" will continue, as ever. Remember that, here at GSC, a Basic Tenet is the idea that audio is personal. Not sure how to sell this.

Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site